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About melchome

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  1. melchome

    What is the best farming build for bot?

    Id be very cautious about botting on my main account (i personally wont do it at all) the bot isnt easy for them to detect but they get lucky once in a while. Back to the topic i have also had really good luck with a cyclone build but it does occasionally get caught in tight spaces. Not sure how else to word that.
  2. melchome

    still recasts auras each reload

    Im not positive but to me it would seem that reloading the .config would also clear its "memory" which is where that information is kept.
  3. melchome

    out of memory

    I actually tried to run my win 10 vm with 6 cores and 6 gigs ram and i had strange crashing issues also. I turned it baxk diwn to 4 cores 4 gigs and its worked perfect ever since.
  4. melchome

    License key missing

    No i wasnt sure if i should bother him with a pm but if hes the only one ill send one now. Thanks.
  5. melchome

    License key missing

    Same issue here i have 3 but only 2 show keys.
  6. melchome

    Lifetime License

    It wont let me make a support ticket it says its not avalable for my account. Who do i need to pm to fix this. Please
  7. melchome

    Lifetime License

    Yes. Should i try to "buy" it again ? Dont want to mess things up more
  8. melchome

    Lifetime License

    I also have a 3rd licence that is not showing a key.
  9. melchome

    You have to be elite to use bot 45+...

    It's worth it. 45+ is where all the good stuff is at. Becoming elite unlocks a lot of extras and support tips and tricks setups. Overall if you really like playing/botting path of exile donating is defiantly worth it.
  10. melchome

    Bot Leaked with elite key

    untill the passphrase changes i guess they are free but im sure that wont last long, its pretty shitty that someone would do that but this is the world we live in i guess.
  11. melchome

    Bot won't pass the Character Selection Screen

    Sounds like the bot isn't registering that the client has actually logged in and idk how to help, sorry
  12. melchome

    Bot won't pass the Character Selection Screen

    what's that? well if you dont know what it is then your not, but steam is a streaming gameing platform and poe can be played from it now after release but last i knew the bot didnt work with it.
  13. melchome

    Bot won't pass the Character Selection Screen

    Are you useing the steam loader ?
  14. melchome

    GGG nerfing drop rates for bots

    thats pretty crazy, i like the part where he talks about us calling them dumb asses for not banning us lol
  15. melchome

    Login issues with the bot (coordinates?)

    Are you useing the steam loader ?
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