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Everything posted by poefan

  1. poefan

    no sales since the update

    I followed the instructions and all its okey, I mean, you must download the last version and do not copy all files, you need to write again all the config
  2. poefan

    no sales since the update

    Nah. It''s working good, the selling method & the bot
  3. poefan

    Builds? And Poor VMware Performance

    Nono that it's just explication video, I tried to find one video but no luck yesterday xD
  4. poefan

    Builds? And Poor VMware Performance

    I will find one specific video for you and will post here, it's possible to do with the Hypervisor
  5. poefan

    Complete progression

    We should try
  6. poefan

    Builds? And Poor VMware Performance

    You can host-self a gaming environment for Vshpere (would see like a Vmware), you waste resources and time, but you're safe and can do another tasks. sorry im not english
  7. poefan

    Builds? And Poor VMware Performance

    You can use as simple vmware, it's waste of time, but you can run ofc xD
  8. poefan

    Builds? And Poor VMware Performance

    Hey man, you should watch some guide, this guy really shows how to do it, but only the passthrough, you must configure the Vsphere (the host) ,it's enterprise program, but you can get free trial 60 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sljJmiwBfnQ
  9. poefan

    Complete progression

    One guy told me that we shouldn't use "progression", its old code and maybe detected
  10. poefan

    Username and Key

    Manage purchases for the key, and the username its your forum username I think xD
  11. poefan

    Is POE on a Virtual Machine dead now?

    you can get trial or..
  12. poefan

    Bot does not finish Maps

    Some advanced user will help you better than me, but did you tried to change the priority or skill? just to see what happens
  13. poefan

    Is POE on a Virtual Machine dead now?

    It's not simple but you can look for VMware vSphere for gpu passthrough. But the best option for you, its look for use 1gpu for desktop and other for vmware, I dont really know how (sorry xd)
  14. poefan

    Builds? And Poor VMware Performance

    True :)
  15. poefan

    Builds? And Poor VMware Performance

    GPU Passthrough it's your solution
  16. poefan

    Is POE on a Virtual Machine dead now?

    GPU Passthrough it's your solution for all of us, but you need to waste time xD
  17. poefan

    Setting up from scratch

    Thanks for info!
  18. poefan

    Setting up from scratch

    Sorry im not english but I think that i understand what you mean; We can not level up from start fully botting ?
  19. poefan

    Setting up from scratch

    Ya I think you doing good Enable reset instance if you want to lvl up
  20. poefan

    Is it bot working today?

    bot its full working for you now ?
  21. poefan

    Setting up from scratch

    Did you disabled your antivirus ? Btw some people having troubles with the bot at the moment...so I dont know, you should try and dont forget to read "readme.txt"
  22. poefan

    Setting up from scratch

    Turn off antivirus, open notepad, open the .exe from that folder (not cports), attach to notepad.exe the bot, configure the location of the game, run the bot. Post here if its working good for you man
  23. poefan

    Bot just clicks in the same place

    You receive help from support?
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