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About mistajo

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  1. Bot Not working... i think its down please correct me if its working for someone else
  2. they patched yesterday i think it will need another update
  3. mistajo

    need help with combat config please

    acting wierd cant find no videos or anything to help me some one got a minute for me
  4. Hey am new just got the bot been playing with it for 2days now understanding more and more but..... i played with the combat setting because i dint like what it was doing i play arc totem build(spell totem) build reason why i played with setings is because my bot would run straight to monster facetank while spaming my totems that kills my mana so i played with cool down try to see if could change the range i place them or when my char dicides to attack the monster but i fucked it all up :S Hell broke down on me now my char places 1 totem once a year and run around the monster try to get in the middle of the pack and goes back and forth till he places a totem like if he looking for the best place i tried replacing setting like they where but hes still not placing nor attacking when he see monsters... i took all other attacks off so only walk on left click and arc on right click discord or in game or here please help am friendly and only wanna understand where i when rong
  5. mistajo

    Besoin daide spell totem

    faque jai set mon bot jai jouer avec les seting dans combat parceque il placais tes totem comme un fou ...la je ses pas i place casiment pu de totem mes jai remit els stats comme il etais ...pis la jai jouer avec kite pis ect mon perso cour autour des monstre atack pas apret un bout place un totem jcomprend pu rien jvouais jouer avec les stats car mon perso courais direct devnt le monstre pis placais des totem a vitesse de leclair qui brulais toute ma mana , jai aseiller de le faire pour qui met le totem quand il voix le monstre est non aller courir au montre bofff toute sa pour dire que jpence jai chier laffaire quelle quun peut maider
  6. mistajo

    This bot is unusable

    works for me hard to setup and the lack of help is true there should be more video edit or something to help setup ....But its working fine just got my license 2 days ago semi-setup even tho i am having truble it works
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