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About frank1337

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  1. frank1337

    Issues running bot. 7/31

    Current statues: working
  2. frank1337

    Bot Still Active

    for me it wont work properly since the last update could anyone confirm if he is still able to use it, or the offsets need update?
  3. frank1337

    Issues running bot. 7/31

    i wouldnt call it RIP but its not a good sign that there is no communication either great news soon, or this project really got left for dead (which would be sad, without saying a proper goodbye)
  4. frank1337

    Request of Information for everybody, To Development team.

    is it really dead, were there any official news?
  5. frank1337

    Issues running bot. 7/31

    hi i saw this happen with other cheating software, but i can pretty much guarantee you this isnt the case here. exilebot is older then exilebuddy. also is updated for new patches sooner then exilebuddy most of the time. im pretty sure there is some new anticheat code, or even just a change in code that makes it hard to update/read out memory/offsets which slows the update down or makes it impossible. The fact that we havent gotten any news is not a good sign, since this has been a major update for the botting community, any sort of info would be nice.
  6. frank1337

    Issues running bot. 7/31

    i think what u describe means the offsets arent updated i know exilebuddy closed down sales and their project and the fact that we havent gotten any news here, seems like its either a very very hart nut to crack/or also closed down without official annoncement nobody knows for sure, any info would be nice
  7. frank1337

    Im not banned (only leveling tho)

    might be that i wasnt playing during the banwave/flag then, im not sure
  8. frank1337

    Im not banned (only leveling tho)

    hi i made a completely new account on sunday and leveled a character from 1-60 with as much botting as i could do. I ran act 1-4 with the progression mode (100% afk) and then i overleveled like crazy in zones before doing the acts by hand. I have not been banned so far, new account, 5-6hours daily slow (obvious) bot leveling.... Just trying to give some info so we can solve the ban situation ( i noticed people who posted today, all did maps on their hideout, maybe something in that function is getting caught)
  9. frank1337

    bot SOLD my freaking equipment, dafuq???

    there is another variable triggerin it then that i think everytime the bot runs out of maps and goes into dried lake or something like that, because it happens rarely, but it still does i have adjusted my lootfilter so he now stashes my quiver, but happened twice since i opened the thread if someone could tell me what exactly is causing that, i would be super happy
  10. hey the bot sold my quiver two nights in a row , the one i had equipped today he even unequipped my weapon and put it into the chest, and sold my quiver again i wasnt sure if the first time it was the bot or me who wasnt paying attention, but it happened two nights in a row now what the fuck is happening there????? its really really really annyoing
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