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Beta Tester
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  1. Syra

    0.70h map upgrade error

    Bot version: 0.70h POE version: standalone Map config fragment Sometimes bot sell maps by two, not by three. I didn't see this problem ever before.
  2. Syra

    0.70h crash

    Story confirmed. Same behavior again.
  3. Syra

    0.70h crash

    Bot version: 0.70h POE version: standalone Hideout: on Zana in HO: + Maps enabled: + Smart Pickit: + lastrun.log Description: Character died while mapping. Resurect, go to vendor, open dialog list and crash.
  4. Details. "Right click" should be used with frenzy charges >=2. "E" should be used with frenzy chargez <2. Result: "E" skill used when full of frenzy charges and use it a lot (few mobs in a row). Bot Version: 0.68b Poe Version: Steam Hideout on: Yes Zana in HO: Yes Map Enabled: Yes Selected Zone: Mesa map, other maps Smart Pickit: Yes Last Lines lastrun.log
  5. Same problem. Blood Rage kind of ok with "cooldown" setting, but issue with "Max frenzy charges required" setting is pain in the arse. It makes effective using frenzy based builds impossible.
  6. Syra

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    Hi! I use it with Freezing Pulse with following settings: Kite range: 30; Kite delay: 350ms; Attack range 40; Safe range 40. Also, if you hold mouse above field you probably will see related tip. Tip for safe range says that it's range to check for monsters before going to loot. Hope it helps. P.S. It'll take a while to tweak all combat settings. Just watch to the bot and turn valves.
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