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Beta Tester
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About SStorm707

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  1. SStorm707

    [PROBLEM] Bot locked in town

    I think I am having this same issue too. I downloaded 73c version. lastrun.log
  2. SStorm707

    Bot wont start

    Yes, I updated the latest version and still the same thing. It is either stuck on login screen or stuck by the stash.
  3. Here is the log for it. It just sits still. It wont do anything. Need help. lastrun.log
  4. SStorm707

    Bot wont start

    Using 72.k version and I have already have the pathway setup. It loads path of exile and is stuck on login screen. It wont do nothing else. I set up the graphics to 800 x 600 and also the direct 9 ex. Everything is default.
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