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About drmaboul

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    Bronze I

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  1. drmaboul

    new v0.19 bugs...post the details here dudes!

    inventory full of blue/white item
  2. drmaboul

    Where can I get bot source code?

    sure get free code, modify and sell it, get free code, see how auth work, and break it. etc... Now i'm sure you are not trolling ...
  3. drmaboul

    Where can I get bot source code?

    a programmer asking for free code of this bot ... people nowadays ... not sure if stupid, or just trolling
  4. drmaboul

    0.18b Portal Bug

    same with portal, it seems it happend when bot makes a portal but can't go inside because he moved a bit too far. So he use every others portal scroll
  5. they can laught, we're still making money
  6. drmaboul

    Post your Bot Rig here!

    Thats because VM doesn't use GPU. Or he use it (a little) but not in the way we usually think : show images. VM emulate a GPU from your CPU. This is why when you go from 30fps to 60 fps (with dxtory) you'll see way more CPU ressource used.
  7. drmaboul

    general performance gone down

    same problem here
  8. drmaboul

    0.17 Bug's I've encountered so far

    mine love a lot to jump(leap slam, main attack) on the same place,like 6+ times per map. (i unblock him manually)(clean-new config) hjappend a lot more in dried lake !!? dunno why and another, crash sometimes after he, re-enter on a portal map
  9. drmaboul

    Catacomb Warlocks

    https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2525-main-target/ go upvote this, the more attention it gets, the more chance we have to get this quickly we have
  10. drmaboul

    Pickit Ignore syntax

    map support will be coming soon, they working on it since few days/weeks. a little advice : don't loose too many times on this.
  11. drmaboul

    How to set up private vpn server for IP's

    It require some knowledge on linux It might be done on window, but will cost more you need to rent a server, can be a VPS (cheaper than a real full server)(server need tun/tap). Install openvpn and setup for several IP. Config iptable (firewall) for routing to. I did this for myself, it's working pretty good, but require some knowledge with linux(debian in my case)
  12. drmaboul

    minimum run time

    good idea ! Or the bot can go back on the same instance if he not spend enought time in it
  13. last update is working for me, did you try to download the last on : https://bitbucket.org/BlackSun7/autopoe
  14. drmaboul

    Option to target "specials" first

    do want, so bot can focus bishop who raise his ally
  15. drmaboul

    Main target

    Sorry didn't see it ^^
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