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Beta Tester
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About Cerebellum

  • Rank
    Elite User
  • Birthday 07/21/1990

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  1. Cerebellum

    License key missing

    So i have 3x elite+ licenses but only 1 shows a license key.
  2. Cerebellum

    Lifetime License

    Yea i'm the same way. 2 of 3 keys are missing.
  3. Cerebellum

    Lifetime License

    I'm having this issue also. I have 3 license but only 1 is showing a key.
  4. Cerebellum

    Q: Selling junk finds

    Make sure you have key pickup enabled in the Path of Exile UI Options.
  5. So I also just tested this for about an hour and noticed that sometimes it wasn't recasting auras after chicken. so i tried a true log out for another hour and it casts auras after every chicken. not sure how related this is or if alk has it set up to reset at the login screen. just thought i would report my findings on it.
  6. immo your right. the only thing it would fix is if your forgetful and have multiple accounts like me. i'll run bot and after awhile it chickens and since i last logged into a different account it gets stuck on "Your credentials are out of date."
  7. Cerebellum

    Auto Kill PoE [v0.05]

    Yea man I'll set that up as soon as possible. i'll have to add a .ini file for it to save the settings but thats no biggie. I originally made it for ease of use so i didn't have too many people asking questions but i think i may go a little more indepth with it.
  8. The idea of this would actually help alot of damage over time skills like incinerate also. I like this idea alot. +1
  9. i was curious so i tried it. I was able to get 62 in 10 sec but could i keep that up for multiple minutes. helllll no.
  10. Cerebellum

    Picked Items Line-ID

    I like the idea of this but i feel it also need to log what was sold. That way if it sold something i would have rather kept i can also fix that.
  11. Im having an issue that i never had before. if im attacking and it pops a flask it "disrupts" my attack and i have to click again. and considering i use cyclone with alot of leech its not very nice. any ideas?
  12. Cerebellum

    Can someone link me to Aura settings?

    You dont have it selected as an aura. if you open the bot and go to skills under the key that you have hatred set to you will see "is aura" yours are all set to false. so double click the key for hatred and towards the middle right of the box that appears there is a check box that says "is aura" check that and save settings. restart bot and you should be good to go.
  13. Cerebellum

    Invasion Bosses

    Wow thanks for this. saved alot of time looking them up seeing as how i clicked this just to see what it was.
  14. Cerebellum

    Can someone link me to Aura settings?

    what auras are you using and also post your skills.ini
  15. Cerebellum

    Auto Kill PoE [v0.05]

    Now it does.
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