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About caon

  • Rank
    Elite User
  • Birthday 10/17/1988

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  1. caon

    Exiled bot keeps interacting with my Desktop

    oh i meant the option in the game. under ui tab if im not mistaken where you enable/disable quest tracking etc. there should be "confine mouse to window".
  2. caon

    Exiled bot keeps interacting with my Desktop

    have you try enabling the "confine mouse to window" in the poe setting?
  3. Nawwww, no worries man. Thats was my original intention, to share my script and hoping for someone to create a simpler working stuff.
  4. Currently busy IRL T_T

  5. aah yes, the script written with my default attack skill on the mousewheel to detect if its intown or not. so the pixel color might be different from yours to begin with. (imma try to put something later on to generate pixelcolor upon running the script) so, its either the pixlcolr or you need to replace the image file with your new one. (although i already tested on both ultra crappy graphic and highest setting possible, yours might be different) and like BrownL said, you can use the mouseover script for the time being because it doesnt contain any loop or pxl/imgsearch and its more straightforward in retrieving the y-coordinates.
  6. caon

    2nd Aura

    lol try to check around the forum thread 1st next time please.. try adding aura_delay=1500 in your system.ini files under [general] section
  7. ADDED vendor coordinates update on manual mouseover
  8. caon

    Bot standing still after casting aura

    add aura_delay=1500 in your system.ini under [general] section.
  9. caon

    Some help would be appreciated, new user.

    The bot doesnt run on WindowsXP if im not mistaken. You can always try to find the lite edition of Windows7 if you wanna run it on an old system.
  10. caon


    missing one here.
  11. caon

    Made 70 Exalted Orbs in 2 days!

    yeah. damn RNGeesus.
  12. caon

    What was it?

    loool. nice support work! you could atleast support him emotionally tho =p
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