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About alkpone

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  1. Bot version 0.95k has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95k: Bot should always click properly on map device activate button Bot should detect if a map is in map device inventory Exiled Bot Beta v0.96.zip
  2. Bot version 0.95k has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95j: Fixed offsets for game version 3.25.3d. Exiled Bot Beta v0.95k.zip
  3. alkpone

    Where did the eb1 stuff go on discord?

    It's back to be public now
  4. Bot version 0.95j has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95i: Fixed offsets for game version 3.25.3. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95j.zip
  5. Bot version 0.95i has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95h: Fixed scarabs issues. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95i.zip
  6. Bot version 0.95h has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95g: Fixed offsets for game version 3.25.2. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95h.zip
  7. Bot version 0.95g has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95f: Fixed offsets for game version 3.25.1c. Added Summon Holy Relic gems support. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95g.zip
  8. Bot version 0.95f has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95e: Fixed offsets for game version 3.25.0 (new small update). Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95f.zip
  9. alkpone

    Bot not working

    Just released update here: https://exiled-bot.net/community/topic/34623-release-beta-version-v095e/
  10. Bot version 0.95e has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95d: Fixed offsets for game version 3.25.0. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95e.zip
  11. Bot version 0.95d has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95c: Fixed offsets for game version 3.24.3b. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95d.zip
  12. alkpone

    Bot Update

    https://exiled-bot.net/community/topic/34603-release-beta-version-v095c/ Sorry for delayed update
  13. Bot version 0.95c has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95b: Fixed offsets for game version 3.24.3. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95c.zip
  14. Bot version 0.95b has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.95: Bot should not stash 40 stack of scrolls anymore when max amount in inventory is reached. Bot will skip adding map in map device only if item inside is a map (so user can run bot preloading it with scarabs and wanted map). Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95b.zip
  15. Bot version 0.95 has been released Download file attached to this post. Bot can be banned by client side Anti-Cheat software at any moment. Bot now is running in x64, be sure that you installed the corresponding vc redist (check readme file). Improvements since 0.94h: Added Influence item detection (better late than never). Updated default pickit files to errorless ones. Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.95.zip
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