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About bluechipps

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    Bronze IV

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  1. bluechipps

    To all those who got banned

    Anyway, now that its clear what youre trying to do, I say we should all chill for a bit. Wait and see what theories the experts come up with. Even though this could technically be true (and likely is) there is no evidence that proves it yet, and even if there were, there wouldnt be a reason to explain it like that to the community since they will then just want us to teach them how to change the behavior of their bots... which of course isnt a thing
  2. bluechipps

    To all those who got banned

    Whoops my bad! I read "help the devs" and thought you meant GGG. Less confused now. Yeah maybe mention your intentions then in the first post, wasn't obvious to me at least
  3. bluechipps

    To all those who got banned

    Well now I'm even more confused.
  4. bluechipps

    To all those who got banned

    Well if they would rather lift my ban than have to explain why they banned me, I'd be cool with that. Something tells me that's not the option they will pick though. Also, if I did "have success" after all of that and forced them to give me the info, I can't imagine they'd then be inclined to toss me a get out of jail free card as a Thank You. Plus lets be honest, we all know that we are guilty... so what exactly would all that effort achieve? A letter from Chris explaining why botting is bad and I should feel bad? I don't get your angle here...
  5. bluechipps

    Just got banned :(

    I had been botting only in twilight strand on brand new account and bot never ran for more than a couple minutes. So its definitely a case where they developed a reliable method of recognizing bots even if only used once. Anyway, thanks EB team for years of support! You gave us means to enjoy the game fully even if we didn't have much free time Will be interesting to see if anyone figures out the tactic GGG went with for detecting it. Who knows, could just be checking for loaded libraries/exes, could be the client reporting back to them more information about mouse/keyboard/input patterns, could be anything... might be worth comparing most recent major client versions anyway to see if its something obvious. Anyway, cya guys
  6. Resolved by restarting the bot but figured you'd want to hear about it anyway. 2017-08-29 19:40:29 [info] -> Area switched from The Reliquary to Oriath Docks 2017-08-29 19:40:29 [info] -> Reinitializing exploration and transition maps 2017-08-29 19:40:31 [info] -> Area switched from Oriath Docks to The Reliquary 2017-08-29 19:40:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:34 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:34 [info] -> Area finished!! 2017-08-29 19:40:34 [info] -> Creating tp... 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Area finished!! 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Distance computed for tp use: 0.000000 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. 2017-08-29 19:40:35 [info] -> Area finished!! 2017-08-29 19:40:36 [info] -> Area switched from The Reliquary to Oriath Docks 2017-08-29 19:40:36 [info] -> Reinitializing exploration and transition maps 2017-08-29 19:40:38 [info] -> Area switched from Oriath Docks to The Reliquary 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area finished!! 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Area finished!! 2017-08-29 19:40:40 [info] -> Creating tp... 2017-08-29 19:40:42 [info] -> Mission finished, considering current area as cleared. 2017-08-29 19:40:42 [info] -> Current complex map explored !! 2017-08-29 19:40:42 [info] -> Already reached destination from current path to follow. 2017-08-29 19:40:42 [info] -> Area finished!! 2017-08-29 19:40:43 [info] -> Area switched from The Reliquary to Oriath Docks 2017-08-29 19:40:43 [info] -> Reinitializing exploration and transition maps 2017-08-29 19:40:45 [info] -> Area switched from Oriath Docks to The Reliquary 2017-08-29 19:40:47 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:47 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:47 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town.. 2017-08-29 19:40:47 [info] -> Area has already been explored in a previous run. Going back to town..
  7. bluechipps

    Farms wrong area

    If i set the bot to farm the Warehouse Sewers, it picks Ebony Barracks instead. Fresh install 69b
  8. bluechipps

    Suggestion for using portal gem

    Came here to post the same thing. Just would be nice if I could have it use portal gem (aka cast skill X) when it wants to go back to town instead of using a scroll.
  9. it gave the same result before and after being ID'ed
  10. bluechipps

    general performance gone down

    this is due to a couple system settings not being read properly from system.ini. The big one that stopped working which had the most impact is AI_clicks_per_second. Unfortunately it seems that the true default value for this setting is 5 and not 10 like it says. Probably 5 is hard-coded as the default and 10 was put into the config as the default. Now that the bot can't read stuff in system.ini it is running at 5 ticks per second. I need this up at at least 20 for some of my builds If you look at the log files you will see that the bot performs exactly 5 actions every second which is way too slow and AI_clicks_per_second used to be the setting to adjust it.
  11. bluechipps


    my first key appears to be missing, thanks in advance
  12. Ok well the verdict is that it indeed was partially my fault lol. The reason I overlooked the issue at first was due to the order of my 'process of elimination'. First I tried running it on multiple machines copied from the original. Then all the other random stuff like rebooting and trying other characters etc. Eventually I even slowly narrowed down the skill configs thinking it had to be something there causing it, literally changed all the settings in the bot to be identical to the default profile which still didn't work. Finally I realized that I hadn't actually created any new profiles, only modified current ones to mirror the default (since I was working backwards 1 skill/setting at a time). This solved the problem, creating a fresh profile. After learning the source of the problem and comparing the 2 config folders there was only 1 difference between them. All the profiles I had been testing with lacked this variable monster_max_attack_distance_value=0 So the part that isn't my fault is that first of all, it just all of a sudden broke without me doing anything other than maybe stopping and starting the bot a few times and relaunching. Also I went back and looked at older version folders which had the same configs for my character that I move to each new version... all the old configs did have this variable in them. So at some point today it was removed from my configs. In conclusion I think instead of spending any more time trying to figure out why it happened, maybe just in your next release version if you could default this value to 0, or add a debug entry to the logfile when an expected variable can't be located in the config, that would definitely prevent any future problems. Of course if you're bored the best solution would be to append any missing variables to the ini so that potentially bugged users like me who go looking at the configs will be aware that they exist as options. Also if you guys are busier these days and looking for any additional help, I'd enjoy redirecting my time towards the project instead. I specialize in efficiency and and updating old code but also write my own. Would be great to contribute to something I enjoy that isn't just for personal use or for my job
  13. Negative, im a CS major myself and systems administrator for a living at the moment. Also I do a fair amount of reversing/debugging for fun as well. While it wouldn't be the first time if it ended up being something embarrassingly simple, at this point I'm pretty confident that its not. If I had it working at least on one machine I could compare some stacks or Procmon logs and probably track down enough info to diagnose it. So that's what I'm trying to do now is just get it working somewhere. Will update with any progress.
  14. Both are running as administrator. Also like I mentioned, from the time that i was botting without any issues to the time 30 minutes later when enemy detection stopped working, the game client was not restarted, aka same admin rights/access. Since then of course I have tried everything... power cycle all 3 physical machines that I have tested it on, tried other profiles, tried a completely fresh bot and made a profile from scratch, etc. As you can see in the lastrun.log file, everything works fine except it simply isn't aware of any hostile units anywhere in the game. All the other memory pointers and resulting values are being accessed and used, its as if the pointer to the game objects struct has somehow moved without the client files having been modified by GGG or myself in the last few days.
  15. As of about 2-3 hours ago, the bot simply has forgotten how to detect enemy units and will walk right past them. I've tried setting it all up on my laptop, clean install of the bot, different zones, different skill setups, but from the logs it just looks like the bot does not even recognize they exist. Literally i was botting just fine, then about 30 minutes later after lunch game was still running but restarted the bot etc. and since then its been broken. Short video showing the lastrun.log at the end. I have been watching shoutbox on the forums for any evidence that others are also having trouble but seems like it is just me.
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