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Everything posted by B3L1AN
Bot breaks down after random time
dub2kill replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
I cannot confirm this right now. I will check back with the devs and reply here as soon as possible. Kind regards, B3L1AN -
Bot breaks down after random time
dub2kill replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Running state 28 is "open chest". Although this seems unrelated, please give running the bot with opening chests disabled a try, as this seems to be the last action the bot is trying to make before the behavior you described occurs. Kind regards, B3L1AN -
Violating a companie's ToS/ToU always puts you account at risk. General rule of thumb: never bot on accounts you don't want to lose.
Are you both using v0.76g? Which version of PoE does this happen on? "normal", Steam or Garena? Kind regards, B3L1AN
Bot joins and leaves Map repeatingly
dub2kill replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Hi dub2kill, please attach the "lastrun.log" of an indicent of the behaviour you described. Kind regards, B3L1AN -
[solved] Bot stuck in town idling after returning from an 'instance'
SapphireGuide replied to topic's B3L1AN in Archives
The newest version of the bot has been publish on Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/enQtNDE4NDQ5NDI2ODM1LWRjYWI2ZTI3NTgzMTYzODZlNTM0M2QyMjEyMDczMzgxMjY4NWU2YzkyMjk2ZWY3ODlmNTRlYTgyYWMxNTk0OGU -
[solved] bot not RUN (Running state priority: 35) HELP
mempoop replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Have you tried this one: https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/enQtNDE4NDQ5NDI2ODM1LWRjYWI2ZTI3NTgzMTYzODZlNTM0M2QyMjEyMDczMzgxMjY4NWU2YzkyMjk2ZWY3ODlmNTRlYTgyYWMxNTk0OGU ? -
[solved] bot not RUN (Running state priority: 35) HELP
mempoop replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Thanks for the feedback! -
Any updates?
[solved] bot not RUN (Running state priority: 35) HELP
mempoop replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Join the community on Slack: https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/forum/49-join-us-on-slack/ Hope the current invite link works. If not, please report back here. Kind regards, B3L1AN -
[solved] bot not RUN (Running state priority: 35) HELP
mempoop replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
New version is already out, Alk did not post it here yet. https://files.slack.com/files-pri/TB033EHR7-FDGSYQ469/download/exiledbot.zip Kind regards, B3L1AN -
how to Self-troubleshoot issues in minutes
a topic posted B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Hi there, after having looked through almost all recent posts in this section of the forum, it became quite obvious that most issues reported are related to just a few, but common causesand can be troubleshot by the users themselves - in no time. I. Software requirements Make sure you have installed _all_ of these: DirectX 9 (aka. End-User Runtime): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=35 Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86): https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 II. Game Settings Game Language: English - This is the ONLY language the bot will work with. Change your language in the launcher or at the top of the login screen Graphics Settings: Mode: Windowed Resolution: 800x600 DirectX Version (at the bottom of the settings, you might have to scroll down): DirectX9 Input: Use the default keybindings (you might want to make use of the "reset to defaults" button in the settings if you've altered the settings) Running the bot: Please make sure you are running the bot as administrator III. Common issues: Q: The bot is only clicking in the top-right corner of the game. A: Please make sure you are using the most recent version of the bot & that your game is set to run with DirectX 9. Q: The bot does nothing. "Lastrun.log" spams "Running state priority: 35". A: Please make sure you're using the most recent version of the bot. Q: The bot picks up & stashes every rare item. A: In the "Pickit" tab of the bot, enable "smart PickIt" and configure it to your needs. Also, check if you've enabled "Every rare" in the "Pickit" tab. If you are still having problems after going through all the above steps, please create a new support thread in the "Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report" section of the forum. Please be sure to attach your >>lastrun.log<< file! Kind regards, B3L1AN- 8 replies
- not working
- problem
(and 2 more)
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Du kannst den Bot in einer VirtualMachine (VM) laufen lassen. Dann wird der VM-interne Mauszeiger für den Bot verwendet & Du kannst Windows ganz normal weiterverwenden. Siehe hierzu: VMware Workstation Player: https://my.vmware.com/de/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_workstation_player/15_0 Windows 10 MediaCreationTool: https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/software-download/windows10 Einen entsprechenden Guide findest Du hier: https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/topic/947-walterwhites-virtual-machine-guide-ultra-litetweaked-settingspc-optimizationhard-disk-benchmark-2015-updated/ Nachtrag: Für meine Windows 10 x64 VMs verwende ich folgende Einstellungen: CPU: 2 Cores RAM: 3.7 GB HDD: 50GB GPU: 2GB VRAM 6 VMs auf einem i7-5820k (6C/12T), 32GB RAM, 2xGTX 960 sind neben normaler Windowsnutzung bei mir möglich. Gruß, B3L1AN
Have you enabled "Smart PickIt"? If not, please do so & configure it according to your needs. You can find more info on how to configure PickIt here: https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/topic/7679-the-pickit-thread/&page=1 If you already have "Smart PickIt" enabled, please attach your "lastrun.log" file here. Kind regards, B3L1AN Edit: Please refrain from opening multiple threads on the same issue. It will not speed up the process of helping you.
I marked this as "solved", due to the OP not having responded anymore.
Great to hear that. You're welcome.
To my knowledge, this is not currently implemented. I'll forward the suggestion. Kind regards, B3L1AN
Have you made sure your game is running with DirectX 9 and the resolution is set to 800x600?
[solved] bot do nothing after launch
rkoss replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
The bot not logging in though having provided login details in the "Client" tab is strange. That's beyond my knowledge of troubleshooting the bot, unfortunately. -
[solved] bot do nothing after launch
rkoss replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Just to rule out these possible errors: 1) have you installed https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=35 ? 2) and this? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555 ? 3) Is your game client running in English? 4) Are you running the "normal" version of the game, so non-steam, non-Garena? 5) Are you running the bot as admin? -
Please post your "lastrun.log" file here.
[solved] bot do nothing after launch
rkoss replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
And you're getting this behavior while being logged in to the game completely/ingame? Or on the character selection screen? If it's the latter, make sure the "character slot" setting matches the character you wish to bot. -
Have you had a look here? https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/forum/36-how-to-setup-the-exiled-bot/ There's a quite detailed setup tutorial.
[solved] bot do nothing after launch
rkoss replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Please make sure you're running PoE with DirectX 9 as the renderer. As you're using the most current version of the bot & given the log you provided, it seems likely PoE is using DX11.