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Everything posted by username1001101
I just read: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/562985
Cast On Damage Taken
MonsterHYS replied to topic's username1001101 in Character builds and strategies & Bot setups
Just curious on the gem: when it casts those things does it use mana? -
Just set the quality for gems to 1 or higher.
yet it doesn't work in the combat screen.
(wrong thread)
yet it does run it fine and now, you can't scroll...
Hi there On my old 12" notebook the combat window is too big... I can't see/select the save button.
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
I just made another improvement however I can't test it right now. Basically I want to randomize the timeout tp time. NOTICE: Portal Gem is set to middle mouse button. ; Define below what keys represent your lower skill bar (from left to right, 5 keys) ; Comment out keys that don't have an aura or an aura you don't wish to use by adding a ; in front of the line ; Set the key with the portal gem is set to the middle button ;aHK1 = q aHK2 = w aHK3 = e aHK4 = r aHK5 = t ; Set the timeout values in milliseconds after which a portal will be casted automatically. The effective casting time is randomized portalTimeoutMin = 240000 portalTimeoutMax = 360000 ; Set to 'y' if you want to cast a portal and use it when a zone entrance comes into range zoneEntrance = y ; ; BELOW BE DRAGONS ; getCurTimeout(portalTimeoutMin, portalTimeoutMax) { global portalTimeoutMin Random, portalTimeout, %portalTimeoutMin%, %portalTimeoutMax% return %portalTimeout% } ; Load Direct3DWindow class WinActivate, ahk_class Direct3DWindow Class ; Function to check if a variable exists varExist(ByRef v) { ; Requires 1.0.46+ return &v = &n ? 0 : v = "" ? 2 : 1 } #Persistent portalTimeout := getCurTimeout(portalTimeoutMin, portalTimeoutMax) SetTimer, castAuras, 100 SetTimer, usePortal, %portalTimeout% return usePortal: ; Get active window title WinGetActiveTitle, Title if (Title = "Path of Exile") { Send {F12} Sleep 500 MouseClick, Middle,, Sleep 4000 Mousemove 400, 300 Sleep 100 Click Sleep 5000 Send {F12} Sleep 10000 } return castAuras: ; Get active window title WinGetActiveTitle, Title if (Title = "Path of Exile") { if varExist("aHK1") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 526, 599, 549, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK1%} ; } } if varExist("aHK2") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 556, 599, 580, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK2%} ; } } if varExist("aHK3") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 587, 599, 611, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK3%} ; } } if varExist("aHK4") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 618, 599, 641, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK4%} ; } } if varExist("aHK5") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 649, 599, 672, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK5%} ; } } if (zoneEntrance = "y") { Imagesearch,,, 650, 20, 800, 180, *50 *TransBlack portal.png If Errorlevel = 0 { SetTimer, usePortal, Off Send {F12} Sleep 500 MouseClick, Middle,, Sleep 4000 Mousemove 400, 300 Sleep 100 Click Sleep 5000 Send {F12} ; after going through the portal, make a 30 second timeout so bot can do stashing and stuff... adjust number to your desired result Sleep 30000 portalTimeout := getCurTimeout(portalTimeoutMin, portalTimeoutMax) SetTimer, usePortal, %portalTimeout% } } } -
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
well, never knew what it was for... in the original autoflasker script on ownedcore they just say to use the 32bit version -
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
install autohotkey as 32bit/unicode..... this is important when you run a 64bit os.... use "custom" to install and select there accordingly. -
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Just made another update to the script. Should be working now... I hope. -
AHK script for force-sync, itemlevel, remaining
username1001101 replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
since they only do one action upon according keypress they're legit.... oos and itemlevel is useful.... remaining not anymore since there's no clear-all challenge anymore -
other skills probably also profit from it... thx for the consideration
I just noticed that on skills like lightning strike the attack distance doesn't work... well, it works but if you don't keep Shift pressed then the bot will run up to the mob and then actually do its attack. There should be some kind of option to use Shift when mobs are in attack range.
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
See here: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=795&p=5264#p5264 -
New section "User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot"
alkpone replied to topic's username1001101 in Archives
I just thought it's a lot easier to (re-)find useful scripts and stuff if they're in a common place and not cluttered all over -
AHK script for force-sync, itemlevel, remaining
a topic posted username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
The PoE forum has this little useful AHK script posted: ; Path Of Exile Sync Script 1.0 #IfWinActive Path of Exile SendMode Input { F3:: Send {enter} Sleep 20 Send {Alt} /oos {enter} Sleep 20 Return F2:: Send {enter} Sleep 20 Send {Alt} /itemlevel {enter} Sleep 20 Return F4:: Send {enter} Sleep 20 Send {Alt} /remaining {enter} Sleep 20 Return } http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-t ... 5#p4280279 -
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
So, I finally did make quite a few changes. Now you have a global timer that you can set after which the portal is cast and the toon goes through it. Be sure to make a high enough value because it's not safe to try to cast a portal inside bunch of mobs that hit on you. Also since you cast portals to go back to town, the auras won't be activated. So I used the previous aura script to cast auras with it. They don't need to be cast by the bot right now. It does image search on the auras. You can easily configure what auras you want to cast and on which key they lay. NOTICE: If you use Eldritch Battery or something to boost your mana (with determination aura for example) then put that on the first aura key that you want to use. Also, I cut down the previous portal image to a 2x2 px image that is then being looked on in the minimap. I tested it in City of Sarn and The Forest and Mud Flats and it found the entrance properly. If it finds the entrance, it'll cast a portal and transport back to town. So this part is useful for Zones where you start at one point and move your way accross to another one where the entrance is at the opposite end. In the docks for example it isn't useful and you'll be better off setting zoneEntrance to 'n'. That way it won't cast a portal when a zone entrance appears. Then just limit the run time to something you desire and let the bot explore. Anyway, here's the current code: ; Define below what keys represent your lower skill bar (from left to right, 5 keys) ; Comment out keys that don't have an aura or an aura you don't wish to use by adding a ; in front of the line ; Set the key with the portal gem is set to the middle button ;aHK1 = q aHK2 = w aHK3 = e aHK4 = r aHK5 = t ; Set the timeout in milliseconds after which a portal will be casted automatically portalTimeout = 240000 ; Set to 'y' if you want to cast a portal and use it when a zone entrance comes into range zoneEntrance = y ; ; BELOW BE DRAGONS ; ; Load Direct3DWindow class WinActivate, ahk_class Direct3DWindow Class ; Function to check if a variable exists varExist(ByRef v) { ; Requires 1.0.46+ return &v = &n ? 0 : v = "" ? 2 : 1 } #Persistent SetTimer, castAuras, 100 SetTimer, usePortal, %portalTimeout% return usePortal: ; Get active window title WinGetActiveTitle, Title if (Title = "Path of Exile") { Send {F12} Sleep 500 MouseClick, Middle,, Sleep 4000 Mousemove 400, 300 Sleep 100 Click Sleep 5000 Send {F12} Sleep 10000 } return castAuras: ; Get active window title WinGetActiveTitle, Title if (Title = "Path of Exile") { if varExist("aHK1") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 526, 599, 549, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK1%} ; } } if varExist("aHK2") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 556, 599, 580, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK2%} ; } } if varExist("aHK3") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 587, 599, 611, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK3%} ; } } if varExist("aHK4") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 618, 599, 641, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK4%} ; } } if varExist("aHK5") = 1 { CoordMode, Pixel, Relative PixelSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 649, 599, 672, 622, 0xffffff, 0, Fast RGB if ErrorLevel = 0 { Send {%aHK5%} ; } } if (zoneEntrance = "y") { Imagesearch,,, 650, 20, 800, 180, *50 *TransBlack portal.png If Errorlevel = 0 { SetTimer, usePortal, Off Send {F12} Sleep 500 MouseClick, Middle,, Sleep 4000 Mousemove 400, 300 Sleep 100 Click Sleep 5000 Send {F12} ; after going through the portal, make a 30 second timeout so bot can do stashing and stuff... adjust number to your desired result Sleep 30000 SetTimer, usePortal, %portalTimeout% } } } return Don't forget to download the attached portal.png image and put it into the same folder as your ahk script. -
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
actually, one of the older aura scripts (changes by me) could be of use: 1) deactivate auras in exiledbot 2) let autohotkey handle auras by implementing this in the portal script viewtopic.php?f=4&t=224&start=20#p1018 That way auras stay up and won't have to be re-enabled once they are enabled... -
[Unofficial] EBG (ExiledBot GUI) v2.1a [11/03/13]
Shrek_III replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
d2jsp? -
Unassasigned Skill Points (Low Level Issue)
madmayhem replied to topic's username1001101 in Exiled Bot Feature Request
this only happens on the first few levels.... once you hit like level 5 or something, the popup won't come and you reach lvl 5 very quickly. -
also you can vendor 3 same maps (e.g. 3x Dried Lake) and get a map with +1 lvl
Unlimited City of Sarn without relogging
PoEr replied to topic's username1001101 in User's script for POE and/or Exiled Bot
Might try that thx -
thx for the info On thing: Why not make tooltip popups in the gui? instead of putting the comments into the config, you could have a seperate "explanation" file that can be used for tooltip info