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About Zifnab

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    Bronze V

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  1. Zifnab

    v 0.16c Arctic Armor Check

    Thanks for all the hard work! The quick releases have been great and awesome! Thank you for implementing Arctic Armor too! It helps me a ton! One issue with arctic armor though... After the first run it doesn't cast arctic armor again... either the check for arctic armor isn't working or it might be that it was only programmed to cast it once. When you have time want to take a look into this? Thanks for all your hard work!
  2. Zifnab

    Highest level question.

    Just wondering, What's the highest you've gotten a botted character to? I'm around low 90-92,and I feel like any higher would take absolutely forever due to the diminishing returns of exp on 67 maps. Has anyone got anywhere close 100 as of yet?
  3. Zifnab

    Few issues

    I'm not sure if they've been brought up as of yet. But one particular event for catacombs will ALWAYS no matter what version, not bother opening a new instance and just head directly into the map. It's when the wp is on the left and the catacombs entrance is directly ontop and a bit to the right. Every other map placement of the catacombs works like it should, all except for this one. Also I thought it was fixed in the previous update but the stashing of false 6L and 5L are still pretty common. Anyways that's all I have for now!
  4. Sometimes 9 out of 10 times I hit start bot I get the a blue overlay over my POE and the bot just does not work. This did not use to happen, but has been happening more recently. I have updated .net frame work and direct x. Anyone else have this issue?
  5. Zifnab

    Bot entering back into tp

    I've found recently after watching it, that from time to time it will click in to a previous tp rather then the wp in town. And it will then attempt to reexplore the map. Not sure if this has been brought up, so I just wanted to make sure to report it.
  6. Zifnab

    Exiled Insurance v0.1

    Great program! Is there going to be a possibility of adding Catacombs support to the maps?
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