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Beta Tester
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About snnpt

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    Bronze IV

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  1. snnpt

    Just got banned :(

    that sucks. I botted in my main account (which also sucks) for years but this ban wave also hit me.
  2. snnpt

    (v0.71h) Bot doesn't kill frozen POE

    Is there any workaround for this? Everytime I went home I found my game crashed.
  3. snnpt

    Best BOT-able build?

    Last time I used afk gone cheap (I simply copy a build and bot with it), but I stopped playing like 1 o 2 months before breach league ends. I must search for a good one for this new league.
  4. My right-click (blade vortex) just says: Min 0 / Max 10. That's all and works perfect. btw. the character is the same (almost) as the one in this guide: (AFK gone cheap) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1757893
  5. snnpt

    Trying to understand Skill Config

    Left button should be left as default because it's the movement skill. (change your left mouse to move only). Earthquake cooldown should be 0, right? Priorities sould be: Right mouse (earthquake): 7 (Lower its max range, 20/25?) Left mouse (move only): 1 Q (ancestral): 8 W? (enduring cry): 9 (I also thing that you should change it's max range. 10/15 maybe?)
  6. Yes, that's what I thought. Well, we need a fix asap.
  7. If I check "always reset instance" and some mob drops valuable item but the bot can't pick it up because there is no more room in my inventory, so it decides to take a portal. I won't come back to pick it up right?
  8. I don't know what happened with the bot but mine is "losing" track of explored map. I'm farming dried lake and after a while the bot decides to take a portal scroll but after it comes back to dried lake he start exploring the already explored area (like going to the entrance of the map and start following the walls).
  9. snnpt

    Vendor Chaos Orb Mechanism

    I don't think "perfectly" is the exact word. In my case, the lines to specify the amount of recipe items to keep isn't working and sometimes after selling set of items (for 2 chaos) the bot get all the remaining recipe items and sell them unidentified.
  10. snnpt

    How to get bot to do only maps?

    Does your bot also ugprade map tiers? I can't get mine to upgrade maps.
  11. snnpt

    63 rc essences monolith issues

    Hey guys, sometimes my character tries to click the monolith but doesn't really click it, it's like the cursor is moving over the monolith. I can't really explain it lol, but does it happen to any of you too?
  12. snnpt

    Summoner skill setup

    Hey did you find a way to effectively bot as a SRS/Zombie?
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