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Beta Tester
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  1. curtpy

    What to do now?

    You should stop botting for a while until we get to know what's the situation now, because this time apparently is different that compared the other banwave before. If you still wanna play Path of exile, I suggest to open a new account instead of playing old account to reduce the damage of being banned. I also believe that this time, the system seem to have more accurate measurement methods to detective the bot now. I wanna explain what is "the virtual memory instruction trap" here. The memory trap has been used in searching unusual operation on game system for several years. As we know that a lot of bots use simulate keyboard and mouse commands to act. Therefore, the easy way to detect the bot is to set a little trap to make simulation be different, and cause your bot has a specific movement or action, which system would clearly know you are bot or not. I need to be honestly, there are more new way that I know to detect different type of cheating or bot now. However, it depends on the company think that is worth to do it or not. Anyway, optimistically the bot or cheating site always have absolute advantage to win the game in protracted war if you look this through the "software war" of view.
  2. curtpy

    Just got banned :(

    GG A big banwave was just happend.
  3. curtpy

    7/27小改版 無法使用

    終於找到可以用的版本了 無言 我的方法是 重新安裝 遊戲 重新英文化 難怪有人可以 有人不行
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