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About poebot3265

  • Rank
    Bronze IV

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  1. poebot3265

    it the bot up and running

    Im using the latest u mentioned with "normal" selected as usual but bot stuck on login page
  2. poebot3265

    it the bot up and running

    same problem
  3. poebot3265

    [solved] Detected?

    After 4 bots banned and various setup to render naturally any bot actions my suspect is: they can check number of click spammed by bot = 10 x sec too much imo... so : if((hours played) / (number of click) > n;"bot";"human")
  4. poebot3265

    Is your bot running? Or not updated yet?

    Dead since last patch...... 1 week ago ?
  5. poebot3265

    Bot takes map, puts back into inventory cycle

    well... some consideration Be sure u done the 1st Zana quest (where u need to complete ur 1st map by using the Laboratory map device in Oriath place) Assuming u have the MAP Device in ur hideout, yes ? Place 1 npc + 1 map device + Stash Chest by forming a large triangle in ur Hideout Choose normal stash for bot stuff and put them close each other and starting on 1st left position Use the default map .ipd and try
  6. poebot3265

    New Bot is not opening.

    what if u run bot in normal mode ? (without attach)
  7. poebot3265

    Bot takes map, puts back into inventory cycle

    mmmm... Are u using that bot on main account ? Cause i c a lot of stash tab numbers If yes, made another account for botting or u will cry a river soon ..btw now my tips: Always resurrect in town = untick (the goal is always resurrect in HO to avoid BAN) Max explore percent: 75% (why? means u kill 75% of entire mobs quantity in map) Enable Hideout Access by chat command = BAN (do what humans do instead) Map monster threshold: 10 (u can find last 10 mobs sticky to boss, so if u wanat avoid meet boss, like i c, rise this value: 49 is good) Use Alt to loot: needs additional setting in game option Step 1: Set Bot To "Use Alt to Loot" Step 2: Uncheck "Always Highlight" In game UI Step 3: Check "Key Pickup" In game UI keep this amount in inventory: 40 + 40 total scrolls For flask if u want use them during any skill use set mana flask below 99% on ur specific Flask X override list For skills set Priority 1 for all of them Orb of storm Default all value cooldown: 2000 target selection: All RF Default all value RF is technically an aura find it under is aura name list max distance: 10 Always recast buff: No Shield charge Default all value is movement skill: Yes Auras Default all value Aura names: XXX
  8. poebot3265

    New Bot is not opening.

    u need to attach the app on a visible window program... e.g. open notepad and keep his window open or minimized, now u can attach the bot to notepad. 99% of time bot wont attach on progz that run in background or have no window visible Im pretty sure this is the solution bb
  9. poebot3265

    Looking for information

    1. I've been told it is easily detectable and easy to get banned, I accept this risk as it will be a seperate account and I have botted on many other games. Is it that easy to get banned or was this a scare tatic? Try urself 2. How far thru the game can exiled bot progress on its own, I've seen conflicting reports saying anywhere from act 2 to act 4. What is the truth?. Zero 3. When GGG bans, do they ban my IP as well? only account 4. How well does this bot function? (assuming I set things up right will I have issues with it playing while I'm AFK.) (self-censored) 5. Can any build be used with this bot IMO melee work better than ranged until u wanna get fun see ur bot try to hit mobs 2 room ahead behind a wall...for hours 6. I see there is a pickit for this bot is it easy to edit myself? The prob is understand how the mods work in this game. having a decent know-how will help u on easily edit this sheet (http://poeaffix.net/) Consider default pickit is pretty broken, default value are good if ur bot farm red maps... otherwise you will never find something interesting (clap clap to genius who drafted the sheet ) 7. Can this bot just run maps or can it kill end game bosses as well. lol... forget it
  10. poebot3265

    what hapens if I get caut boting ?

    lol... no IP ban (still exists stupid ppl on earth that ban IP ?) they ban ur account
  11. poebot3265

    1-70 powerlvling

    Hey i want to share my stupid notes to level fast. I hope you find something useful in this POE Starter Pack Leveling
  12. poebot3265

    Maps issues

    Hello. Consider this bot as a standard currency farmer ... nothing else. farm & die, farm & die, farm & die, farm & die... thats all
  13. poebot3265

    Possible to chicken or run away from 'volatile' mobs?

    unfortunately no.... and volatile is the 1st cause of dead in this game. I wonder if bot is able to read mob mods as well as mob names So during an encunter of "Volatile xxx" totally skip kill or wait 3 sec in secure distance after kill pack mobs. Bot actually kill mobs then walking literally on their bodies with or without loot = insta dead when u meet Volatile pack. For this reason I am forced to look at my bot kill monsters and keep a finger on "macro logout" button when it encounters this plague mobs. Really annoying man really really really really annoying man
  14. poebot3265

    New league Build Topic

    Ranger→Deadeye CI runner here 8200 ES Lightning Arrow 120k dmg (2auras + golem + 5 power charge) 4 quicksilver flask (ea with diff dispell curse/ele) + granite flask chicken on 50% hit ES QuIcKsilvErSpAmMer in setting build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1745340 but i run my own skill tree http://poeplanner.com/AAUAAP0iEAB8AdEHHgiJDkgPqw_EES8RUBGBEZYUdRXXFr8ZihqPGyUdTyBuIXYj0ySLJJ0k_SoLKjgrCiy_LR8wfDH6Nbk51Dt8SVFLrkyzTipQMFFHVmNW-luvXWhd8l9qX7BiWmOnbRltbG8nb55v8nBSdf1293cHd9d_K3_GgwmEb4TFhq6GzocTidOMC4w2j2CP-pUFlSCVLpcGmmqa8Zu1nKSgn6EioaSiQKKjpMKnK6fUr-u1SLjKuXzBM8HzwzrEospKyqnQ0NN-2VvdRt-Y4dvnVOkC62PsGOyw7g7vevDV9Pj22vsJ_sj_3hPaFUNl02lOcUOxAc9e2rEAAAAAAA== SUPER SUPER SUPER FAST Oops: sry tought u LF a new class for botting
  15. poebot3265

    Öhm seit update gestern geht nichts mehr^^

    same problem here lastrun.log say Selecting character..... but stuck on login page nothing happen tried to install a fresh bot with no luck
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