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About bdkarof

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  1. bdkarof

    Bot can't pick up items?

    No settings changed, have been using Neversink's + hold alt to pick up items option I thought it might be a pointer/address issue but if no one else has this then something must have happened to my setup AHH I figured it out, there was a setting under Pickit that got changed by accident, solved now!!!!
  2. bdkarof

    Bot can't pick up items?

    Problem started very recently (within the past day) Bot tries to pick up an item but the mouse just moves down/up for a few seconds, and toggles z and doesn't pick up the item. Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone know how to fix it?
  3. I've been seeing some people around POE forums and global chat say they've encountered chaos (Chayula) breaches outside maps, which I think is false. People have reported that they've encountered chaos breaches in areas as early as Act 3 Cruel, but I have yet to see any VOD or screenshot as proof that they can appear that early. I figure I would ask here, since a Chayula splinter would be in your stash if your bot has picked one up at some point. Personally, my bot has been running in Act 3 and 4 Merciless areas for the past month, and it has not picked up a single Chayula splinter, but has picked up hundreds of Uul-Netol splinters and thousands of the other 3 types of splinters, so unless my bot is dying in chaos breaches 100% of the time (and is never able to pick up a splinter), this means chaos breaches don't appear in A3 or A4 Merciless areas (Dried Lake & before, I have not tested the Mines or later). Can anyone else can share whether their bot has picked up any Chayula splinters outside of maps?
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