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Everything posted by rodin

  1. Chests = chests Strongbox = Urns + Strongboxes. It is working like this.
  2. rodin

    Help with my pickit please

    If you open th default file you can see all you need to know inside the pickit.
  3. rodin

    Chromatic Recipe...

    Wy use 30s when you could use 1s [Rarity] == "Unique" && [Drop] == "forced" && [timespan] == "1s" # [stashItem] == "true"
  4. rodin

    Bot stuck in Guild stash + Act 1 Nessa

    No offsets to click in the sell button, edit your Y coord for Nessa (npc_sell_button_y_nessa) inside the coordinates.ini. Y value decreases, clicks higher. Y value increased, clicks lower. Trial and error, use increments of 10.
  5. rodin

    My Pickit

    Looks good. Liked all the comments, its easier to improve the pickit this way, dont need to check all the mods all the time. Good job. edit. ( [Type] == "Timber Axe" || [Type] == "Headsman Axe" || [Type] == "Labrys" || [Type] == "Noble Axe" || [Type] == "Abyssal Axe" || [Type] == "Karui Chopper" || [Type] == "Sundering Axe" || [Type] == "Ezomyte Axe" || [Type] == "Vaal Axe" || [Type] == "Despot Axe" || [Type] == "Void Axe" ) && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_physical_damage_+%] >= "130" && [local_minimum_added_physical_damage]>= "16" && [StashItem] == "true" I think the syntax should be like this, dont remeber the reasons. But I could be wrong.
  6. Well Im currently using Perandus Blazon, maybe the 20% increased flask effect is interfiring with the quicksilver flask, will try to test later. Again, great script, Gurub, must have for every1.
  7. rodin

    15j Pickit Bug

    Same here, fixed the coords, but the bot gets stuck with vendor and inventory tabs open doin nothing. =DD Not that important, just happy I can get some exp without playing.
  8. rodin

    Who can help me, what's the problem?

    Old version.
  9. rodin

    Well done! - Your Elite Check sucks!!!

    Still is an annoying bug, despite the fact that shrek is a crying litle bitch he has a point.
  10. rodin

    [Petition]Add catacombs support!

    well, if implementing catacombs would delay map support forget this idea, like gamemaster said maps >>>>>>>>>>>>> catacombs
  11. rodin

    Can this bot be used for leveling?

    I always do this: Rush Ledge, get lvl 12 Rush Western Forest, get lvl 25+ Rush Docks, get lvl 37+ Rush Cruel Western Forest, get lvl 45+ Rush Cruel Docks, get lvl 55+ Rush Merc Western Forest, get lvl 60+ Rush Merciless Docks/Library and start farming.
  12. rodin

    [Safe Boting] Exiled-Bot [Easy Guide]

    I do the opposite in almost all steps, I think the fact that my acount is old and I used to play legit for something like 2-3 months have something to do.
  13. rodin

    My feature wish list

    I would like some chat log and differents keys for pause/start bot, maybe f10 start, f12 pause, it would help my script for Catacombs.
  14. rodin

    [Petition]Add catacombs support!

  15. [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && (([base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25") || ([base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "25") || ([base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25")) && [stashItem] == "true"
  16. rodin

    [Forum] Trade Reputation

    But I think that inflation would only happen in standard league, 4 month league end so fast and hardcore is hardcore, stable economy.
  17. Now that we have an RMT trade section, maybe you guys could add some especific feedback to trades, like the ones we have in ownedcore. It would help a lot to identify trusted traders and avoid a lot of problems with scammers. Lets make EB's forum a beacon of poe's RMT =DDDDDDDDDDD
  18. rodin

    [FORUM] Self reputation

    Hi, I dont think it is intended, but we can +1 rep our own posts, if it is intended ignore my thread =D Good work in the new forum, it is awesome.
  19. every quest state have his own coords, the coords used in coordinates.ini are the "all quests done" coords. You need to manually change the value acord to your state.
  20. rodin

    How much do you farm per 1 bot?

    yeah you are right gloom, but still they are goin pretty fast, maybe a lot aof people like me dont know that =/. Multistrike and melee splash are my new bets, lvling a lot of them.
  21. rodin

    How much do you farm per 1 bot?

    Well for this you kind have to know which builds are popular, right now I would go for reduced mana, melee gems, discharger gems. Reduced Mana 20/20 is pretty much auto-sold as soon as you lvl it.
  22. rodin

    In The Furute...

    Yeah, using client's functions to click = ban, EB ways is safer. The only method I could see is using some third party software to create multiple mouse pointers, but all the softs I find are in the earlier stages of beta. Microsoft require you to create you own API https://www.microsoft.com/multipoint/mouse-sdk/developer.aspx, but I dont have the knowledge/care enough to pursuit.
  23. rodin

    Chromatic Recipe

    I dont think we have a check to socket's color. Maybe in the future.
  24. rodin

    How much do you farm per 1 bot?

    1 bot = 900 chaos per week easily. If you know what you are doing. People usually are blindsided to how to make currency botting in this game, it is not about currency's drop, it is not about gear drop, it is about gems and xp. I always laugh when I see some1 saying " LOL buying good gear for bot, LOLOLOLOL you are a noob1!!11".
  25. If you use some good smart pickit profile IIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IIQ by far. For farming usually people go to docks, library and city of sarn, remember that for drop currency penalties your level is never considered to be higher than 68, so library would give you 100% drop chance.
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