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Beta Tester
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About ZerGo0

  • Rank
    Bronze V

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  1. ZerGo0

    Bot stock at selecting caracter

    Start the normal 32 bit version of POE and select Direct X 9 EX.
  2. If you have an x86 bit windows version then try to use notepad, for example, that's what I use at least.
  3. ZerGo0

    Running maps without Hideout

    Hey, The bot keeps going in and out of the finished map and wastes a lot of time doing that. It also grabs a new map and goes to Eternal Laboratory but goes back to stash and puts the map back into the stash for some reason instead of opening the new map. This happens all the time which means it is easily repeatable. Regards
  4. ZerGo0

    Multiple Account Question

    Can I trade any item or do they have to be around the value?
  5. ZerGo0

    Multiple Account Question

    Hey guys, I'm currently botting on my "main" account to get some currency but I'm planning on getting another account to farm and I want to play myself on my main account. I have a few questions about this. Should I use a VPN on the Bot account or would it be okay to have the same IP but have the bot running in a VM? I'm currently botting in a VM already, should I make a completely new VM when I bot on the new account? What is the safest way to transfer currency from the bot acc to the main account? Regards
  6. ZerGo0

    Beginner PickIt?

    I hoped that someone got a pickit to keep stuff above 3C for example or something like that for new accounts but I guess not.
  7. ZerGo0

    Beginner PickIt?

    Hey guys, is there any PickIt for new players/accounts to get some currency? I'm currently using jpick_forcesell and I'm running Dried Lake but I got only like 5 items stacked after 4 days of 6h+ botting. Regards
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