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About fischersfritze

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    Bronze IV

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  1. fischersfritze

    [TECH] anyone having linux host for his vm ?

    hey, and thanks for reply, i have it running a really long time with vmiommu passthrough of the gpu, so linux has no own gpu anymore, but my vm has its very private gpu (only 1 vm at a time active ofc)
  2. fischersfritze

    Picking up trash when the screen is full of loot

    no use a lootfilter, neversink standard. i maybe read that phalanxrs version of the bot (look in discord for his laboratory) can press z twice so the loot descriptors are rearranged, that might help but i could be totally wrong there and didnt try
  3. fischersfritze

    hmm, can we config wormblaster build here? need help

    thats what the doedre flask is for ? i have a script which saves me from pressing flasks. i really would love some ahk guy to just add another feature : report the mouse button i keep clicked down as "released and up" to the game after a while i dont know enough about EB and AHK together, but basically you can tell him to keep it clicked for combat right ? thats like the only weakness i see in my script, they could possibly see that i hold onto the button. but thats only the case if the client transmits the button - after all there is no skill associated with my right mouse button, and i am not in my stash backpack whatever, but that is just a hope
  4. fischersfritze

    Chisel upgrade loop

    would be interested to know if "hte count the days" is true ? i would guess, and hope, its not the case you didnt run in circles in town did you ?
  5. fischersfritze

    enters corrupted zone and, escapes to login ...

    opens a map , enters, and quits to go voll farming (i presume) Neues Textdokument.txt
  6. fischersfritze

    enters corrupted zone and, escapes to login ...

    enters map, leaves, enters again, leaves, why ? Neues Textdokument.txt
  7. fischersfritze

    enters corrupted zone and, escapes to login ...

    stands in town, doing nothing (please break the Loop??) Neues Textdokument.txt
  8. Hello, a bit weird, isnt it ? Bot Version: 0.62rc Poe Version: Vanilla Hideout on: Yes Zana in HO: Yes Map Enabled: Yes Selected Zone: voll, Merciless Smart Pickit: Yes Neues Textdokument.txt
  9. fischersfritze

    [TECH] anyone having linux host for his vm ?

    yes, but my server has a raid5 with 12tb and crypted, wouldnt want this on windows lol, ok maybe someone else has it going i guess its not widely needed....
  10. fischersfritze

    [TECH] anyone having linux host for his vm ?

    Hello, i have installed ubuntu 16.04 onto my "home server" and vmware player. Server has a Xeon CPU with integrated intel GPU (4600) i enabled d3d support in vm with some vmplayer preferences , i found others having the same problem: anything freezes after some seconds, even the kernel. Did this: no help http://costatechnet.blogspot.de/2015/10/vmware-vmx-eating-cpu-100-and-freezes.html would it work with a ati gpu ?? anyone got experiences in headless botting with linux ? maybe vbox does the trick or whatever ? thanks
  11. fischersfritze

    Thinking about buying but concerned about safty

    make your vm nat or bridge network another network as the vpn link (when its up) create an outgoing firewall rule in control panel administrative tools, advanced firewall. prohibit the program poe.exe (or what its called) to use the nat or bridge network but only the vpn one
  12. fischersfritze

    chicken lists !

    Hi ! i thought, maybe someone wants to share his chicken list with us ? I have an Melee char, but who cares, any List and hints what build they are for would be cool! thanks
  13. fischersfritze

    graphics fuckup vmware workstation 9 sometimes

    Hello, vmware 9 and 12 had this, i disabled "pagefile" in vmware, gave the vm more gpu-ram whatsoever, no chance,. seems to me : win7 64 bit was the problem (and the 64bit svga driver) making vmware fullscreen helpded some minutes, making it windowed, again, any time the driver reinitialized it helped but for short time only soo, win7 32 bit is the solutiion
  14. fischersfritze

    VPN - Tipps welcher ist gut

    ich hab mir einen vps bei ovh bestellt, 3.5 im monat, und dort openvpn-as draufgemacht, einfacher gehts nicht. Hab nur das Gefühl es laggt manchmal, keine Ahnung was für Traffic Säue da das Subnetz vollmachen
  15. fischersfritze

    Cant buy.

    worked 3-4 days ago ? maybe you login to PP and see the transaction then ?
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