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About beybuss

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    Bronze I

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  1. beybuss

    Just got banned :(

    +1 Press F to pay respects
  2. beybuss

    Bot not selling the chaos recipe

    I've set up my bot to pick up and sell the chaos recipe in unidentified mode, in pickit settings I got only chaos recipe checked, the stash tab are also set correctly. I also removed the rares section in pickit file. Bot is storing the items but almost never taking them out and selling them. He sold them like once in a few hours setting, this should be improved so the bot checks the set availability everytime while stashing.
  3. beybuss

    Bot 'forgets' to sell/stash items

    I've found that it's needed to start the bot in hideout if you got the chaos recipe checked. Otherwise it will keep going back and forth between farming location and waypoint like in the video i linked.
  4. beybuss

    Bot 'forgets' to sell/stash items

    Sometimes it tps back to town and goes straight to the farming place without selling/stashing, after this it's stuck in a loop like this: https://streamable.com/kxza4 Link from reddit by the way, people are noticing this.
  5. beybuss

    program attached crashes

    I think it's the problem with the bot itself. Many people reported crashes, happens to me too.
  6. I mean they grow to 800mb+ after some time and I have to delete them cause my vm runs out of space, is there any way to prevent this?
  7. beybuss

    Essences and currency stash tab!

    Yeah im aware of that. The point is that bot treats essences as currency and it can stash only 5 of them in the currency stash tab. After that it stops. So the only way to use bot with currency stash tab now is to ignore essences and not pick them at all which sucks...
  8. beybuss

    Essences and currency stash tab!

    It doesn't work well with currency stash tab, cause it has only 5 or so slots for custom currency. Any way to make bot stash them in stash tab 2 instead of 1?
  9. beybuss

    This key is not activated.

    Nvm, fixed it.
  10. As topic says, sometimes my bot clicks on Dismiss instead of Sell and just stands there. This started happening on itself, I never changed anything in the bot or position of my master I sell to. Any advice?
  11. So I just bought the currency stash tab and bot deposits currency there but can't deposit cards. Is it possible to make bot stash cards somewhere else?
  12. beybuss

    Pickit - Currency section

    So bot works with the currency stash tab from store? You mean it deposits but won't run maps with it, can't take/use currency?
  13. So after some runs I notice my bot just stops and stands in town. When I reset it, somehow it switches to free user and all config is reseted. Any ideas?
  14. beybuss

    Bot has been crashing after couple of hours

    I can confirm that bot and poe crashes due to low memory. This wasn't a case before the new game updates. Fuckin ggg.
  15. beybuss

    Bot picking lvl 1 0q gems?

    I'm using fresh 0.50c on warbands and it still picks it.
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