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Beta Tester
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About nicklaspp1234

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  1. Hello! I made the bot run SSF on my Toxic Rain/Caustic Arrow Character, I let it run over night but it just gets stuck in hideout constantly, does a map or two once i start it, but after that does nothing, attached is my log from last night lol (span of 12 hours) - This was done over a new download of the bot as i haven't botted in a while lol lastrun.log
  2. nicklaspp1234

    bot is broken

    Yo, so the bot needs the offset updated, otherwise it'll do just as now, it'll walk around randomly or stand still and hold mouse in a corner, moreover at every launch it takes a few days before bot works again due to offset needing updates as well as possibly adding new features
  3. getting the error:Running state priority: 28 repeatedly in my lastrun log, it basicly just stands spamming ctrl moving mouse tiny bit up every time
  4. Hello! so i just created a new VMWare instance, i downloaded Path Of Exile and tried to start the bot, when injecting it nothing happens and nothing starts, even if i try to just launch without injecting it still does not launch, what have i done wrong and or how can i fix this stupid issue?
  5. nicklaspp1234

    Bot keeps attacking killed Syndicate members

    so wait for the offsets? EDIT: usually getting a new installation and reconfiguring fixes this if it isnt offsets
  6. nicklaspp1234

    Bot keeps attacking killed Syndicate members

    What is your issue? how does it not work?
  7. so after a long break i came back to botting and using it to farm out exp after getting rushed, now an issue has appeared as i started botting, when the bot finds the syndicate it attacks them and kills them but after killing the syndicate it just keeps attacking them What can i do to make it ignore the syndicate possibly?
  8. nicklaspp1234

    hey there

    Are u saying bots in general are written in c+ or just this bot? If ur talking every bot then u need to look it over again as far as iknow kolbot & etal for d2 runs javascript coding & both coded in java or some shit i believe, i also know (at least in the past) some bots were coded with ahk.
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