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Beta Tester
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About manda1

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  1. manda1

    Low Depth Fossil farming

  2. manda1

    Is Oni-Goroshi Farming Working?

    I tried it, like twilight stand 2 mins logout then wait, but every time my bot relogs (1 chr only) it chickens out and does that in loop. Basically it runs only 1 time and then enters that loop idk why.. And if i use profile switcher bot crashes when it switches profile, at least in VM havent tried it any other way..
  3. manda1

    bot not working correctly

    lol, i think offsets are not updated since tonights patch, though not sure since im not using the bot.. As for the Running state priority: 35, are you trying to run poe as a limited user? Because that does not work.
  4. manda1

    need help with combat config please

    Maybe a little late reply but feel free to describe ur probelm
  5. Check lastrun log if its running priority 29 then tweaking ur priority settings for skills might help, i think u need some skill to attak monsters like shield charge or something similar Also try to use as simple as possible builds for bot, like 1 skill builds something like sunder since it needs less work and tweaking with skills
  6. Yea basically everyone needs to set their pickit to their own needs.. Thanks for this info though, and also timeworn reliquary key needs to be added to pickit or bot wont pick it up at all
  7. manda1

    [solved] Bot Connot selling item in NPC

    Works fine for me, ur settings are wrong.. What problem exactly do u have? And is it while mapping or farming areas?
  8. Never actually botted Act areas, but did you try specific npc settings? Never used those either, but that crosses my mind and it might help you
  9. Yes i know the progression works from 1 to 4 and that its not working very well, and that this request will probably not be fulfilled, but none the less i am asking for a rework of the progression and that it works though all 10 acts. That would be a fantastic improvement, also suggesting that u charge additional money for that feature, if you lack the funds or motivation. You can easily find solution for this as in 30 $ more for a existing lifetime licence or a monthly sub, as a part of this bot or maybe even make another bot that has only leveling features I don't know how complicated that is, and that costs also 30 $ for lifetime, whichever model I would be interested in paying for it, and i think a lot of other people too would be..
  10. take off bisco leash until its fixed https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/topic/10391-bot-trying-to-attack-swords-from-rampage-charges/
  11. Unchecked or uncheckable as in grayed out ? Had the same problem, check the log file to see the error but I've solved mine by modifying the map config file, you have to check normal maps (magic, rare unique if you want) but I think normal is a MUST so that the bot can run them, it will still upgrade no worries
  12. Someone reported this to Alk already, think he said he'll fix it, btw i think there's no way to ignore it
  13. manda1


    No point in opening multiple threads, as I said in your last thread do not expect much help here, you gotta handle it on your own.. Open the log file and look what it says there? When you see something like running priority list you can check it here >>>>>https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/index.php?/topic/9583-running-state-priority-list/ <<<<<< to see which number is what and at least get a grasp of the problem Post here when you see what seems to be the problem and if running as administrator did not help.. Also you did not answer to my question if you are using poe as a limited user, or better said running BOT as admin and POE as another user with restricted access. Are you running the correct version of the bot? dx9? 800x600?
  14. manda1

    Need help

    you will have to be more specific, are you on maps, or acts? Running dx9 800x600? Running PoE as an admin or limited user? You can also try asking on slack server, btw don't expect much help either way..
  15. manda1

    EB+ limited user

    Im pretty sure some ppl already did this, but im having a tough time making it work.. I'd like to run poe as a limited user(another pc account) with exiled bot running as admin, just for the extra precaution, however for some reason the bot doesnt seem to connect to that client, anyone know a workaround?
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