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About mammoth

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  1. Just tried running with the options you gave me, - same problem. Tried with cwdt, it runs (as expected) untill it gets first blood rage buff. If the blood rage buff stays for more than it's duration (replenishes itself through kills) then the story starts to repeat itself, - even though bot has max frenzy charges (7), it starts using "Frenzy" to attack, because it thinks that he cannot use Flicker strike anymore. Still do not know what to do. I can run bot normally, getting frenzy charges from "Frenzy skill" but it will run 3x times slower, it will not only run slower, but it is much more dangerous to run it that way, since it might die to alot of factors while not flickering... I still think that the problem is how bot registers the amount of frenzy charges available. Since flicker strike is so fast and get frenzy charges so insanely fast, bot might not be catching up with it. Probably the way it reads the amount of frenzy charges needs to be changed
  2. Sorry man, throughout the years internet has f up me pretty badly, I sometimes get wrong judgement about people out there, just assuming that everyone are the same and against me. I was actually so pissed off that I even missed an actual option on the skill, I'm really sorry, I will edit if it helps, take care man I really look like an asshole right now. I got to work on improving my attitude man, youre absolutely right, I will update if the changes to config helped. cheers Cheer
  3. Ahh how I love internet arguments, I give you literal screenshots of what you gave me and what my bot ran with. Flicker: Frenzy: Am I not getting something right? Seems like I've followed everything you gave me, but you can repeat that I did not, maybe you will be right on the third time. I dont even know why I am wasting my breath arguing with you, when the whole point of this topic is for the bot not running with my current setup. I dont need your cast when damage taken shit advice, since I've tried running the same thing with blasphemy + poachers mark + hatred, and It still started attacking with frenzy, or staying still in one spot. I need a developer response, that he atleast saw the problem, and that he will have it in his mind, that's all I wanted.
  4. Oh you, turd muffin, feeling like the smartest man alive with your forum thread search skills. Nevermind this is probably how you always act, telling people to use google and trying figuring out for themselves. I made a video for you since I might have problems properly expressing myself, I always had.
  5. Hello, I am using: Bot Version: 0.67PHd4 (Not that it matters since I've used it on 0.67 same issue) Poe Version: 2.5.1c? Hideout on: No Zana in HO: Yes Map Enabled: No, not a chance yet. Selected Zone: The Dried Lake, Merciless Smart Pickit: Yes (Default) So I am having problems running the bot, I've tried everything at this point, and I do not know what else can I do but post a bug report, or whatever. I am trying to run flicker strike bot but I am having issues, I can make it start PERFECTLY exactly how I want, but after ~30 seconds or a minute it's starts going wild. Starts recasting blood rage constantly, sometimes resummons ice golem, starts using mouse_left (frenzy) to attack instead of flicker strike like an idiot I really went through combat skills carefully, tried running it with defaults, changing skill button locations, distances, priorities, running default nothing fucking helps. I will try to go as in depth as possible, I'm fairly new to this game so I might be not as informative as some people would be on some things. So I am running the flicker strike, the bot setup looks like this: I KNOW that mouse left need to be used for nothing, or atleast it's recommended but trust me, I've tried using frenzy on other keybinds and it's still the same, I've tried to use it with "hold shift to attack" option does not change. So the idea I have is pretty straight forward and easy: 1) IF there are no frenzy charges I use Frenzy skill(mouse_left) to gain atleast 1 frenzy charge (so I set min frenzy charge required to 0, and max frenzy charge required to 0. (I've tried setting it to 10, 100 100000 whatever doesn't work, since I thought the bot counts actual frenzy charges to use this skill and it exceeds the limit)), I set priority 10, max distance 5 tried lowering it or increasing it does not help. 2) I actually did not manage to make whirling blades work as a movement skill in your newest bot version that is under development right now. So I just disable them and not use them at all. 3) I set Flicker strike to be used if there is more than one frenzy charge, so min frenzy charges required to use this skill 1, also tried to increase max frenzy charges to thousands did not help, priority 12, hold button to attack, tried changing max attack range from 5 to 20 does not help. 4) warchief totem (Q) set target only uniques, cooldown 5000, priority 14 5) Blood rage (W) oh boy what I haven't tried doing with this skill, from changing it to be used from max range 100 and disabling Always recast buff to priority changes, tried adding cooldown + Always recast buff, it still goes nuts after 20 - 30 seconds. 6) (E) "Is aura yes" in options, also tried changing values, using defaults etc. etc. 7) Minion type set to golem, tried "Amount of minion of this type" 0,1, adding max cast ranges still goes wild sometimes, starts resummoning it. 8) same as 6). Now I have additional added custom skills to use my flasks: I do not have any overrides in "flasks" tab, I properly set up the key values, added proper cooldowns for the flasks, maximum cast ranges, tried priority 20, tried priority 1, tried giving flask the same priorities, tried giving flask priorities 15,16,17,18 for each flask to be used. I do not know if the additional combat skills might be causing this, but I'm pretty sure I configured flasks thoroughly and responsibly. That's about it. By the way I ran crit arc witch and it ran pretty good without stutters or any other nonsense. I'm thinking that the cause for this problem might be the detection of frenzy charges, or I am just an regular idiot and I'm just missing something obvious that I hope you will clear out, hence making this post useless and irrelevant, hence making me look like an absolute idiot, if that will be the case sorry for post in a wrong thread, peace ooooout I'm going to sleep. A video about the problem that I am having, AGAIN PLEASE IGNORE THE SKILL VALUES THAT I AM USING, THEY ARE NOT THE ISSUE Btw I dont know if I'm allowed to add the bot itself to my attachements in public threads, so I just wait till it becomes necessary.
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