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About OraSenpai

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  1. OraSenpai

    Problems with pickit

    My bot sell all divination cards, dont take essences, pls help me edit pickit file: // Welcome to the Exiled Bot default Pickit // You'll find the item names list in the ItemNameList.txt file, in the main bot folder, if some name are missing, please send them to us in pm and I'll add them to upcoming versions. // You'll find the mods list in the ModsList.html file, in the main bot folder, remember to only use expressions from the right (ie. local_minimum_added_physical_damage, base_maximum_energy_shield, ...). // All uniques should now be listed within the Pickit for easy commenting and uncommenting. All uniques valued 1ex+ should be by default uncommented. // There are several special mods here to make pickit maker's life easier: // [TotalResistances] that will make the bot sum all resistances on each item and compare them to the value (ie. [Category] == "Helm" # [TotalResistances] > "50", to keep every helm that has more than 50 sum up resistance value. // [DPS] that will make the bot compute the dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. [Category] == "1Handed" # [DPS] >= "250"). // [Elemental DPS] that will make the bot compute ONLY the elemental dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. [Category] == "1Handed" # [Elemental DPS] >= "200"). // [Physical DPS] that will make the bot compute ONLY the physical dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. [Category] == "1Handed" # [Physical DPS] >= "250"). // Expressions to the left are only here to help you choosing the right ones // Syntax is: [Key] operator "Value" // Key could be replaced by any of the following list, operator could be ==, <=, >=, <, > and Value could be any corresponding value (ie. a number if type is Quality) // Key List: Type, ItemLevel, MapTier, Armor, Evasion, Energy Shield, Computed Armor, Computed Evasion, Computed Energy Shield, Rarity, Quality, Sockets, Linked, and all the mods found in ModsList.html file. // You can use a mod by its index (if it is not in the ModsList.txt file) this way [modindex] == "value", ie. [587] == "30" for +30 int mod. Press F7 to dump inventory and find mod indexes. // Flags that can be iused are : [StashItem] =="true", [StashUnid] == "true", [SellItem] == "true", [SellUnid] == "true". Please note that [SellItem] tag will ALWAYS make the bot identify item. // About Key Rarity, only operators == and != can be used and possible values are: "Normal", "Magic", "Rare", "Unique". // You can use different equipment categories as well, possible values: "Chest", "Shield", "Helm", "Ring", "Amulet", "Flask", "Weapon", "1Handed", "2Handed", "Gloves", "Boots", "Belt", "Map", "Jewel", "Talisman", "Card". // Operators && and || are available, parenthesis are working. // # is used to separate mods checked after item identification. If an item matchs mods before the # and doesn't match the ones after, it will be sold to vendor. // If you didn't noticed, // is used for comments. // /!\ Be careful!!! local_ mod name means that the mods is applied on the stats of the items rather than the stats of your char. local_attack_speed_+% for instance is applied on the weapon only // and attack_speed_+% is global on the character (ring,amy,belt...) /!\ // If you want to chance an item, simply add for instance [Type] == "Glorious Plate" # [ChanceItem] == "true", to make the bot pickup any glorious plate it find and use an orb of chance on it (Kaom's Heart FTW). // Be careful, if you set up the Glorious Plate to be Chanced, no need to add any line for the bot to pick up the white item or sell magic and rare. Just setup [Type] == "Your Item" # [ChanceItem] == "true" and the bot will do the rest. // Thanks to jps42 for his help in building this pickit file. // You can check his post here : https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6329-helpful-pickit-additional-lines-chaosregal-recipe-talisman/ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // EXAMPLE // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Blanket coverage // [Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [SellItem] == "true" // What it means : Pick up any gloves. Id the item. Then Sell it. // Exception handling // [Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [attack_speed_+%] >= "10" && [StashItem] == "true" // What it means : When the gloves are Identified, if they have an attack speed modifier above a 10% value, it will stash the item. // [Type] == "Short Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" && [Quality] >= "10" // [Type] == "Occultist's Vestment" && [Rarity] == "Unique" // [Type] == "Engraved Wand" # [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage]>="10" && [accuracy_rating_+%]=="100" // [Type] == "Medium Life Flask" // [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "80" && [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" // [Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true" && [base_maximum_life] >= "80" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" && [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "25" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // B O O K M A R K // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //Example //Bookmark //User's custom rules //Currency //Chaos/Regal Recipe //Gems //Cards //Maps //Sockets //Chancing //Whites //Jewels //Unique items // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // User's custom rules // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Add any custom lines here // [Category] == "Flask" && [Quality] == "20" # [SellItem] == "true" /// Glassblower's Bauble farm // [Category] == "Flask" && [Quality] >= "13" # [StashItem] == "true" // 3 Flasks = Glassblower's // [Type] == "Stone Hammer" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Q20 + Map = Chisel // [Type] == "Rock Breaker" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Q20 + Map = Chisel // [Type] == "Gavel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Q20 + Map = Chisel // [Type] == "Iron Ring" // 7 Rings (any rarity) + Coral/Paua Rare Ring = Rare Ammy ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // CURRENCY // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Scrolls commented so instead of picking every scroll it will keep number of scroll setup by user in inventory // [Type] == "Scroll of Wisdom" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take all id scroll // [Type] == "Portal Scroll" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take all tp scroll [Type] == "Blacksmith's Whetstone" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Blacksmith's Whetstone [Type] == "Armourer's Scrap" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Armourer's Scrap [Type] == "Glassblower's Bauble" # [StashItem] == "true" // Take Glassblower's Bauble [Type] == "Albino Rhoa Feather" # [StashItem] == "true" // Albino Rhoa Feather ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // CHAOS / REGAL RECIPE // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Jewelry lines left here because bot now does chaos recipe on its own, but sometimes we want bot just to pickup specific jewelry pieces. // Jewelry // [Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [ItemLevel] >= "60" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [ItemLevel] >= "60" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" && [ItemLevel] >= "60" # [StashItem] == "true" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // G E M S // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For quality gem, use the setting Min Gem Quality from Pickit tab of GUI // White Skill Gem // [Type] == "Portal" // Drop Only Gem // [Type] == "Detonate Mines" // Drop Only Gem // Red Active Gem Skill //[Type] == "Abyssal Cry" // Gem //[Type] == "Ancestral Protector" // Gem //[Type] == "Ancestral Warchief" // Gem //[Type] == "Anger" // Gem //[Type] == "Animate Guardian" // Gem //[Type] == "Cleave" // Gem //[Type] == "Decoy Totem" // Gem //[Type] == "Determination" // Gem //[Type] == "Devouring Totem" // Gem //[Type] == "Dominating Blow" // Gem //[Type] == "Earthquake" // Gem //[Type] == "Enduring Cry" // Gem //[Type] == "Flame Totem" // Gem //[Type] == "Glacial Hammer" // Gem //[Type] == "Ground Slam" // Gem //[Type] == "Heavy Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Herald of Ash" // Gem //[Type] == "Ice Crash" // Gem //[Type] == "Immortal Call" // Gem //[Type] == "Infernal Blow" // Gem //[Type] == "Leap Slam" // Gem //[Type] == "Lightning Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Molten Shell" // Gem //[Type] == "Molten Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Punishment" // Gem //[Type] == "Purity of Fire" // Gem //[Type] == "Rallying Cry" // Gem //[Type] == "Reckoning" // Gem //[Type] == "Rejuvenation Totem" // Gem //[Type] == "Searing Bond" // Gem //[Type] == "Shield Charge" // Gem //[Type] == "Shockwave Totem" // Gem //[Type] == "Static Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Summon Flame Golem" // Gem //[Type] == "Summon Stone Golem" // Gem //[Type] == "Sunder" // Gem //[Type] == "Sweep" // Gem //[Type] == "Vengeance" // Gem //[Type] == "Vigilant Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Vitality" // Gem //[Type] == "Warlord's Mark" // Gem //Red Support Gem Skill //[Type] == "Added Fire Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Blood Magic Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Bloodlust Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Cast on Melee Kill Support" // Gem // [Type] == "Cast when Damage Taken Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Cold to Fire Support" // Gem [Type] == "Empower Support" // Drop Only Gem //[Type] == "Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Fire Penetration Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Fortify Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Generosity Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Increased Burning Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Increased Duration Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Iron Grip Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Iron Will Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Item Quantity Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Knockback Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Less Duration Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Life Gain on Hit Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Life Leech Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Melee Damage on Full Life Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Melee Physical Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Melee Splash Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Multistrike Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Ranged Attack Totem Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Reduced Mana Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Spell Totem Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Stun Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Weapon Elemental Damage Support"// Gem // Green Active Gem Skill //[Type] == "Animate Weapon" // Gem //[Type] == "Arctic Armour" // Gem //[Type] == "Barrage" // Gem //[Type] == "Bear Trap" // Gem //[Type] == "Blade Vortex" // Gem //[Type] == "Bladefall" // Gem //[Type] == "Blast Rain" // Gem //[Type] == "Blood Rage" // Gem //[Type] == "Burning Arrow" // Gem //[Type] == "Caustic Arrow" // Gem //[Type] == "Cyclone" // Gem //[Type] == "Desecrate" // Gem //[Type] == "Detonate Dead" // Gem //[Type] == "Double Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Dual Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Elemental Hit" // Gem //[Type] == "Ethereal Knives" // Gem //[Type] == "Explosive Arrow" // Gem //[Type] == "Fire Trap" // Gem //[Type] == "Flicker Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Freeze Mine" // Gem //[Type] == "Frenzy" // Gem //[Type] == "Frost Blades" // Gem //[Type] == "Grace" // Gem //[Type] == "Haste" // Gem //[Type] == "Hatred" // Gem //[Type] == "Herald of Ice" // Gem //[Type] == "Ice Shot" // Gem //[Type] == "Ice Trap" // Gem //[Type] == "Lacerate" // Gem //[Type] == "Lightning Arrow" // Gem //[Type] == "Lightning Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Mirror Arrow" // Gem //[Type] == "Phase Run" // Gem //[Type] == "Poacher's Mark" // Gem //[Type] == "Projectile Weakness" // Gem //[Type] == "Puncture" // Gem //[Type] == "Purity of Ice" // Gem //[Type] == "Rain of Arrows " // Gem //[Type] == "Reave" // Gem //[Type] == "Riposte" // Gem //[Type] == "Shrapnel Shot" // Gem //[Type] == "Siege Ballista" // Gem //[Type] == "Smoke Mine" // Gem //[Type] == "Spectral Throw" // Gem //[Type] == "Split Arrow" // Gem //[Type] == "Summon Ice Golem" // Gem //[Type] == "Temporal Chains" // Gem //[Type] == "Tornado Shot" // Gem //[Type] == "Viper Strike" // Gem //[Type] == "Whirling Blades" // Gem //[Type] == "Wild Strike" // Gem // Green Support Gem Skill //[Type] == "Added Cold Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Additional Accuracy Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Blind Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Block Chance Reduction Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Cast On Critical Strike Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Cast on Death Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Chain Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Chance to Flee Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Cluster Trap Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Cold Penetration Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Culling Strike Support" // Gem [Type] == "Enhance Support" // Drop Only Gem //[Type] == "Faster Attacks Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Faster Projectiles Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Fork Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Greater Multiple Projectiles Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Hypothermia Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Ice Bite Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Mana Leech Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Multiple Traps Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Physical Projectile Attack Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Pierce Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Point Blank Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Poison Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Rapid Decay Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Slower Projectiles Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Trap Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Trap Cooldown Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Trap and Mine Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Void Manipulation Support" // Gem // Blue Active Gem Skill //[Type] == "Arc" // Gem //[Type] == "Arctic Breath" // Gem //[Type] == "Assassin's Mark" // Gem //[Type] == "Ball Lightning" // Gem //[Type] == "Bone Offering" // Gem //[Type] == "Clarity" // Gem //[Type] == "Cold Snap" // Gem //[Type] == "Conductivity" // Gem //[Type] == "Contagion" // Gem //[Type] == "Conversion Trap" // Gem //[Type] == "Convocation" // Gem //[Type] == "Discharge" // Gem //[Type] == "Discipline" // Gem //[Type] == "Elemental Weakness" // Gem //[Type] == "Enfeeble" // Gem //[Type] == "Essence Drain" // Gem //[Type] == "Fire Nova Mine" // Gem //[Type] == "Fireball" // Gem //[Type] == "Firestorm" // Gem //[Type] == "Flame Dash" // Gem //[Type] == "Flame Surge" // Gem //[Type] == "Flameblast" // Gem //[Type] == "Flammability" // Gem //[Type] == "Flesh Offering" // Gem //[Type] == "Freezing Pulse" // Gem //[Type] == "Frost Bolt" // Gem //[Type] == "Frost Bomb" // Gem //[Type] == "Frost Wall" // Gem //[Type] == "Frostbite" // Gem //[Type] == "Glacial Cascade" // Gem //[Type] == "Herald of Thunder" // Gem //[Type] == "Ice Nova" // Gem //[Type] == "Ice Spear" // Gem //[Type] == "Incinerate" // Gem //[Type] == "Kinetic Blast" // Gem //[Type] == "Lightning Tendrils" // Gem //[Type] == "Lightning Trap" // Gem //[Type] == "Lightning Warp" // Gem //[Type] == "Magma Orb" // Gem //[Type] == "Orb of Storms" // Gem //[Type] == "Power Siphon" // Gem //[Type] == "Purity of Elements" // Gem //[Type] == "Purity of Lightning" // Gem //[Type] == "Raise Spectre" // Gem //[Type] == "Raise Zombie" // Gem //[Type] == "Righteous Fire" // Gem //[Type] == "Shock Nova" // Gem //[Type] == "Spark" // Gem //[Type] == "Spirit Offering" // Gem //[Type] == "Storm Call" // Gem //[Type] == "Summon Chaos Golem" // Gem //[Type] == "Summon Raging Spirit" // Gem //[Type] == "Summon Skeletons" // Gem //[Type] == "Tempest Shield" // Gem //[Type] == "Vortex" // Gem //[Type] == "Vulnerability" // Gem //[Type] == "Wither" // Gem //[Type] == "Wrath" // Gem // Blue Support Gem Skill // [Type] == "Added Chaos Damage Support" // Drop Only Gem //[Type] == "Added Lightning Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Blasphemy Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Cast when Stunned Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Chance to Ignite Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Concentrated Effect Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Controlled Destruction Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Curse on Hit Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Elemental Focus Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Elemental Proliferation Support" // Gem [Type] == "Enlighten Support" // Drop Only Gem //[Type] == "Faster Casting Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Increased Area of Effect Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Increased Critical Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Increased Critical Strikes Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Innervate Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Item Rarity Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Lightning Penetration Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Minefield Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Minion Damage Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Minion Life Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Minion Speed Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Power Charge On Critical Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Remote Mine Support" // Gem //[Type] == "Spell Echo Support" // Gem // Vaal gems // [Type] == "Vaal Glacial Hammer" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Ground Slam" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Immortal Call" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Strike" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Molten Shell" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Burning Arrow" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Cyclone" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Detonate Dead" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Double Strike" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Grace" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Haste" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Rain of Arrows" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Reave" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Spectral Throw" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Arc" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Clarity" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Cold Snap" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Discipline" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Fireball" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Flameblast" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Ice Nova" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Trap" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Lightning Warp" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Power Siphon" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Righteous Fire" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Spark" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Storm Call" // Gem // [Type] == "Vaal Summon Skeletons" // Gem ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // C A R D S // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Card > Item Gained > Location [Category] == "Card" # [StashItem] == "true" // Collect all divination cards [Type] == "Abandoned Wealth" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 3x Exalted Orb -- Arsenal (map) [Type] == "The Aesthete" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shavronne Item -- Shavronne of Umbra/Prodigy of Darkness [Type] == "Anarchy's Price" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Voltaxic Rift (Corrupted)-- Rogue Exiles [Type] == "The Arena Champion" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Colosseum Map -- Arena/Pit (map) [Type] == "The Artist" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Level 4 Enhance (Corrupted) -- Overgrown Ruin/Overgrown Shrine (map) [Type] == "Assassin's Favour" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Dagger -- The Marketplace/Arcade/Bazaar (map) [Type] == "Audacity" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doryani's Fist (Corrupted) -- Apex of Sacrifice (map) [Type] == "The Avenger" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mjölner (Corrupted) -- Bazaar/Torture Chamber (map) [Type] == "The Battle Born" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Axe -- Kaom's Dream/Kaom's Path/Abyss/Volcano (map) [Type] == "The Betrayal" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Maligaro's Virtuosity -- Broken Bridge/Western Forest/Wetlands (map) [Type] == "Birth of the Three" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Goddess Bound -- Hillock [Type] == "Blind Venture" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Ring -- Museum [Type] == "The Body" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Chest -- Armourer's Strongbox [Type] == "Boundless Realms" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Random Map -- Solaris (zone) [Type] == "Bowyer's Dream" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" //6L Harbinger Bow -- Lord of the Bow [Type] == "The Brittle Emperor" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Voll's Devotion (Corrupted) -- Voll [Type] == "The Calling" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Beyond Item -- Beyond demons [Type] == "The Carrion Crow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Life Armour -- Aqueduct/Battlefront/City of Sarn/Ebony Barracks/Western Forest/Colonnade/Waterways [Type] == "The Cartographer" #[ForceSellItem] == "true" // 10x Chisel -- Cartographer Strongbox [Type] == "Cartographer's Delight" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Map T5 -- The Docks Merc (zone) [Type] == "The Cataclysm" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lvl 21 Spell Gem (Corrupted) -- Corrupted Areas [Type] == "The Catalyst" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Vaal Orb -- The Vaal Ruins (map area) [Type] == "The Celestial Justicar" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 6L Astral Plate -- Crypt lvl 2, Crypt (map) [Type] == "The Chains that Bind" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 6L Body Armour -- Crematorium (map and zone) [Type] == "Chaotic Disposition" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 5x Chaos Orbs -- Poorjoy's Asylum (map) [Type] == "The Conduit" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doryani's Fist -- High Templar/Palace (map) [Type] == "Coveted Possession" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 5x Regal Orb -- The Catacombs (zone)/Catacomb (map) [Type] == "The Cursed King" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rigwald's Curse -- Caer Blaidd (map) [Type] == "The Dapper Prodigy" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 6L Body Armour -- Residence (map) [Type] == "The Dark Mage" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 6L Staff -- Chamber of Sins (zone 1+2)/Overgrown Ruin (map) [Type] == "Death" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mon'tregul's Grasp -- Fetid Pool (zone)/Bog/Mud Geyser (map) [Type] == "The Demoness" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Death's Hand -- Northern Forest (zone) [Type] == "Destined to Crumble" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Body Armour (rare iLvl 100) -- Museum/Academy (map) [Type] == "The Devastator" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Atziri's Disfavour (Corrupted) -- unknown [Type] == "Dialla's Subjugation" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Temple (map) [Type] == "The Doctor" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Headhunter -- Springs (map) [Type] == "Doedre's Madness" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doedre Item -- Doedre Darktongue/ Core (map) [Type] == "The Doppelganger" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Q20 Mirror Arrow -- Crossroads (zone) [Type] == "The Dragon" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Coruscating Elixir -- Norther Forest (zone)/ Dark Forest (map) [Type] == "The Dragon's Heart" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Level 4 Empower (corrupted) -- Abyss (map) [Type] == "The Drunken Aristocrat" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Divination Distillate -- Sceptre of God (zone)/ Villa (map) [Type] == "Dying Anguish" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lvl 19 Skill Gem -- Marketplace/Docks/Ebony Barracks/City of Sarn (zone) [Type] == "Earth Drinker" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Granite Flask - Dunes (map) [Type] == "Emperor's Luck" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 5x Currency -- Imperial Gardens (zone)/Courtyard/Orchard (map) [Type] == "Emperor of Purity" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 6L Holy Chainmail -- Chamber of Sins (zone) / Overgrown Ruin / Springs (map) [Type] == "The Encroaching Darkness" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Map (Corrupted) -- Vaal Ruins (zone/merc) [Type] == "The Endurance" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Vivid Crimson Magic Jewel -- Crystal Veins / Mines / Excavation / Quarry (zones) [Type] == "The Enlightened" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lvl 3 Enlighten -- Dry Woods (map) [Type] == "The Ethereal" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 6L Vall Regalia -- Apex of Sacrifice [Type] == "The Explorer" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Map (corrupted) -- Dread Thicket (zone/merc)/ Thicket (map) [Type] == "The Feast" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Romira's Banquet (corrupted) -- Market/Slums/Warehouse Sewers (zone)/Sewer/Waste Pool (map) [Type] == "The Fiend" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Headhunter (corrupted) -- Shrine (map) [Type] == "The Fletcher" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Drillneck (corrupted) -- Ironpoint the Forsaken [Type] == "The Flora's Gift" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 5L Staff -- Tropical Island (map) [Type] == "The Formless Sea" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Varunastra -- Reef (map) [Type] == "The Fox" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lvl 20 Gem -- Broken Bridge/Crossroads/Fellshrine/Old Fields/Riverways/Western Forest/Wetlands (zone)/Village Ruin (map) [Type] == "The Gambler" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Divination Card -- Any map area [Type] == "The Gemcutter" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gemcutter's Prism -- Gemcutter's Strongbox [Type] == "Gemcutter's Promise" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Q20 Gem -- Ebony Barracks (zone)/ Collonade/Promenade (map) [Type] == "The Gentleman" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Sword (corrupted) -- Slums (zone)/ Ghetto/Precinct (map) [Type] == "Gift of the Gemling Queen" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lvl 20 Support Gem -- Crystal Veins (zone/merc) [Type] == "The Gladiator" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Nightmare Bascinet -- Daresso's Dream/Grand Arena (zone)/ Arena/Colosseum/Pit (map) [Type] == "Glimmer of Hope" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Gold Ring -- Underground River (map) [Type] == "Grave Knowledge" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Q20 SRS Gem -- The Crypt (zone/lvl 1/cruel) [Type] == "The Harvester" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Harvest (Axe) -- Crossroads (zone) [Type] == "Her Mask" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Sacrifice Fragment -- Any Map [Type] == "The Hermit" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lifesprig -- Broken Bridge/Crossroads/Dread Thicket/Fellshrine/Northern,Southern,Western Forest/Old Fields/Riverways/Wetlands [Type] == "Heterochromia" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Two-Stone Ring -- Gorge (map) [Type] == "The Hoarder" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Exalted Orb -- Belly of the Beast (zone/lvl 1,2)/Harvest [Type] == "Hope" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Prismatic Ring (corrupted) -- Crypt/Desert/Dunes/Dungeon/Grotto/Pit/Tropical Island (map) [Type] == "House of Mirrors" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mirror of Kilandra -- The Immortal set / Vessel of the Vaal [Type] == "Hubris" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Ring -- Jeweller's Strongbox [Type] == "Humility" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Tabula Rasa -- Aqueduct (zone)/ Channel/Waterways (map) [Type] == "The Hunger" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Taste of Hate -- Belly of Beast (lvl 1)/Harvest (zone)/ Malformation/Phantasmagoria (map) [Type] == "Hunter's Resolve" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Bow -- Riverways (zone)/ Springs (map) [Type] == "Hunter's Reward" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Taming -- Grotto (map) [Type] == "The Immortal" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // House of Mirrors -- Hall of Grandmasters [Type] == "The Incantation" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Whispering Ice -- Western Forest (zone)/ Springs (map) [Type] == "The Inoculated" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Seraphim's Armour -- Shore (map) [Type] == "The Inventor" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 10x Vaal Orb -- Ancient Pyramid (zone)/ Conservatory (map) [Type] == "Jack in the Box" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Item -- Battlefront/City of Sarn/Docks/Ebony Barracks/Marketplace/Slums/Warehouse District (zone)/ Aresenal (map) [Type] == "The Jester" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Merciless One-Hand Weapon -- Unknown [Type] == "The King's Blade" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bloodthirsty Eternal Sword (66) -- Daresso's Dream (zone)/ Pit (map) [Type] == "The King's Heart" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kaom's Heart -- Abyss/Volcano (map) [Type] == "Lantador's Lost Love" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rare Two-Stone Ring -- Act 1 zones (Cruel) [Type] == "Last Hope" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mortal Hope -- Vaal Temple (map) [Type] == "The Last One Standing" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Atziri's Disfavour -- Hall of Grandmasters (map) [Type] == "The Lich" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Midnight Bargain -- Sawbones [Type] == "The Lion" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lioneye Unique Item -- Gorge (map) [Type] == "The Lord in Black" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Magic Ring of Bameth (83) -- Bameth, Shifting Darkness [Type] == "Lost Worlds" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // T15 Map -- LvL 5+ Zana [Type] == "The Lover" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Jewelry (79) -- Graveyard/Maelström of Chaos/Necropolis (map) [Type] == "Loyalty" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 3x Fusing -- Den (zone) [Type] == "Lucky Connections" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 20x Fusing -- Docks (zone)/ Pier/Shipyard/Wharf (map) [Type] == "Lucky Deck" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 10x Stacked Deck -- Jungle Valley / Terrace / Torture Chamber (map) [Type] == "The Lunaris Priestess" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Sire of Shards -- Lunaris Temple 2 (zone) [Type] == "Lysah's Respite" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Agate Amulet -- Unkown [Type] == "Mawr Blaidd" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Eyes of the Greatwolf -- unknown [Type] == "The Mercenary" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Shield -- Broken Bridge (zone)/ Coves/Gorge (map) [Type] == "Merciless Armament" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Magic merciless 2-Handed Weapon (100) -- Colonnade (map) [Type] == "The Metalsmith's Gift" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Normal Prismatic Ring -- Fetid Pool/Mud Flats (zone) [Type] == "A Mother's Parting Gift" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fertile Mind -- Imperial Gardens (zone) [Type] == "The Oath" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Death's Oath -- Unknown [Type] == "The Offering" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shavronne's Wrappings -- Shavronne of Umbra [Type] == "The One With All" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Le Heup of All (corrupted) -- Tidal Island (zone) [Type] == "The Pack Leader" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Alpha's Howl -- Dark Forest/Dry Woods/Jungle Valley/Tropical Island (map) [Type] == "The Pact" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Pledge of Hands -- Docks (zone)/ Shipyard (map) [Type] == "The Penitent" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unset Ring -- Unknown [Type] == "The Poet" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Blood of Corruption (corrupted) -- Marketplace (zone)/ Arcade/Bazaar (map) [Type] == "Pride Before the Fall" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kaom's Heart (corrupted) -- Climb/Coast/Ledge/Mud Flats/Ship Graveyard/Tidal Island (zone) [Type] == "Prosperity" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Magic Perandus' Gold Ring -- Tidal Island (zone)/ Shore (map) [Type] == "The Queen" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Atiziri's Acuity -- Vaults of Atziri (map) [Type] == "The Rabid Rhoa" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Malicious Gemini Magic Claw (83) - Drought-Maddened Rhoa [Type] == "Rain of Chaos" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Chaos Orb -- Crossroads (zone)/ Village Ruin (map) [Type] == "Rain Tempter" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Strand Map -- Grotto (map) [Type] == "Rats" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rats's Nest -- Marketplace/Warehouse District (zone)/ Arsenal (map) [Type] == "The Risk" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ventor's Gamble -- The Gambler Set [Type] == "The Road to Power" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Runic 1-Handed Weapon (100) -- Fellshrine Ruins (zone)/ Dark Forest/Orchard/Shore/Village Ruin (map) [Type] == "The Scarred Meadow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wake of Destruction -- Old Fields (zone)/ Dry Peninsula (map) [Type] == "The Scavenger" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Carcass Jack -- Unknown [Type] == "The Scholar" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 40x Wisdom Scrolls -- Archives/Library (zone)/ Academy/Museum (map) [Type] == "Scholar of the Seas" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mao Kun -- Ship Graveyard (zone)/ Coves/Reef (map) [Type] == "The Sephirot" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 10x Divine orbs -- God's Chosen (unique monster) [Type] == "Shard of Fate" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Magic Vivid Jewel -- Chamber of Sins (zone) [Type] == "The Sigil" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unassailable Amulet -- Overgrown Shrine (map) [Type] == "The Siren" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Wispering Ice (corrupted) -- Graveyard/Maelström of Chaos/Necropolis (map) [Type] == "The Soul" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Soul Taker -- Cemetary (map) [Type] == "The Spoiled Prince" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dictator's Prophecy Wand (100) -- Museum (map) [Type] == "The Stormcaller" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Agnerod Staff -- Torture Chamber (map) [Type] == "The Summoner" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Q20 Minion Gem -- Catacombs/Chamber of Sins Lvl 1/2/Crypt Lvl 2/Fetid Pool/Lower Prison/Upper Prison (zone)/ Acton's Nightmare/Coward's Trial/Dungeon/Necropolis (map) [Type] == "The Sun" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rise of the Phoenix -- Solaris Lvl 1/2 (zone)/ Temple (map) [Type] == "The Surgeon" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Magic Surgeon's Flask -- Chamber of Sins Lvl 2 (zone) [Type] == "The Surveyor" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // T14 Map -- Core/Malformation/Phantasmagoria (map) [Type] == "The Survivalist" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 7x Alchemy -- Flooded Depths (zone) [Type] == "The Thaumaturgist" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shavronne's Revelation (corrupted) -- Shrine (map) [Type] == "Three Faces in the Dark" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 3x Chaos Orb -- Markeplace/Warehouse District (zone)/ Arsenal/Village Ruin (map) [Type] == "Time-Lost Relic" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique League Specific Item -- Excavation (map) [Type] == "The Throne" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kaom's Roots (Corrupted) -- Sewer/Wastepool (zone) [Type] == "Thunderous Skies" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Storm Cloud -- Twilight Strand (Merc Zone)/ Courtyard/Strand (map) [Type] == "The Tower" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Staff -- Sceptre of God/Upper Sceptre of God (zone)/ Palace/Residence (map) [Type] == "The Traitor" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Unique Wand (corrupted) -- Battlefront (zone)/ Promenade (map) [Type] == "Tranquility" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Voltaxic Rift -- Old Fields (zone)/ Dry Peninsula (map) [Type] == "Treasure Hunter" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Vaults of Atziri (corrupted) -- Mines Lvl 1 (zone)/ Excavation (map) [Type] == "The Trial" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // T15 Map -- Academy/Arid Lake/Bazaar/Canyon/Cells/Crematorium/Jungle Valley/Malformation/Necropolis/Orchard/Plateau/Precinct/Residence/Torture Chamber/Springs/Underground River/Underground Sea/Waste Pool (map) [Type] == "Turn the Other Cheek" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Pacifism Jewel (corrupted) -- The Library (zone) [Type] == "The Twins" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gemini Claw of Celebration (83) -- Palace/Residence/Temple (map) [Type] == "The Union" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 10x GCP -- Fellshrine Ruins (zone) [Type] == "The Valkyrie" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Nemesis Unique -- Rogue Exile [Type] == "The Vast" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Song of the Sirens -- Coves (map) [Type] == "Vinia's Token" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 10x Regret -- Crematorium/Lunaris Lvl 1/2 (zone)/ Temple (map) [Type] == "The Visionary" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lioneye's Vision -- Arena (map) [Type] == "The Void" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // ????? [Type] == "Volatile Power" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Q20 Vaal Gem (corrupted) -- Crystal Veins/Mines Lvl 1/2 (zones)/ Excavation/Quarry (map) [Type] == "The Warden" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rare Amulet (corrupted) -- Lower/Upper Prison (zone)/ Dungeon (map) [Type] == "The Warlord" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 6L Coronal Maul (83) -- Arsenal (map) [Type] == "The Watcher" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Crown of Eyes -- Quarry (map) [Type] == "Wealth and Power" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lvl 4 Enlighten (corrupted) -- Lunaris Lvl 2 (zone) [Type] == "The Web" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Weapon of Crafting -- Weaver's Chambers (zone) / Jungle Valley (map) [Type] == "The Wind" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Windripper -- Jungle Valley (map) [Type] == "The Wolf" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rigwald Item -- unknown [Type] == "The Wolf's Shadow" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hyaon's Fury -- Underground Sea (map) [Type] == "The Wrath" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // 10x Chaos -- Cavern of Wrath (zone) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // M A P S // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ID Maps - GUI does this now. // [Category] == "Map" # [map_monsters_life_+%] >= "0" && [StashItem] == "true" // Sac Sets [Type] == "Sacrifice at Dawn" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map [Type] == "Sacrifice at Noon" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map [Type] == "Sacrifice at Dusk" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map [Type] == "Sacrifice at Midnight" # [StashItem] == "true" //Sacrifice map [Type] == "Mortal Grief" # [StashItem] == "true" //Über map [Type] == "Mortal Rage" # [StashItem] == "true" //Über map [Type] == "Mortal Ignorance" # [StashItem] == "true" //Über map [Type] == "Mortal Hope" # [StashItem] == "true" //Über map // Take all maps, or comment out if you want to specify which map rarity to pick up below [Category] == "Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Map" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "True" // Take all normal maps // [Category] == "Map" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "True" // Take all magic maps // [Category] == "Map" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [SellUnid] == "True" // Sell all UnID magic maps (for controlling/rolling your own magic maps) // [Category] == "Map" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "True" // Take all rare maps // [Category] == "Map" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "True" // Take all unique maps // Comment out the maps bellow that you DON'T need - Because of value of higher tier maps, recommend taking all T10+ maps // Alternative method for running maps is to collect all maps but set map runner ipd to [UpgradeMapTier] // Tier 1 [Type] == "Arcade Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Crystal Ore Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Desert Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Jungle Valley Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 2 [Type] == "Beach Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Factory Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Ghetto Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Oasis Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 3 [Type] == "Arid Lake Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Cavern Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Channel Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Grotto Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Marshes Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Sewer Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Vaal Pyramid Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 4 [Type] == "Academy Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Acid Lakes Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Dungeon Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Graveyard Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Phantasmagoria Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Villa Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Waste Pool Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 5 [Type] == "Burial Chambers Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Peninsula Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Dunes Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Mesa Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Pit Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Primordial Pool Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Spider Lair Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Tower Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 6 [Type] == "Shaped Arcade Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Crystal Ore Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Desert Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Jungle Valley Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Canyon Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Quarry Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Racecourse Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Ramparts Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Spider Forest Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Strand Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Thicket Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Vaal City Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Wharf Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 7 [Type] == "Shaped Beach Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Factory Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Ghetto Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Oasis Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Arachnid Tomb Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Castle Ruins Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Catacombs Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Cells Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Armory Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Ashen Wood Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Mud Geyser Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 8 [Type] == "Shaped Arid Lake Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Cavern Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Channel Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Grotto Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Marshes Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Sewer Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Vaal Pyramid Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Arachnid Nest Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Arena Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Bog Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Cemetery Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Barrows Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Atoll Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Pier Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shore Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Tropical Island Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 9 [Type] == "Shaped Academy Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Acid Lakes Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Dungeon Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Graveyard Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Phantasmagoria Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Villa Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Waste Pool Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Coves Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Crypt Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Museum Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Orchard Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Overgrown Shrine Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Promenade Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Reef Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Temple Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 10 [Type] == "Shaped Burial Chambers Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Peninsula Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Dunes Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Mesa Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Pit Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Primordial Pool Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Spider Lair Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Tower Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Colonnade Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Arsenal Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Courtyard Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Malformation Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Quay Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Terrace Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Underground River Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 11 [Type] == "Shaped Canyon Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Quarry Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Racecourse Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Ramparts Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Spider Forest Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Strand Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Thicket Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Vaal City Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Wharf Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Bazaar Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Chateau Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Excavation Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Precinct Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Torture Chamber Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Underground Sea Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Wasteland Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 12 [Type] == "Shaped Arachnid Tomb Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Castle Ruins Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Catacombs Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Cells Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Armory Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Ashen Wood Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Mud Geyser Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Crematorium Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Estuary Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Necropolis Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Plateau Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Ivory Temple Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Residence Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shipyard Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Vault Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 13 [Type] == "Shaped Arachnid Nest Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Arena Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Bog Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Cemetery Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Barrows Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Atoll Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Pier Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Shore Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Tropical Island Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Lair Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Beacon Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Gorge Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "High Gardens Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Plaza Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Scriptorium Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Sulphur Wastes Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Waterways Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 14 [Type] == "Shaped Coves Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Crypt Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Museum Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Orchard Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Overgrown Shrine Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Promenade Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Reef Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Temple Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Maze Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Mineral Pools Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Palace Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shrine Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Springs Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Volcano Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 15 [Type] == "Shaped Colonnade Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Arsenal Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Courtyard Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Malformation Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Quay Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Terrace Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Shaped Underground River Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Abyss Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Colosseum Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Core Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Dark Forest Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Overgrown Ruin Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Tier 16 [Type] == "Pit of the Chimera Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Lair of the Hydra Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Maze of the Minotaur Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Forge of the Phoenix Map" # [StashItem] == "True" [Type] == "Vaal Temple Map" # [StashItem] == "True" // Left these for ppl playing old maps in standard // They are all commented by default as to not mess up the new leagues // OLD Tier 1 // [Type] == "Crypt Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Desert Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Dunes Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Dungeon Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Not good map for bot // [Type] == "Grotto Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Pit Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Not good map for bot // [Type] == "Tropical Island Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Not good map for bot // OLD Tier 2 // [Type] == "Arcade Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Cemetery Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Sometimes gets stuck on 2 level loot pickup // [Type] == "Channel Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Mountain Ledge Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Sewer Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Thicket Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Wharf Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 3 // [Type] == "Ghetto Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Sometimes gets stuck on 2 level loot pickup // [Type] == "Mud Geyser Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Museum Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Good map - Won't make transition to boss // [Type] == "Quarry Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Sometimes gets stuck on 2 level loot pickup // [Type] == "Reef Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Spider Lair Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Vaal Pyramid Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Not good map for bot // OLD Tier 4 // [Type] == "Arena Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Not good map for bot // [Type] == "Overgrown Shrine Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Promenade Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Phantasmagoria Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Annoying map boss without transition // [Type] == "Shore Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Spider Forest Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Tunnel Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 5 // [Type] == "Bog Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Coves Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Graveyard Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Pier Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Underground Sea Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Villa Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 6 // [Type] == "Arachnid Nest Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Catacomb Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Colonnade Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss without transition // [Type] == "Dry Woods Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Strand Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // // [Type] == "Temple Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss without transition // OLD Tier 7 // [Type] == "Jungle Valley Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Annoying map boss on transition // [Type] == "Terrace Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Annoying map boss on transition // [Type] == "Abandoned Cavern Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Torture Chamber Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Annoying map boss on transition // [Type] == "Waste Pool Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 8 // [Type] == "Dark Forest Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Dry Peninsula Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Annoying map boss on transition // [Type] == "Canyon Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Cells Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Orchard Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss on transition // OLD Tier 9 // [Type] == "Arid Lake Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Gorge Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Malformation Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss // [Type] == "Residence Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss // [Type] == "Underground River Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 10 // [Type] == "Bazaar Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Necropolis Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss // [Type] == "Plateau Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Volcano Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss (LW totems) // [Type] == "Chateau Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 11 // [Type] == "Academy Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Crematorium Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // Difficult map boss // [Type] == "Precinct Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Springs Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 12 // [Type] == "Arsenal Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Overgrown Ruin Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Shipyard Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Village Ruin Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 13 // [Type] == "Courtyard Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Excavation Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Wasteland Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Waterways Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 14 // [Type] == "Conservatory Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Palace Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Plaza Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Shrine Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Vaal Temple Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // OLD Tier 15 // [Type] == "Abyss Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Colosseum Map" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Core Map" # [StashItem] == "true" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // SOCKETS // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // [Sockets] >= "5" && [Linked] >= "5" # [StashItem] =="true" // Keep 5/6L [Sockets] == "6" && [Linked] >= "6" # [StashItem] =="true" // Keep 6L6S [Sockets] == "6" && [Linked] <= "4" # [SellUnid] == "true" // Sell 6S ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // C H A N C I N G // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // [Type] == "Onyx Amulet" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Astramentis preferably // [Type] == "Slaughter Knife" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Bino's // [Type] == "Sharkskin Booots" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Blood Dance (Vaal Roll +1 Frenzy) // [Type] == "Varnished Coat" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Carcass Jack // [Type] == "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Drillneck // [Type] == "Deicide Mask" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Heretic's Veil // [Type] == "Glorious Plate" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Kaom's Heart // [Type] == "Desert Brigandine" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Lightning Coil // [Type] == "Deerskin Gloves" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Maligaro's Virtuosity // [Type] == "Gavel" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Mjolnir // [Type] == "Judgement Staff" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Pledge of Hands // [Type] == "Titanium Spirit Shield" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Rathpith // [Type] == "Ursine Pelt" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Rat's Nest // [Type] == "Granite Flask" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Rumi's Concoction // [Type] == "Occultist's Vestment" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Shavronne's Wrappings // [Type] == "Sorcerer Boots" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Skyforth // [Type] == "Siege Axe" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Soul Taker // [Type] == "Gold Ring" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Ventor's Gamble or Andvarius // [Type] == "Prophecy Wand" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Void Battery // [Type] == "Conjurer Gloves" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Voidbringer (Vaal Roll +1 Gems) // [Type] == "Spine Bow" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Voltaxic Rift // [Type] == "Prophecy Wand" # [ChanceItem] == "true" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // Void Battery ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // W H I T E S // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // [Type] == "Agate Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true" // Collect for Voll's Devotion - Anarchy/Onslaught Map Mod - Chance in Map // [Type] == "Assassin's Garb" && [Rarity] == "Normal" && [ItemLevel] >= "84" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Coronal Maul" && [Rarity] == "Normal" && [ItemLevel] >= "83" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Glorious Plate" && [Rarity] == "Normal" && [ItemLevel] >= "84" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Harbinger Bow" && [Rarity] == "Normal" && [ItemLevel] >= "83" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Leather Belt" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Tornado Wand" && [Rarity] == "Normal" && [ItemLevel] >= "83" # [StashItem] == "true" // [Type] == "Vaal Regalia" && [Rarity] == "Normal" && [ItemLevel] >= "84" # [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // F L A S K S // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // [Type] == "Small Life Flask" // [Type] == "Medium Life Flask" // [Type] == "Large Life Flask" // [Type] == "Greater Life Flask" // [Type] == "Grand Life Flask" // [Type] == "Giant Life Flask" // [Type] == "Colossal Life Flask" // [Type] == "Sacred Life Flask" // [Type] == "Hallowed Life Flask" // [Type] == "Sanctified Life Flask" // [Type] == "Divine Life Flask" // [Type] == "Eternal Life Flask" // [Type] == "Small Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Medium Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Large Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Greater Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Grand Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Giant Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Colossal Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Sacred Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Hallowed Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Sanctified Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Divine Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Eternal Mana Flask" // [Type] == "Small Hybrid Flask" // [Type] == "Medium Hybrid Flask" // [Type] == "Large Hybrid Flask" // [Type] == "Colossal Hybrid Flask" // [Type] == "Sacred Hybrid Flask" // [Type] == "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" // [Type] == "Quicksilver Flask" // [Type] == "Bismuth Flask" // [Type] == "Stibnite Flask" // [Type] == "Amethyst Flask" // [Type] == "Ruby Flask" // [Type] == "Sapphire Flask" // [Type] == "Topaz Flask" // [Type] == "Silver Flask" // [Type] == "Aquamarine Flask" // [Type] == "Diamond Flask" // [Type] == "Granite Flask" // [Type] == "Jade Flask" // [Type] == "Quartz Flask" // [Type] == "Sulphur Flask" // [Type] == "Basalt Flask" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // J E W E L S // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// //[Category] == "Jewel" # [StashItem] == "true" // NOT WORKING YET // Stash all Jewels // Cobalt Jewels // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all normal Cobalt Jewels // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all magic Cobalt Jewels [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all rare Cobalt Jewels // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [maximum_life_+%] >= "5" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep life mod jewel // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [minion_damage_+%] >= "14" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep minion dmg mod jewel (SRS builds) // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_resist_all_elements_%] >= "8" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep all resist mod jewel // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [damage_over_time_+%] >= "10" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep DoT mod jewel (Poison/Chaos builds) // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep double spell dmg mod jewel // [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep double crit chance mod jewel [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all unique Cobalt Jewels [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [maximum_life_+%] >= "6" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Anatomical Knowledge [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [minion_damage_+%] >= "8" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Army of Bones [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_jewel_nearby_passives_str_to_int] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Brute Force Solution [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [mana_regeneration_rate_+%] >= "20" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Clear Mind [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [minion_elemental_resistance_%] >= "7" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dead Reckoning [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_chaos_damage_+%_per_10_int_in_radius] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Eldritch Knowledge [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [maximum_energy_shield_+%] >= "8" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Energy From Within [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_jewel_nearby_passives_dex_to_int] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fertile Mind [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [minion_maximum_life_+%] >= "5" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fortified Legion [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [maximum_mana_+%] >= "15" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Healthy Mind [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [chance_to_gain_unholy_might_on_melee_kill_%] >= "5" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Malicious Intent [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [fire_damage_+%] >= "5" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rolling Flames [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_rallying_cry_damage_taken_goes_to_mana_%_with_50_int_in_radius] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Spirited Response [Type] == "Cobalt Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [cold_damage_+%] >= "5" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Winter's Bounty // Crimson Jewels // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all normal Crimson Jewels // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all magic Crimson Jewels [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all rare Crimson Jewels // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [maximum_life_+%] >= "5" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep life mod jewel // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [physical_damage_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep double phys dmg mod // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_resist_all_elements_%] >= "8" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep all resist mod jewel // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [damage_over_time_+%] >= "10" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep DoT mod jewel (Poison/Chaos builds) // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep double crit chance mod jewel [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all unique Crimson Jewels [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [dexterity_+%] >= "4" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Brawn [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_jewel_nearby_passives_int_to_str] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Efficient Training [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_energy_shield_increases_applies_to_armour_doubled] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Energised Armour [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_damage_increases_applies_to_fire_damage] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fireborn [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [life_regeneration_rate_+%] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fragile Bloom [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_jewel_nearby_passives_dex_to_str] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Inertia // [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_with_4_notables_gain_X_random_rare_monster_mods_on_kill] >= "5" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Inspired Learning [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [fire_damage_+%] >= "18" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Izaro's Turmoil [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [minimum_added_fire_damage_per_active_buff] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mantra of Flames [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [melee_range_+_while_unarmed] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Martial Artistry [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_dex_and_int_apply_to_str_melee_damage_bonus_in_radius] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Might in All Forms [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [totem_number_of_additional_projectiles ] >= "2" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rain of Splinters [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_ground_slam_angle_+%_with_50_str_in_radius] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rapid Expansion [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_glacial_hammer_item_rarity_on_shattering_enemy_+%_with_50_strength_in_radius] >= "20" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shattered Chains [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_totem_life_+X%_per_10_str_in_radius] >= "3" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Spire of Stone [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_vigilant_strike_fortifies_nearby_allies_for_x_seconds_with_50_str_in_radius] >= "3" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Vigil [Type] == "Crimson Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_heavy_strike_chance_to_deal_double_damage_%_with_50_strength_in_radius] >= "10" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Weight of the Empire // Viridian Jewel // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all normal Viridian Jewels // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all magic Viridian Jewels [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [StashItem] == "true" // Stash all rare Viridian Jewels // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [maximum_life_+%] >= "5" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep life mod jewel // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [physical_damage_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep double phys dmg mod // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_resist_all_elements_%] >= "8" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep all resist mod jewel // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [damage_over_time_+%] >= "10" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep DoT mod jewel (Poison/Chaos builds) // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Keep double crit chance mod jewel [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" Stash all unique Viridian Jewels [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [minion_movement_speed_+%] >= "5" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Apparitions [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_jewel_nearby_passives_int_to_dex] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Careful Planning [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_physical_damage_increases_applies_to_cold_damage] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cold Steel [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_jewel_nearby_passives_str_to_dex] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fluid Motion [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_viper_strike_attack_damage_per_poison_on_enemy_+%_with_50_dexterity_in_radius] >= "4" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Growing Agony [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [damage_+%_per_equipped_magic_item] >= "20" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hidden Potential [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [movement_velocity_+%_while_ignited] >= "10" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hotfooted // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_nearby_disconnected_passives_can_be_allocated] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Intuitive Leap // [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_melee_applies_to_bow] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lioneye's Fall [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_burning_arrow_spread_burning_ground_when_igniting_enemy_on_hit_%_with_50_dexterity_in_radius] >= "10" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Pitch Darkness [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_evasion_rating_+%_per_X_dex_in_radius] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Pugilist [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_animate_weapon_can_animate_up_to_x_additional_ranged_weapons_with_50_dex_in_radius] >= "4" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Spirit Guards [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [attack_minimum_added_lightning_damage ] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Static Electricity [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_spectral_throw_damage_for_each_enemy_hit_with_spectral_weapon_+%_with_50_dexterity_in_radius] >= "4" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Steel Spirit [Type] == "Viridian Jewel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_jewel_barrage_final_volley_fires_x_additional_projectiles_simultaneously_with_50_dex_in_radius] >= "2" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Volley Fire ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // U N I Q U E I T E M S // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true" // DO NOT COMMENT THIS LINE: With ForceSellItem there is no need to sell uniques as a general line command, rather by individual lines ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // A m u l e t s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// [Type] == "Agate Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Aylardex / Extractor Mentis / Shaper's Seed / Voll's Devotion [Type] == "Amber Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Anvil [Type] == "Citrine Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Daresso's Salute [Type] == "Coral Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Araku Tiki / Bloodgrip / Ngamahu Tiki [Type] == "Gold Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Ascetic / Demigod's Presence / Ignomon / Winterheart [Type] == "Jade Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Karui Ward / Rashkaldor's Patience [Type] == "Jet Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Talisman of the Victor [Type] == "Lapis Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Marylene's Fallacy / Stone of Lazhwar / Tear of Purity [Type] == "Lapis Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [cast_speed_+%] > "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Stone of Lazhwar [Type] == "Onyx Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Astramentis / Carnage Heart / Eye of Chayula / Hinekora's Sight [Type] == "Onyx Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [additional_all_attributes] > "80" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Astramentis [Type] == "Paua Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Atziri's Foible / Sidhebreath [Type] == "Turquoise Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ungil's Harmony / Victario's Acuity / Warped Timepiece ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // B e l t s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// [Type] == "Chain Belt" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ascent from Flesh / Auxium / Bated Breath / Maligro's Restraint [Type] == "Cloth Belt" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Perandus Blazon / Soulthirst / Sunblast [Type] == "Heavy Belt" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Belt of the Deceiver / Doryani's Invitation / Dyadian Dawn / Meginord's Girdle [Type] == "Leather Belt" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Headhunter / Immortal Flesh / Wurm's Molt / Umbilicus Immortalis [Type] == "Rustic Sash" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Faminebind / Feastbind / Prismweave / The Retch [Type] == "Studded Belt" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Magnate ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // R i n g s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// [Type] == "Amethyst Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Death Rush / Ming's Heart [Type] == "Coral Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bloodboil / Kaom's Sign / Kaom's Way / Sibyl's Lament [Type] == "Diamond Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gifts from Above / Romira's Banquet [Type] == "Diamond Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_maximum_mana] > "1" && [StashItem] == "true" // Romira's Banquet [Type] == "Gold Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Andvarius / Ventor's Gamble [Type] == "Iron Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Blackheart / Le Heup of All / Voidheart [Type] == "Moonstone Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Heartbound Loop / Shavronne's Revelation / Timeclasp [Type] == "Paua Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doedre's Damning / Perandus Signet [Type] == "Paua Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [mana_regeneration_rate_+%] >= "1" && [StashItem] == "true"// Perandus Signet [Type] == "Prismatic Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lori's Lantern / The Taming / Thiefs Torment [Type] == "Ruby Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Emberwake / Mokou's Embrace / Ngamahu's Sign [Type] == "Sapphire Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dream Fragments / Pyre / Tasalio's Sign [Type] == "Topaz Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kikazaru / Valako's Sign [Type] == "Two-Stone Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [fire_damage_+%] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Berek's Pass [Type] == "Two-Stone Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [cold_damage_+%] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Berek's Grip [Type] == "Two-Stone Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_maximum_mana] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Berek's Respite [Type] == "Unset Ring" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Brinerot Mark / Malachai's Artifice / Mutewind Seal / The Pariah / Redblade Band / Voideye / Essence Worm ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Q u i v e r s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// [Type] == "Blunt Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Maloney's Nightfall [Type] == "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rearguard [Type] == "Fire Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Blackgleam / The Signal Fire [Type] == "Penetrating Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Drillneck [Type] == "Serrated Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Craghead / Cragfall [Type] == "Sharktooth Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hyrri's Bite [Type] == "Spike-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Soul Strike / Saemus' Gift [Type] == "Two-Point Arrow Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Asphyxia's Wrath / Rigwald's Quills / Skirmish ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // A r m o u r // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Armour Chests [Type] == "Astral Plate" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Death's Oath [Type] == "Copper Plate" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Solaris Lorica [Type] == "Crusader Plate" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lioneye's Vision [Type] == "Gladiator Plate" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Brass Dome [Type] == "Glorious Plate" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kaom's Heart [Type] == "Golden Plate" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Greed's Embrace [Type] == "Plate Vest" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bramble Jack / Wall of Brambles // Evasion Chests [Type] == "Assassin's Garb" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cospri's Will [Type] == "Buckskin Tunic" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ashrend [Type] == "Cutthroat's Garb" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bronn's Lithe [Type] == "Destiny Leather" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Queen of the Forest [Type] == "Exquisite Leather" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kintsugi [Type] == "Sharkskin Tunic" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Rat Cage [Type] == "Strapped Leather" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Briskwrap [Type] == "Wild Leather" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Foxshade [Type] == "Zodiac Leather" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hyrri's Ire // Energy Shield Chests [Type] == "Necromancer Silks" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Vis Mortis [Type] == "Occultist's Vestment" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shavronne's Wrappings [Type] == "Sage's Robe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Zahndethus' Cassock [Type] == "Savant's Robe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cloak of Tawm'r Isley [Type] == "Scholar's Robe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cloak of Flame [Type] == "Spidersilk Robe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Covenant / Soul Mantle [Type] == "Vaal Regalia" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Beast Fur Shawl [Type] == "Widowsilk Robe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Infernal Mantle // Armour & Evasion Chests [Type] == "Desert Brigandine" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lightning Coil [Type] == "Full Dragonscale" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Daresso's Defiance [Type] == "Full Scale Armour" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Viper's Scalea [Type] == "Full Wyrmscale" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Belly of the Beast [Type] == "Triumphant Lamellar" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cherrubim's Maleficence // Armour & Energy Shield Chests [Type] == "Conquest Chainmail" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kingsguard [Type] == "Crusader Chainmail" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ambu's Charge [Type] == "Elegant Ringmail" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Geofri's Sanctuary [Type] == "Holy Chainmail" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Voll's Protector [Type] == "Latticed Ringmail" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Icetomb [Type] == "Ornate Ringmail" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lightbane Raiment [Type] == "Saintly Chainmail" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Incandescent Heart // Evasion & Energy Shield Chests [Type] == "Carnal Armour" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Restless Ward [Type] == "Lacquered Garb" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cloak of Defiance/Victario's Influence [Type] == "Simple Robe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Thousand Ribbons [Type] == "Varnished Coat" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Carcass Jack ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // B o o t s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Armour Boots [Type] == "Reinforced Greaves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Windscream [Type] == "Titan Greaves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kaom's Roots // Evasion Boots [Type] == "Deerskin Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Deerstalker [Type] == "Goathide Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Victario's Flight [Type] == "Nubuck Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_quantity_+%] >= "18" && [StashItem] == "true" // Almost Perfect Goldwyrm [Type] == "Nubuck Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_quantity_+%] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Goldwyrm [Type] == "Rawhide Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Seven-League Step [Type] == "Shagreen Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Three-Step Assault [Type] == "Sharkskin Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Blood Dance (Vaal Roll +1 Frenzy) // Energy Shield Boots [Type] == "Conjurer Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rainbow Stride (Vaal Roll +1 Gems) [Type] == "Scholar Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shavronne's Pace [Type] == "Silk Slippers" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bones of Ullr [Type] == "Sorcerer Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Skyforth [Type] == "Velvet Slippers" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wondertrap [Type] == "Wool Shoes" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wanderlust // Armour & Evasion Boots [Type] == "Bronzescale Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lioneye's Paws [Type] == "Dragonscale Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Darkray Vectors [Type] == "Ironscale Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dusktoe // Armour & Energy Shield Boots [Type] == "Legion Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gang's Momentum [Type] == "Mesh Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wake of Destruction [Type] == "Soldier Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Alberon's Warpath // Evasion & Energy Shield Boots [Type] == "Clasped Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Sundance [Type] == "Clasped Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] == "30" && [StashItem] == "true" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Perfect Rarity Sundance [Type] == "Stealth Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Sin Trek [Type] == "Strapped Boots" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Nomic's Storm ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // G l o v e s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Armour Gloves [Type] == "Ancient Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Winds of Change [Type] == "Goliath Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Empire's Grasp [Type] == "Iron Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lochtonial Caress [Type] == "Steel Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Meginord's Vise [Type] == "Titan Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Veruso's Battering Rams [Type] == "Vaal Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Atziri's Acuity, Doryani's Fist // Evasion Gloves [Type] == "Deerskin Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Maligaro's Virtuosity [Type] == "Goathide Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hrimsorrow / Hrimburn // Energy Shield Gloves [Type] == "Arcanist Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Grip of the Council [Type] == "Conjurer Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Voidbringer [Type] == "Silk Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Asenath's Gentle Touch [Type] == "Velvet Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doedre's Tenure [Type] == "Wool Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Sadima's Touch // [Type] == "Wool Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_quantity_+%] == "16" && [StashItem] == "true" // Perfect Qty Sadima's Touch // Armour & Evasion Gloves [Type] == "Bronzescale Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Slitherpinch / Vaal Caress [Type] == "Dragonscale Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Surgebinders [Type] == "Steelscale Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] == "50" && [StashItem] == "true"// Prefect Rarity Aurseize [Type] == "Steelscale Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true"// Aurseize [Type] == "Wyrmscale Gauntlets" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wyrmsign // Armour & Energy Shield Gloves [Type] == "Chain Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shackles of the Wretched [Type] == "Crusader Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Repentance [Type] == "Soldier Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Southbound // Evasion & Energy Shield Gloves [Type] == "Assassin's Mitts" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Snakebite [Type] == "Murder Mitts" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Thunderfist [Type] == "Strapped Mitts" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Facebreaker [Type] == "Wrapped Mitts" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ondar's Clasp ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // H e l m e t s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Armour Helmets [Type] == "Ezomyte Burgonet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Abyssus [Type] == "Iron Hat" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ezomyte Peak / Ezomyte Peak [Type] == "Samite Helmet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hrimnor's Resolve // Evasion Helmets [Type] == "Leather Cap" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Goldrim [Type] == "Leather Cap" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [resist_all_elements_%] == "40" && [StashItem] == "true" // Perfect Res Goldrim [Type] == "Leather Hood" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Heatshiver [Type] == "Silken Hood" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Starkonja's Head [Type] == "Sinner Tricorne" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Alpha's howl [Type] == "Tricorne" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fairgraves' Tricorne [Type] == "Ursine Pelt" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rat's Nest // Energy Shield Helmets [Type] == "Hubris Circlet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Crown of Eyes [Type] == "Iron Circlet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Asenath's Mark [Type] == "Lunaris Circlet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doedre's Scorn [Type] == "Mind Cage" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rime Gaze / Scold's Bridle [Type] == "Necromancer Circlet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Chitus Apex [Type] == "Vine Circlet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Crown of Thorns // Armour & Evasion Helmets [Type] == "Gilded Sallet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Deidbell / Deidbellow [Type] == "Lacquered Helmet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Black Sun Crest [Type] == "Nightmare Bascinet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bringer of Rain / Devoto's Devotion [Type] == "Secutor Helm" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Skullhead [Type] == "Visored Sallet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Peregrine [Type] == "Visored Sallet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" // Perfect The Peregrine // Armour & Energy Shield Helemts [Type] == "Aventail Helmet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mindspiral [Type] == "Great Crown" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Geofri's Crest [Type] == "Great Helmet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Veil of the Night [Type] == "Prophet Crown" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Broken Crown [Type] == "Soldier Helmet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Honourhome [Type] == "Zealot Helmet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kitava's Thirst Evasion & Energy Shield Helmets // [Type] == "Deicide Mask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Heretic's Veil [Type] == "Festival Mask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Leer Cast [Type] == "Golden Mask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Three Dragons [Type] == "Harlequin Mask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mind of the Council [Type] == "Iron Mask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Malachai's Simula [Type] == "Regicide Mask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Crown of the Pale King [Type] == "Vaal Mask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Vertex ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // S h i e l d s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// Armour Shields [Type] == "Cedar Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Trolltimber Spire [Type] == "Ebony Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Chernobog's Pillar [Type] == "Pinnacle Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lioneye's Remorse [Type] == "Reinforced Tower Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Titucius' Span Evasion Shields [Type] == "Corrugated Buckler" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Great Old One's Ward [Type] == "Golden Buckler && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Atziri's Mirror [Type] == "Painted Buckler" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kaltenhalt / Kaltensoul [Type] == "Pine Buckler" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Crest of Perandus [Type] == "Vaal Buckler" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Thousand Teeth Temu [Type] == "War Buckler" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Chalice of Horrors / Thirst for Horrors Energy Shield Shields [Type] == "Brass Spirit Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Sentari's Answer [Type] == "Harmonic Spirit Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Malachai's Loop [Type] == "Ivory Spirit Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kongming's Strategem [Type] == "Tarnished Spirit Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Matua Tupuna [Type] == "Titanium Spirit Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rathpith Globe Armour & Evasion Shields [Type] == "Baroque Round Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Daresso's Courage [Type] == "Rotted Round Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wheel of the Stormsail [Type] == "Rotted Round Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] == "40" && [StashItem] == "true" // Perfect Rarity Wheel of the Stormsail [Type] == "Studded Round Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Deep One's Hide Armour & Energy Shield Shields [Type] == "Archon Kite Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Broken Faith / Prism Guardian [Type] == "Branded Kite Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Saffell's Frame [Type] == "Champion Kite Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Aegis Aurora [Type] == "Laminated Kite Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Victario's Charity [Type] == "Mosaic Kite Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rise of the Phoenix [Type] == "Plank Kite Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Springleaf / The Oak Evasion & Energy Shield Shields [Type] == "Burnished Spiked Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Glitterdisc [Type] == "Compound Spiked Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Maligaro's Lens [Type] == "Supreme Spiked Shield" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" //Jaws of Agony ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // W e a p o n s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // One-Handed Axes [Type] == "Cleaver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dreadarc [Type] == "Decorative Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Relentless Fury [Type] == "Infernal Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dyadus [Type] == "Jade Hatchet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Screaming Eagle / The Gryphon [Type] == "Royal Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rigwald's Savagery [Type] == "Siege Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Soul Taker [Type] == "Tomahawk" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Moonbender's Wing [Type] == "Vaal Hatchet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Jack, the Axe // Two-Handed Axes [Type] == "Headman Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Blood Reaper [Type] == "Karui Chopper" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kaom's Primacy [Type] == "Poleaxe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wideswing [Type] == "Shadow Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Reaper's Pursuit [Type] == "Sundering Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wings of Entropy [Type] == "Vaal Axe" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hezmana's Bloodlust [Type] == "Woodsplitter" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Limbsplit / The Cauteriser // Bows [Type] == "Assassin Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Chin Sol / Darkscorn [Type] == "Crude Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Silverbranch [Type] == "Death Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Death's Harp / Death's Opus / Iron Commander [Type] == "Decimation Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Infractem [Type] == "Harbringer Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Nuro's Harp / Slivertongue [Type] == "Harbringer Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [attack_speed_+%] >= "1" && [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Nuro's Harp [Type] == "Imperial Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lioneye's Glare / Windripper [Type] == "Imperial Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // Windripper [Type] == "Long Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Storm Cloud [Type] == "Ranger Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Null's Inclination [Type] == "Recurve Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Roth's Reach [Type] == "Royal Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doomfletch / Doomfletch's Prism [Type] == "Short Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Quill Rain [Type] == "Spine Bow" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Reach of the Council / Voltaxic Rift // Claws [Type] == "Awl" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Wildslash [Type] == "Eye Gouger" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Essentia Sanguis [Type] == "Fright Claw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mortem Morsu [Type] == "Gut Ripper" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ornament of the East / Advancing Fortress [Type] == "Hellion's Paw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bloodseeker [Type] == "Imperial Claw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Izaro's Dilemma / Touch of Anguish [Type] == "Imperial Claw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [cold_damage_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" // Touch of Anguish [Type] == "Nailed Fist" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Last Resort [Type] == "Terror Claw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rive [Type] == "Thresher Claw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cybil's Paw [Type] == "Timeworn Claw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Al Dhih [Type] == "Vaal Claw" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Allure // Daggers [Type] == "Boot Blade" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Widowmaker [Type] == "Boot Knife" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ungil's Gauche [Type] == "Fiend Dagger" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Consuming Dark [Type] == "Flaying Knife" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mightflay [Type] == "Imperial Skean" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Divinarius [Type] == "Platinum Kris" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mark of the Doubting Knight [Type] == "Royal Skean" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Heartbreaker [Type] == "Skinning Knife" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Goredrill // [Type] == "Slaughter Knife" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bino's Kitchen Knife [Type] == "Stiletto" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bloodplay // Fishing Rods [Type] == "Fishing Rod" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Song of the Sirens / Reefbane [Type] == "Fishing Rod" && [Rarity] == "Rare" [Type] == "Fishing Rod" && [Rarity] == "Magic" [Type] == "Fishing Rod" && [Rarity] == "Normal" // One-Handed Maces [Type] == "Auric Mace" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Callinellus Malleus [Type] == "Dream Mace" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Flesh-Eater [Type] == "Gavel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Cameria's Maul / Mjolner [Type] == "Gavel" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [physical_damage_+%] <= "120" && [StashItem] == "true" // Mjolner [Type] == "Ornate Mace" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Frostbreath [Type] == "Rock Breaker" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Clayshaper [Type] == "Spiked Club" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Gorebreaker [Type] == "War Hammer" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Brightbeak / Lavianga's Wisdom // Sceptres [Type] == "Bronze Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Axiom Perpetuum [Type] == "Carnal Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Breath of the Council [Type] == "Crystal Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Nycta's Lantern / The Supreme Truth [Type] == "Iron Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Spine of the First Claimant [Type] == "Karui Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Death's Hand [Type] == "Platinum Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Singularity [Type] == "Ritual Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Brutus' Lead Sprinkler [Type] == "Shadow Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Bitterdream / The Dark Seer [Type] == "Vaal Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doon Cuebiyari / Doryani's Catalyst [Type] == "Void Sceptre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Mon'tregul's Grasp // Two-Handed Maces [Type] == "Brass Maul" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Geofri's Baptism [Type] == "Dread Maul" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Voidhome [Type] == "Great Mallet" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Chober Chaber / Trypanon [Type] == "Jagged Maul" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Quecholli [Type] == "Karui Maul" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Marohi Erqi [Type] == "Sledgehammer" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hrimnor's Hymn [Type] == "Steelhead" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Jorrhast's Blacksteel [Type] == "Terror Maul" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kongor's Undying Rage // Staves [Type] == "Coiled Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dying Breath / Xirgil's Crank [Type] == "Gnarled Branch" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Blood Thorn / Fencoil [Type] == "Imperial Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Agnerod East / Agnerod North / Agnerod South / Agnerod West [Type] == "Iron Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Realmshaper [Type] == "Judgement Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hegemony's Era / Pledge of Hands [Type] == "Judgement Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [attack_speed_+%] >= "12" && [StashItem] == "true" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hegemony's Era [Type] == "Lathi" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Searing Touch [Type] == "Long Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Pillar of the Caged God [Type] == "Maelström Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Taryn's Shiver [Type] == "Military Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Tremor Rod [Type] == "Primordial Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Femurs of the Saints [Type] == "Royal Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Stormheart [Type] == "Serpentine Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Sire of Shards [Type] == "Vile Staff" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Whispering Ice // Generic One-Handed Swords [Type] == "Corsair Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ichimonji [Type] == "Dusk Blade" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ephemeral Edge [Type] == "Elder Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Innsbury Edge [Type] == "Elegant Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Goddess Scorned / Lakishu's Blade [Type] == "Eternal Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dreamfeather / The Goddess Unleashed [Type] == "Gladius" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Scaeva [Type] == "Legion Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Hyaon's Fury [Type] == "Midnight Blade" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rigwald's Command [Type] == "Rusted Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Redbeak [Type] == "Sabre" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Princess [Type] == "Twilight Blade" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Prismatic Eclipse [Type] == "Vaal Blade" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rebuke of the Vaal / Varunastra [Type] == "War Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Tempestuous Steel // Thrusting Blades [Type] == "Basket Rapier" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Aurumvorax [Type] == "Elegant Foil" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Chitus' Needle [Type] == "Estoc" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Daresso's Passion [Type] == "Jagged Foil" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Fidelitas' Spike [Type] == "Whalebone Rapier" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Goddess Bound // Two-Handed Swords [Type] == "Bastard Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Shiversting [Type] == "Etched Greatsword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Edge of Madness [Type] == "Highland Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rigwald's Charge [Type] == "Infernal Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Oro's Sacrifice [Type] == "Lion Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doomsower [Type] == "Ornate Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Queen's Decree [Type] == "Reaver Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Dancing Dervish / Hiltless [Type] == "Tiger Sword" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Terminus Est // Wands [Type] == "Carved Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Storm Prism [Type] == "Crystal Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Eclipse Solaris [Type] == "Demon's Horn" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Obliteration [Type] == "Driftwood Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lifesprig [Type] == "Engraved Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Midnight Bargain [Type] == "Goat's Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Abberath's Horn [Type] == "Imbued Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Moonsorrow [Type] == "Opal Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Apep's Rage [Type] == "Prophecy Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Void Battery [Type] == "Quartz Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Ashcaller [Type] == "Sage Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Twyzel [Type] == "Spiraled Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Reverberation Rod [Type] == "Tornado Wand" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Piscator's Vigil // Life/Mana Flasks [Type] == "Sanctified Life Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Blood of the Karui [Type] == "Grand Mana Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Zerphi's Last Breath [Type] == "Greater Mana Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Doedre's Elixir [Type] == "Hallowed Hybrid Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Writhing Jar [Type] == "Sanctified Mana Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lavianga's Spirit [Type] == "Large Hybrid Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Divination Distillate // Utility Flasks [Type] == "Amethyst Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Atziri's Promise [Type] == "Granite Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Lion's Roar / Rumi's Concoction [Type] == "Granite Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [local_unique_flask_block_%_while_healing] >= "1" && [StashItem] == "true" // Rumi's Concoction [Type] == "Quartz Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Forbidden Taste [Type] == "Quicksilver" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Rotgut [Type] == "Ruby Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Coruscating Elixir [Type] == "Sapphire Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Taste of Hate [Type] == "Silver Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Kiara's Determination [Type] == "Sulphur Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // The Sorrow of the Divine / The Overflowing Chalice [Type] == "Topaz Flask" && [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ForceSellItem] == "true" // Vessel of Vinktar ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // R A R E I T E M S // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // W e a p o n s // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 1H weapon that has more than 300 dps [Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [DPS] >= "300" // 2H weapon that has more than 400 dps [Category] == "2Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [DPS] >= "400" //Caster [Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [spell_damage_+%] >= "90" && [local_critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // (phys-dmg) [Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "20" && [local_physical_damage_+%] >= "110" && [local_attack_speed_+%] >= "20" && [local_critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // (tri.ele-dmg) [Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_minimum_added_cold_damage] >= "20" && [local_minimum_added_fire_damage] >= "25" && [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "85" && [local_attack_speed_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Bows:(+3Gems&Attackspeed) [Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_socketed_gem_level_+] == "1" && [local_socketed_bow_gem_level_+] == "2" && [local_attack_speed_+%] >= "8" && [StashItem] == "true" // Caster Weapons:(+3Gems (Cold/Fire/Light&Castspeed) [Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([local_socketed_cold_gem_level_+] == "2" || [local_socketed_fire_gem_level_+] == "2" || [local_socketed_lightning_gem_level_+] == "2") && [local_socketed_gem_level_+] == "1" && [StashItem] == "true" // Physical Damage only (very high %) Weapons:(+170%phys) [Category] == "Weapon" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_physical_damage_+%] >= "170" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // A r m o r // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // H e l m s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life Resists Def stat Helm [Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([Computed Armor] >= "500" || [Computed Evasion] >= "500" || [Computed Energy Shield] >= "200") && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // Life Resists Def stat Helm [Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "70" && [TotalResistances] >= "80" && [StashItem] == "true" // Life IIR Resists Helm [Category] == "Helm" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // C h e s t // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life Resists Def stat [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([Computed Energy Shield] >= "400" || [Computed Evasion] >= "1000" || [Computed Armor] >= "1000") && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // Life Resists 1 [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "70" && [TotalResistances] >= "80" && [StashItem] == "true" // Life Resists 2 [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [TotalResistances] >= "110" && [StashItem] == "true" // Mid Life, high stat, resist [Category] == "Chest" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([additional_intelligence] >= "40" || [additional_dexterity] >= "40" || [additional_strength] >= "40") && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [TotalResistances] >= "55" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // G l o v e s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life Attack Speed Resists [Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [attack_speed_+%] >= "10" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // Life Attack Speed low Resists Def stat [Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([Computed Energy Shield] >= "150" || [Computed Evasion] >= "300" || [Computed Armor] >= "300") && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // Dual Leech Life 1Resist [Category] == "Gloves" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_chaos_damage_resistance_%] >= "20" || [base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "30" || [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "30" || [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "30") && [base_maximum_life] >= "70" && [life_leech_from_physical_damage_permyriad] == "2" && [mana_leech_from_physical_damage_permyriad] == "2" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // B o o t s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life Resists Def stat Boot [Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([Computed Energy Shield] >= "150" || [Computed Evasion] >= "300" || [Computed Armor] >= "300") && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // high ES 30MS [Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [Computed Energy Shield] >= "180" && [base_movement_velocity_+%] == "30" && [StashItem] == "true" // Life MS Resists Boot [Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_movement_velocity_+%] >= "20" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // Life IIR Resists Boot [Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // S h i e l d s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shield// [Category] == "Shield" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([Computed Energy Shield] >= "300" || [Computed Evasion] >= "800" || [Computed Armor] >= "900") && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // B e l t s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// //tri res hp [Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_maximum_life] >= "60" || [base_maximum_energy_shield] >= "38") && [TotalResistances] >= "90" && [StashItem] == "true" //tri res hp Weapon Elemental Dmg [Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_maximum_life] >= "50" ||[base_maximum_energy_shield] >= "32") && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true" //high tri-res (incl.chaos-res) [Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "30" && [base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "30") || ([base_cold_damage_resistance_%] >= "30" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "30") || ([base_fire_damage_resistance_%] >= "30" && [base_lightning_damage_resistance_%] >= "30") && [base_chaos_damage_resistance_%] >= "21" && [StashItem] == "true" //HP ARMOR Weapon Elemental Dmg [Category] == "Belt" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [physical_damage_reduction_rating] >= "350" && [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "25" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // R i n g s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// //tri res hp// [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [TotalResistances] >= "100" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" //tri res hp attack speed// [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([attack_speed_+%] >= "5" || [cast_speed_+%] >= "5") && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" //tri res hp [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([mana_leech_from_physical_damage_permyriad] >= "2" || [life_leech_from_physical_damage_permyriad] >= "2") && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true" //tri res hp WED [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "25" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" //Dual Leech + HP [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [life_leech_from_physical_damage_permyriad] == "2" && [mana_leech_from_physical_damage_permyriad] == "2" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true" // WED + Attack Speed / Cast Speed [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([attack_speed_+%] >= "5" || [cast_speed_+%] >= "5") && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" // Tri Ele Dmg [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_maximum_added_cold_damage] >= "24" && [local_maximum_added_fire_damage] >= "27" && [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "40" && [StashItem] == "true" //crit res hp [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "50" && [base_maximum_life] >= "40" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [TotalResistances] >= "40" && [StashItem] == "true" //tri res hp [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [TotalResistances] >= "40" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [StashItem] == "true" //tri res hp iir Rings [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [TotalResistances] >= "60" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "20" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [base_maximum_life] >= "60" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_item_found_quantity_+%] >= "10" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "35" && [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [base_item_found_quantity_+%] >= "10" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "45" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // A m u l e t s // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// //crit hp [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_maximum_life] >= "55" || [base_maximum_energy_shield] >= "38" || [maximum_energy_shield_+%] >= "14") && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "30" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_maximum_life] >= "50" || [base_maximum_energy_shield] >= "38" || [maximum_energy_shield_+%] >= "14") && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" //Caster Crit cast and spelldamage [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [base_cast_speed_+%] >= "8" && [spell_damage_+%] >= "15" && [StashItem] == "true" //IIR Amulets [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "45" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_item_found_quantity_+%] >= "15" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "40" && [StashItem] == "true" // [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [base_item_found_quantity_+%] >= "15" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [StashItem] == "true" ////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Q u i v e r // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////// // life + critchance + multi [Category] == "Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "80" && [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "30" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true" // life + ias/accuracy/flat/wed/critchance/multi + ias/accuracy/flat/wed/critchance/multi [Category] == "Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([attack_speed_+%] >= "9" || [accuracy_rating] >= "300" || [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "9" || [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "30" || [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "30" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && ([attack_speed_+%] >= "9" || [accuracy_rating] >= "300" || [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "9" || [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "30" || [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "30" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && [base_maximum_life] >= "90" && [StashItem] == "true" // life + ias/accuracy/flat/wed/critchance/multi + ias/accuracy/flat/wed/critchance/multi + ias/accuracy/flat/wed/critchance/multi //[Category] == "Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([attack_speed_+%] >= "9" || [accuracy_rating] >= "300" || [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "9" || [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "30" || [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "30" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && ([attack_speed_+%] >= "9" || [accuracy_rating] >= "300" || [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "9" || [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "30" || [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "30" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && ([attack_speed_+%] >= "9" || [accuracy_rating] >= "300" || [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "9" || [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "30" || [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "30" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && [base_maximum_life] >= "90" && [StashItem] == "true" // Poison/Explosive Arrow Builds// [Category] == "Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "90" && [TotalResistances] >= "105" && [StashItem] == "true" [Category] == "Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_maximum_life] >= "90" && [TotalResistances] >= "85" && [attack_speed_+%] >= "9" && [StashItem] == "true" // Phys dmg + life + crit + single res [Type] == "Heavy Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "50" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "9" && [base_maximum_life] >= "90" && [TotalResistances] >= "40" && [StashItem] == "true" // Phys dmg + life + ias/accuracy + crit + single res [Type] == "Heavy Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([attack_speed_+%] >= "11" || [accuracy_rating] >= "201") && ([base_critical_strike_multiplier_+] >= "50" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && [TotalResistances] >= "40" && [attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "9" && [base_maximum_life] >= "90" && [StashItem] == "true" //Elemental// // Dex + Elemental Damage + crit or life [Type] == "Light Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([base_maximum_life] >= "70" || [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30") && [additional_dexterity] >= "32" && [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" // Elemental Damage + Dex + accuracy or life [Type] == "Conductive Quiver" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([accuracy_rating] >= "200" || [additional_dexterity] >= "30" || [base_maximum_life] >= "70") && [weapon_elemental_damage_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true" //--essencess [Type] == "Whispering Essence of Hatred" # [StashItem] == "true"
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