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Everything posted by lalelu
the most important question: is rushing safe? Even if the rusher is non-botted the account is in party with 10? 20? 30? bot accounts.*phew*.... i wouldn't assume a long life ... i tried questing with 1 rusher and a few leecher (later bot accounts) and i failed . I would NEVER party with Bot A and Bot B. Makes paying for differenct VPN's/Dedicated IP's useless... Level a fast rush character by hand takes even more time than questing a few bot accounts and let them run.... (i guess..) and i dont know why many people want to sell lvl 35 or lvl 50 or such...? If the bot is working, let them run over night and overlevel by 10... why not... It is really no problem to gain this levels - the questing and equipping part is the stupid thing... a few facebreaker items are nice, but it is hard work to get 6+ equip sets fitting for lvl 10/20/40/50/60/.... and then, when you got a lvl 70 ready - nice and sexy - traded WoE and such crap.... you get banned after 50 dock runs.... *wohooo* it is not easy at the moment. In fact too much risk and too much troubles to end up with some $ at the end of the month.... (auth -> stupid, vpn -> stupid, bugs -> stupid, ban war -> stupid, currency prices -> stupid, mule and xchange your crap into ex/et -> stupid)
i've lost the overview. please give us a "go" when we can download the bot with the "reversed" settings. and please think about a implement a "timeline" in your bot-download-thread So everyone here can follow the 100's of updates
boring as hell - but i try. am i the only idiot questing each account separately? but i really avoid to party up bot accounts... even i got separate IP's.... high ban risk...
i use shared folders for my PoE. my accounts have different levels and different quest status. So i need different Skill Settings, different loot-settings and different Y-Coords each bot.... not talking about the stupid authentication... Each time a update hits us i am not sure what happens if i just overwrite the .exe.
Its painful to start a fresh bot installation on every single VM after each update. (settings, auth infos, coords bug,...) Sometimes overwrite the old .exe with the new .exe leads to troubles. How can i save time???? greets
this... and now the forum is laggy again... @alk: do whatever you have to do... but do it fast and reliable.... you made a lot of money out of this project, so please allow us to proceed OUR business. this is not just "for fun" - money has been burned and no one here likes it... i really don't understand how ONE person can crush a whole community.
strange that RC version didn't have the stash bug... was stashing 1-4 proper.... but latest version cannot stash more than 1 tab...
what about the auth server??? i still cannot use my elite features... when i activate them i get the "unlocked!" message but it doesn't work
- How long do you think the bot will be unusable? 1 day? 2 days? 4 days? - Do you sell some old equip and delete the old high-lvl? - Can the bot handle char-slots? (if i don't delete the old ladder char) greets
to be honest i am afraid of using Auto PoE with 6VMs and high cpu-usage. might produce more troubles than it helps
botting on main: risk botting on main with a active guild/friendslist: risk² although i heard GGG hasn't much manpower to take care about cheater-reports the botting style you use is very rare my friend, honestly i don't think the dev's will put much attention to this case. at least you should start a fresh acc just for botting purpose. more safety and the output is somehow the same. you can mule.
and still the stupid "Siosa" bug at library
since f and g i have frequent crashes while multibotting
one of my keys is missing (ordered ~20hours ago) if you got the possibility to get a small license extension please do so (many troubles and nearly 3 days missing the possibility to bot with my 30days license)
Hey, these are 2 problems i cannot fix since weeks... I7 3770k, 32gb ram, SSD http://www.amazon.com/SAMSUNG-2-5-Inch-Internal-MZ-7PC128B-WW/dp/B0077CR60Q (too weak?) 6 Bots running "ok" for the first hours but soon i face the problems: - after a few hours 1 (random) VM (or even 2) got Network Disconnect - only Restart helps. Tried 2 different machines, different VPNs, Bridged and NAT. i can only image it's my WLAN or my provider's connection/modem - after a few hours most VM's got 100% CPU load spikes...(1 core each), especially when loading the map. Heat is ok (big noctua cooler) If you got ideas please let me know
well, i will try a fresh install then...
getting stuck.... i am afraid this happens only with new bot version, never experienced this before. anyone else?
well. now i get the information i needed... at least a part of it... The most important information is that you admit: running multiple VM's is a huge HEAT producer... you never talked about this until i stepped into the discussion... - amd instead of intel... i always used i7 when i was botting Diablo 3... in fact i cannot switch my cpu again... a i7 cannot be so much behind amd?? - cooling ... my gaming laptop got a decent cooling system, but i guess not enough. so again... i am limited because i don't want to burn my laptop with 7 or 8 vm's.... So this struggles me: Laptop > XMG P722 PRO Gaming Notebook 43,9cm (17.3") . 43,9cm (17.3") Full-HD > > (1920*1080) Non-Glare . 2x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M 1536MB GDDR5 | TDP: > > 2x 75W SLI . Intel Core i7-3630QM - 2,40 - 3,40GHz 6MB 45W . 16GB > > (2x8192) SO-DIMM DDR3 RAM 1600MHz CORSAIR Vengeance . 256GB SATA-III > > SSD Crucial RealSSD M4 (CT256M4SSD2 Cooling --> Fail PC I7-3770k - 3.50 GHz 32 GB CORSAIR Vengeance AMD Radeon HD 7900 Samsung SSD 830 Series 120 GB but only 20 GB left -.- big Noctua Cooler decent MSI board SSD -> Fail running 3 or 4 bots each is stupid. So much parts of my machines are overkill and help nothing *lol* So my next step is cleaning up my 120 GB SSD and try to get more bots on one system to save power... what do you think?
8-10 VM's on this machine? no. i don't want to be rude, but with VMs so many things can go wrong. When i was botting Diablo 3 i had 11 Bots running. No problems or at least only few problems. When i started VM’s and PoE i got the best result with only 3 VM’s… you know what i mean? Although i used almost every guide for tweaking windows/poe etc. My Laptop got similar stats as your setup above, only i7 cpu instead. With 4 VMs the fan is at maximum speed and hot air is flowing. 8 VM’s? Never ever… I wish anyone here who’s running 7 or 8 Bots FLAWLESS (no stupid swagger) (no crashes, no network troubles, no stuttering) would share his complete setup. Not minimal information like "build your rig, use walters guide, set up 8 VM's with win7 lite, download poe and bot, run" Because it will NOT work as intended
- new ladder is near, maybe it is possible to add a few simple quests or at least a possibility to let the bot grind until he gets to a special point (where you take-over) Questing/Running is painful - drop all items in the stash ( for faster muleing) - better account security. check which IP is active/ is it the same. Check if realm down and stop re-loggin, - smart pickit. many people work on it - which is very nice. But at the end a beginner/medium/expert pickit would be the best solution. Actually it's a bit of chaos. - different vendor coords. much better guides to handle it now, but still a nasty thing when you keep your bot alone and after 8hours you find him idling at the vendor after 10 minutes botting -.- - auto-update or at least a small guide what has to be done. (last update the old skill setup was unusable, wasted 15 minutes to find out und update all bots (*omg*) (sarcasm)) - better skill GUI. sorry, i don't like the actual GUI. thanks
- bot cannot handle difficulty settings (for example if you leave in cruel and want to start botting merciless) - bot cannot handle different camps (for example if you leave in act2 and want to bot act3) - NPC Vendor bug is quit annoying - happens everytime when i reinstall a fresh bot. Clarissa etc. - Bot cannot handle Act3 City of Sarn, somehow bugs around and mixes act2 and act3 camp - Bot cannot handle Act2 start area (forest) thanks
*ouch* so GGG got option: - currency flagged- -trade flagged- - ip flagged/banned- - chat banned- and hundreds of ways to get your account completely banned that hurts O.o one of my acc's got currency flagged a few days ago. maybe i should try to trade with sometime to test out if i am also trade flagged...
so which penalty do players get that have high lvl? like 84... i guess botting to lvl 85ish is no problem, so the players with a high lvl toon are the loosers because they get less currency? Is this really the way GGG designed the game? i can hardly believe that....
Hey, maybe you can help in this case: - bot picks some useless items. i am using http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1274-the-1-ex-minimum-pickit/ (already moved the folder to the upper direction) - bot is sometimes stuck at clarissa although i fixed the coordinates http://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1415-clarissa-sell-button/ - bot is using act2 camp for selling items altough i am act 3 and picked the right settings. - after a while bot is using dualstrike without having some mobs near. runs a few steps, using dual strike, and same again, over and over. another account with exactly same bot settings (library) doesn't do this Will update this soon. thanks
Hey, got this a few times: bot is at full life, but somehow uses escape and 1 second later game crashes and the EB Window is left alone without game client. I dunno what causes the crash and i also wonder why he isn't using the TP scrolls (if he would like to start a fresh instance) Maybe someone else got this too... I can only assume my HDD is at full load and causes this (running 6 atm)