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[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's poebo in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
great man! so when is next release? -
this bot is programmed using lots of windows specific calls and libraries based on what i have read from alkpone here in the forum. that means its not compilable in linux. i might be wrong on this............ but your exe now wont run in linux as its a windows executable using .net and directx
really good post ^^^ good suggestions watah!
pack of champion skeleton archers that fire lightning arrow will destroy 3k life in a matter of seconds without light resists. has shot down my bot many times. i like dying from time to time though so it doesnt outlevel the zone too much. one of my bots got too high level now (80) and it doesnt get as good droprate in sarn, thats why i send it to solaris and barracks mostly.
i suggest doing what melchome said ^^^ if that doesnt work, report back with: 1-what OS are you using? 2-did you download and use 0.7 the current version? 3-are you using the exiledbot GUI? or launching the bot itself (exiledbotloader.exe) -- hint: dont use the GUI. also, dont use EBG. neither of them are working with the current bot right now. wait for updates on them. what exactly are you doing? launching game, launching bot (exiledbotloader.exe), and then nothing happens? the bot should take control of your client when you launch it. you should not have to click in game anywhere. to answer your questions: 3-no you cant level characters with it. not automatically. the bot just kills monsters and loots for you. so yes it will level you but no it wont run through the acts/quests. 4-elite/donators get access to the forum right now. more features are planned. this is all i know about that. there is a thread somewhere in this forum which answers this question.
yes i do know the laws and yes it is illegal. if you dont know the laws and are just a kid without any professional experience then no need for you to comment on this, is there?blablah is exactly what you have written in this thread. i have written facts that i can prove and you have written lots of bla bla. do you know how to read english?there are these things called periods (.) which end sentences and separate them from eachother. let me explain to you WHAT I SAID because its too hard for you to read english. i said: 1-your WAN IP is what GGG and the rest of the world sees. your wan IP is your external IP, the one your router has. YOUR COMPUTER DOES NOT HAVE A WAN IP! is that clear? 2-"nobody has this wan IP but you" means that nobody else on the internet has the same WAN IP but "you". "you" in this context (do you know what context is? probably not) means your router. this could be you + your family, or you + 1000 students you share your router with, or even you + your city LAN. "you" in the english language is both a singular and plural word, it can mean you as an individual or you as a group, eg: "hey you guys". so, incorrect again but good luck with english and trolling, you seem to be bad at both though. it can tell them a lot - especially to find out if it's a virtual device that's being run. That can be automated and once the alarm bells go off, they might have a closer look at your behvaiour. what does this matter if its a virtual device or not? are you talking about VM? so what if game is being run in a VM? there is nothing wrong with playing PoE in a VM theres thousands of people doing that normally anyway. you can also setup a VM to be impossible to detect as a VM anyway. VMware player has ability to do this. software running inside VM cannot tell if it is being run in a VM or not. the entire physical hardware of the machine is perfectly mimicked by the VM so that any OS calls to detect hardware or OS settings return exactly the same as if it were running on the machine host OS. this is sortof the goal of a VM anyway. to make the OS think that it is running on a real PC. but of course knowing what you are talking about isnt really your strong suit. i am here to help give facts and help all of us figure out what gets people banned. all of your bla bla is nothing but bla bla because you have no clue what you are talking about. you dont understand technology, and are just making up a bunch of rumors and myths and guesses. this doesnt help anyone. in fact it hurts everyone. if you have something useful to add then do so. right now youve added nothing useful but trying to argue the facts that are....facts. let me explain this since its probably hard for you to grasp: youre trying to argue that 2 + 2 does not equal 4 because you dont understand what the + operator does. you are telling people that it does something completely different (because you dont actually know). this is stupid and is a total waste of my time. i wont reply to your ignorant posts anymore after this -- but for the sake of everyone else to actually get the facts straight i am putting them straight here. what i have said is fact. argue it all you want. it doesnt change reality one bit no matter how much you want to cry about it. end result of this thread: 1-changing your internal IP does nothing. 2-dont use 2 clients on the same computer. 3-botting in a VM or on your machine makes no difference. 4-using a VPN makes no difference, it just changes your external IP to the VPN (and it increases your lag significantly). the exception to this is if you are IP banned. then obviously you will have to use a VPN. if you are IP banned though you already screwed up somehow. 5-dont bot and play on the same computer. never open and login to 2 clients on the same machine. what GGG *can* track is your MAC address. this is how most people are getting banned: playing 2 accounts/clients on same PC. 6-if you get IP banned, you can only get your wan IP banned. GGG would be really foolish to do this because most wan IPs are used by lots of people, so you can easily argue with GGG to unban your IP if they do that. 7-verify all your accounts. if anyone else has more FACTS to add then please do so. if you dont have a clue wtf you are talking about and are making childish ignorant guesses, do everyone a favor and be quiet. kthxbai :B
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's poebo in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
awesome work! i have an AHK script that does basically the same thing. i was talking to alkpone about how this works just last night :B we scan the inventory by hovering over the middle of each grid. we dont save the state of the inventory, instead we first do a small process that: 1-pauses bot when it hits town. 2-finds all un-ID'd rares and ID's them. then sells them 3-stashes all currency and uniques. 4-if after one stashing sweep there are still items in inventory, choses another stash tab and repeats it. 5-script unpauses the bot and lets it go back to start a new instance. i wish i could release this script, but since i didnt start it i cant release it. i have asked my friend that started it to release it but he doesnt want to. even though i built half of it, i have to let him decide. thats only fair. he doesnt use exiledbot, he has another bot fully built in AHK which does a mix of pixel and memory scanning. it works very well but i believe the best way to build a bot is purely via memory reversal and not pixel scanning and so far exiledbot is the first i have seen which is trying to do this 100% without any pixel logic. in any case, i hope my explanation gives you some ideas too. -
btw docks: fire resist maxed barracks: lightning resist maxed marketplace and slums: fire resist maxed (the brood queen fireballs) and also good to have chaos resist (the snakes) other than that go full item rarity/item quantity on amulet/rings/helmet/gloves if you can. and use the gems in your aoe attack if possible. great farming is had :B city of sarn you need lightning resist and good phys damage mitigation because of the boss in that zone. the EK+bear trap freak. i love him :B
almost any zone with a WP is a good farm zone. a few of them are good that dont have WP, like fellshrine. i thought about making AHK script to go church then zone into fellshrine. there are no monsters next to WP in church so the bot wont attack anything in range. would be pretty simple. great zones in act3 since that is where you ultimately end up permanently farming, are city of sarn, solaris temple, marketplace, barracks, and of course docks. some of these zones benefit huge if you setup skills right and have an automover script running (you should add to your automove detection "pause bot>move around>unpause bot" to make it work the best, so that the bot doesnt get stuck in a corner). by setting up skills right, i mean you have a movement skill like lightning warp or leap slam set to attack targets anything further than about 200-300 distance from your character. skills which every character in this game should have anyway. about movement script, in AHK this just means adding 2 lines: Send {F12} ....do your automove code Send {F12} so simple its painful....err um wait a sec, i mean...ya, nvm :B
WRONG. You don't know what the binary does. How do you know it does not have an integrated ipconfig command to read out the current system's lan ip? if they do this, i will sue them, and shut their company down. yes, i can do that too. this would be so illegal its not even funny. clear cut case with technical proof that is easy to get (logging traffic and data, saving a copy of the .exe which executes it). not only that, but this is also flagged by antivirus programs as trojan, because thats what trojans do. so, you are wrong actually. but thx anyway. WRONG. Especially in mobile networks you're often being NATed - hence you share your public IP with a lot of other mobile users. the address which i said that you have, which nobody else has, is your LAN IP. GGG cannot see your LAN IP. what i said is correct. they see your WAN IP. your external IP. the one your router has on the internet. your local/LAN/internal IP is not visible to GGG. what you said about sharing public IP is correct. that is also what i said. there are only so many public IPs, but millions more devices connect via those public IPs. that is what i said, and that is also correct. your local/lan/internal IP however is not visible outside. this is a very simple technical fact that is easily proven. learn more about networks if you are going to so strongly post like this. You assume they don't check your actual lan ip which they could .... they *cannot* check your lan ip. if they are running any other commands on your PC, including /ipconfig which is a windows program, and sending this information along to their servers, refer to my first paragraph: i will sue them and shut down their company. quite easily too. i have already checked their client.exe and they dont do any of this. if they ever try to it will be very easy to detect, if you even have a half-good antivirus it will detect it for you. but back to the original issue: being detected. even if they did check your lan ip which they would get sued up the ass for. so what? what does that tell them? nothing. if you are still only running one client and one account on one computer/VM, then what is the difference? you could be at home behind a router with just you and your PCs, or at a university behind a router sharing with 1000 students, or at a company sharing with 500 employees, or at a city-wide LAN sharing with 150,000 people in your city. or you could be at a gaming cafe and the PC you are using could be the same one that 20 other people use to play the same game, too. so this information is absolutely useless for GGG to detect anything suspicious with anyway. which is what this thread is about. detecting suspicious things. you are going way off target here. what bloody said is also very good to heed. he is doing basically the same thing any normal player could/would/can do. playing one account, on one computer. i just think that if GGG is banning people, there has to be a reason why they got detected. if its because they are stupid, thats one thing. but figuring out what has gotten them detected is what this thread is about, so that we know what GGG is looking for and we can avoid it. just because bloody runs 24/7 and doesnt get caught doesnt mean that others doing the same wont. what he is doing might also get him caught sooner or later too. dont think that GGG isnt reading these forums either. if they arent, they are pretty dumb.
i talked to this guy from russia: good ideas. he built it in one week just as a dev challenge, but it has basically all features. * bot doesnt log out, just restarts zone runs, and knows how to get back to town * selling plus ID'ing rares to get alt orbs rather than transmutes (alts worth more) * stashing * no injections at all, fully pixel-based searching so it never needs update when new patch comes out unless a patch changes the way something looks ingame * boss runs, chest runs, set it to what you want hope this gives you guys some ideas on what to add, and maybe how to add it.
ya but we all know you are going to steal all our bot accts one day and laugh at us :B its ok though! we do it for the nookie! :BBB but i run bot on separate computer, and on VM only so even if you do this you wouldnt get my real acct that i play on my main computer. not that i think you would be doing this. you can make good bot, get donations, make some money if you make it good. if you put in things to try and steal from botters your bot will be dead pretty quick, and maybe you get a few exalts ingame. lol. dont worry d12 i have your #, i call you soon for bootycall kkthxbai :B
kill dem d12, killlll demmmmm alllllll!!! :B
ok let me dispell some misinform and confusion here. first thing: your internal IP (the one you see when you type ipconfig in cmd prompt) is only visible internally on your network. GGG does not see this IP. (it should be something like 192.168.x.x or maybe 10.0.x.x depending how you setup your router) if you go to http://www.whatismyip.com you will see the same thing that GGG sees. your actual internet protocol number, which is what IP stands for. this is your "address" on the internet. it is unique. nobody else has this address but you. that is how information knows where to get sent. when you request a website you send information to an IP and say "hey give me this webpage" - and if that webpage exists it sees in your request where your address (IP) is. then it knows where to send that information back to. so. ignore all of this stuff about changing your internal IP, because that doesnt matter at all. if GGG IP bans you, they IP ban your external IP, because that is the only IP they see anyway. this would be really bad for them though because many, maybe even most players, play from big network. share network where many people use same IP. so maybe GGG ban your IP and then they end up banning 100 other players. bad for GGG so they dont do this. so. the only thing we need to know about people getting banned is: 1-did you verify your account? if you create new account and dont verify, it probly put you on a redflag warning for ggg to check it. 2-what did your config file look like? maybe its a problem like the above poster said, where he put 20 seconds no_kill_timeout which is very low, and can result in bot spamming instances for no reason. this is suspicious too and ggg can log activity like this and check it. 3-do you bot your bot-account only or do you also play it sometime? 4-how often do you run? i think it is easy for ggg to log accounts that are playing 24/7 and check them. my suggestion then to make your bot accounts look more like human: 1-dont bot 24/7. if you want to bot 24/7 then make more bot accounts and switch them during the day. 2-verify your accounts. enter a real email address and verify each account you make. duh. 3-play your bots sometime. you have to get them through to act3 merc anyway. do some trading. talk in chat from bot sometime. you know, like real human. 4-go do other things with bot than just same zone grinding everytime it logs on. go to different zones. change it up sometime. you know, like real human.. remember this - PoE now have million+ players. that means GGG cant check each person. all they can do is build logging checks that automatically logs player activity and they can design some formula which to them feels like it could be something that a bot would do. like: log everytime player makes instance compare last 100 instances, are they the same? compare last 100 instances, on average did they get started in a small time span apart, eg: less than 60 seconds? if yes, they might flag this account and have some mod at GGG check it. nobody knows how they can check it. if they can look into your zone or what. but at the end, only thing GGG can do is make some automatic formulas to check your activity. if your activity is very repetitive, then GGG will check your acct. so - make your activity less repetitive! i wonder how many of the wefweonrwiojq bots they ban because act1 normal town is full of bots everytime i go there. all the bot names are the same too, its just random letters like "noqiwejoindOEIReq", and they all do exact same thing: 1-run to the "arch" entrance to town, pause 2 seconds 2-run to the woman vendor, pause 10 seconds (they are probly vendoring junk they picked up) 3-run to stash, pause 10 seconds (they are stashing) 4-run to waypoint you can see an army of these bots non stop all day long. they have vendor selling and stashing already built in. these are being run by the RMT traders i am pretty sure. you mostly see them on europe gateway or singapore gateway. i dont see them on america gateway when i play from it. this bot also does not log out to restart. it use portal to get back to town, then it vendor, stash, and make new instance. hopefully exilebot can soon do that, because another very easy way for ggg to detect exilebot is to log how often player logs off. if logging off every 60 seconds and making new instance, can flag acct and check it because that is suspicious. this makes exilebot much less efficient. i think this is the #1 thing exilebot need to fix: you should not be logging out to start another run. you should use portal scroll and go back into portal. also, ressurect should click resurrect button. not log out. bot should never log out, that is very very easy to detect suspicious activity.
Shrek's EBG GUI already has this feature. i am skeptical of a new poster that is posting an exe. i warn anybody not to download this. probably a keylogger.