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About Kintaro

  • Rank
    Elite User

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  1. Kintaro

    Where did the eb1 stuff go on discord?

    only people with a license can see those sections
  2. Kintaro

    Forum style

    funny to talk about bots when a bot writes that ^^
  3. Kintaro

    Slack server ?

    join discord . check readme.txt of the bot file
  4. Kintaro


    that is not decided yet lol ^^
  5. Kintaro


    already working. restart and go.
  6. readme has discord link and a video tutorial link
  7. Kintaro

    How to setup the Exiled Bot - 2018 Edition

    join discord for support and readme.txt for help you skipped it
  8. Kintaro

    Have I been blocked?

    the update is already out . patch the game and restart eb
  9. Kintaro

    Have I been blocked?

    join discord for support also there was a game update - that's why the functionality is not there
  10. Kintaro

    Bot isnt working 3.25.0b

    join discord for support
  11. Kintaro

    Bot isnt working 3.25.0b

  12. Kintaro

    Bot isnt working 3.25.0b

    updated of course
  13. Kintaro

    ned help to setup poe bot

    join discord for support. also there was a patch this morning. update comes later
  14. Kintaro

    Bot not working

    this is not the bot. it is right now a POE issue itself
  15. Kintaro

    Kalguur League - tier list

    those question would be for official POE forums and look out for youtube videos for new players.
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