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Everything posted by fraggle

  1. fraggle

    Anyone using Enduring Cry?

    i use enduring cry, works really good you can see it here viewtopic.php?f=25&t=673 ; Set here the key or the mouse button of the skill. skill2_key=mouse_wheel ; Set here the minimum distance from monster to use this skill. skill2_min_distance_value=200 ; Set here the maximum distance from monster to use this skill. skill2_max_distance_value=500 ; Set here if you want to use this skill as an aura. skill2_is_aura=false ; Set here the timer before the bot using the skill again. skill2_cooldown=500 ; Set here the skill's priority (higher value = higher priority). skill2_priority=11
  2. fraggle

    Chancing feature

    +1 very good idea
  3. would be great!!!!!!!!!!!! btw shrek you are awesome, loved your gui
  4. @ jpbot changing the coordinates to 655, 582 worked very well, thx
  5. town ist still not detected i ran the check town script in town=0x2B3964 outside=0x2B3964 all mana used=0x2B3964 all the same, and i dont know why eeb.ini any idea?
  6. fraggle

    Crafting is awesome :)

    Hi I just found Shavronne's Wrappings in docks merci with 1 Socket, 5Socket it with 35 Jewellers 5 Linked it with 14 Fusings had a "low roll" Spell DMG + ES though used 2 Blessed 1 Divine now its almost Perfect the question now is Sell it now or Wait for the Official Release and hope for more players --> more exalts And what do you think its worth i posted in chat and got offers for 35 ex, What do you think?
  7. fraggle

    VMWARE Workstation 10, still flickering???

    it looks something like this and is annoying as fuck, you can press F1 and it gets better a lillte, but is still super annoying, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIIOOTjxH40 if you dont have this Flickering , pls pls tell me your configuration Whats your: Windows version Host 32/64 bit? Windows Version Guest 23/64 bit? Your configuration for VmWare. Would be awesome to get rid of this
  8. Hi i just wanted to know if someone has tried vmware workstation 10 yet. is the flickering still there? would be awesome if they would have fixed this, im running vmware workstation 9, save botting guys
  9. fraggle

    THX for 0.9b

    Hi Just wanted to say that 0.9b is running perfectly on my sytem. Since pathfinding is released, i had some problems, making ist almost impossible to run the bot through the night. Thx for the new version
  10. i'm in contact me with deatails pls
  11. oh sorry, should work now
  12. Hi i thought it would be a nice idea to upload a video of my bot's Gameplay. my bot runs with 230% IIR and 84% IIQ, 81% Fire/Cold/Lightning Resist, 5200 DPS and these Items: here is the tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wUtDq0UIBRNGNsZLhnpGjgaVRv6IQIhVSFgJIsl3yftKLUppSr2MfsyCTboOQ5AoEE_Q5xHflBHUFBR5lRJVw1YY1nzXhNfP2BLYIhhIWFSZKNlTW5pcql07XTxeu97jHy7fNmDOITZhO-Mz5BVkc6ZK565ns2fy6IAouqkGacwp4SrxayqtC-53b2BvqfAD8AaxFjFisbY0iHSTdSP2WHeweLq5K3nUu8O707vfPAf8i_z3fZI974= maybe someone has some suggestions of improvement Would be nice to see the bot running some other builds. A Video of a Sporker would be nice. i run a simple ahk script to spam the quicksilver flasks every 8 Seconds Here are my ini files System.ini Skills: Pickit: Config: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbPIHuLyzdM Hope to see some other Videos,
  13. fraggle

    Bot stops on it's own and does not attack anymore.

    thx never tried multiple bots will try that, see what my pc can handle.
  14. fraggle

    Bot stops on it's own and does not attack anymore.

    i run the bot without vm because of the flickering, i know f1 helps but after restart its flickering again, i also use a vpn when botting, 1 char already got banned but my main account is still active. is there any other reason to run the bot in a vm exept the ip? thx
  15. fraggle

    Bot stops on it's own and does not attack anymore.

    I have the same problem. Bot runs normal sometimes for 2 hours, sometimes only for 10 minutes and than the bot just stops. Than i have to start the bot again. I run win7 x64, no VM, Any1 else has this problem
  16. hm worked in my vm... try manually delete the Wingdings3 true type font - and re-run setup i removed the ttf and re-run the setup, still the same problem? i tried it in a VM and it worked, i guess its a problem on my windows, anyway i can update my old version and it works, other question what is BAR there are no settings i just can activate or deactivate it , but what does it?
  17. hi i cant install the new setup. the setup crashes always at the same point: Registering: Wingdng3.tff anyone has the same problem?
  18. fraggle

    Which Areas are you botting

    As the title says im interested in the zones that are best for the possibilities the bot has atm. As i was leveling a new character i found mud flats in act1 and crossroads in act 2 really good. but what about act 3 im farming city of sarn atm, im lvl 74 now i out leveled the zone and get drop panalty, because the zone im in is to low. can you bot docks, or does the bot get stuck all the time, or what about Barracks? Just interested in the zones you are botting in general
  19. just did the update, works again, thx
  20. i know but with the gui the second aura is always going on and off, and the others arent going on thats why i wanted to try this script
  21. 1 stupid question, as i understand it ihave to put every aura in a extra script, but if i make multiple scripts how can i tell ahk to use them all? when i want tot run 5 auras and have 5 scripts how do i configure that in ahk? or do i have to run ahk in 5 seperate instances, is that even possible?
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