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Everything posted by remi1234

  1. remi1234

    82.d not work for me

    I just restart the virtual machine and it works again, sorry for the unnecessary complaint. and thank you for your work.
  2. hi, i just install new version 82.d and the app crash when i presse start bot.
  3. remi1234

    VPN on VM

    i use 2 free vpn, i switch when data is all consumed. -hide.me 10go/months -windscribe 15go/months (10go for start and +5go with a twit) if you dont bot more 10h/days 15go are sufficent
  4. remi1234

    dont use all map

    i dont understand why when i set tier map played 5-11 and remoove all other rules he dont play some maps, and just turn to 1-11 unlock all map before not played (5-11 inculse) edit: but i dont care, now with the rules 1-11 he played correctly...
  5. remi1234

    dont use all map

    i think my problem is similar to https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/topic/12107-dosnt-do-tier-6-maps/ atm i change 5 to 11 tier by 1 to 11 tier and he go play one map tier 11 who dont play before... i dont understand....
  6. remi1234

    dont use all map

    I don't understand why with only the rule line for the map tier, the bot doesn't play the map it has in its bank. I have more maps rules to give him but to find the problem I deleted all but it still does not work. if I give him another maps he will play them ... I don't understand default.ipd
  7. remi1234

    dont use all map

    ? sry for my english... so i delete all on file exept the line tier map played and he play more map now, but not all, atm he have 1/2 page of chest empty of map and don run it. a attach my maps setting. default.ipd
  8. hi. i have a problem with using map. i edit the file to delete map ignore, just 3 map boss was stay ignore, i delete all and all stat on map ignored, the bot schould play 99% of map so... but he got 1 page full of chest of map and he dont play this maps. idea?
  9. remi1234

    no sales since the update

    ok, i found the problem for me, when i dl the last version of bot, i just take the .exe and replace on my folder. i try to extract all the folder, and change the folder "config" by mine and now the bot work perfecty.
  10. remi1234

    no sales since the update

    yes i use the last version.
  11. since the update of the bot, he plays normally, but when he comes back to town he can no longer sell his items
  12. remi1234

    need some help to run bot on vmware

    installing on my host, allowed me to launch the bot, which was not the case before, did not solve the performance problem. On my host i put poe on full scree place too windowsmode, improve my performence, but i have some drop fps. RangerRick talk about "poeNullEffects", i test it, i set max fps, he remoove many things in game, the game is empty of effect, i win some fps, now my bot have dessent perfomance and can run, some time he down to 0fps but not long and rarely. i hope you understand my english and than can help you
  13. remi1234

    need some help to run bot on vmware

    downdload and install... i dont undestand your question
  14. remi1234

    need some help to run bot on vmware

    so if they stop free version they never see me?
  15. remi1234

    need some help to run bot on vmware

    thanks, for the ip I use a vpn on my virtual machine. for poe smoother, I discover it, I try to find how to make it work
  16. remi1234

    need some help to run bot on vmware

    ok that work now, i find i install : Visual C++ 2010 (For 64 Bit OS ) Direct X End user Runtime and its ok now thx a lot last problem on my skills, i cant use jump, idk why dont work
  17. remi1234

    need some help to run bot on vmware

    yep, i hide it on ccleaner lunch on administrator, on my pc that work, but not on vmware, with same folder copied. when i start the bot on vmware, i select a processus and nothing start.
  18. remi1234

    need some help to run bot on vmware

    hello. i install win10 64bit on vmware workstation15, my poe work but i cant have more 15fps and when i moove, the game freez some sec... vmware settings: i set 7 go ram, 6cpu, 3go gpu and 3d acceleration enable. my computer: -ryzen3900x -16goram -4X240go ssd -gtx1080ti so i dont understand why i cant have more fps on poe in vmware. second problem, i cant run exiled bot on vmware, i lunch it, he ask me behind witchone processus, i set one processus and nothing happened...
  19. remi1234

    BOT is not working

    Oui, le bot n'est pas fonctionnelle à l'heur actuel cependant le site vend quand même ses clé, ce n'est pas très serieux d’après moi... Nous attendons une mise a jour. j'ai cru voir sur le forum que certain parviennent a le faire fonctionner en jouant sous directX9, mais je n'y suis pas parvenu.
  20. remi1234

    besoin d'un peu d'aide

    bonjour. Je suis nouveau sur exiled-bot, et j'ai quelques soucis avec les config de base, j'ai une grande expérience du botting sur d3 mais ici je ne parviens pas a configurer correctement la base: Mon perso vas frapper les mobs avec le click gauche seulement et ne fait rien d'autre... il ne fait pas les cartes, il vas seulement au niveau de l'act10 que j'ai configurer j'ai regardé la vidéo qui explique comment faire, j'ai fait ce qui doit être fait, je suis aller chercher les réglages pour mon builds dans l’onglet skill mais rien y fait...
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