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About DirtyChets

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    Bronze V

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  1. sometimes bot clears tower flawless and sometimes it doesn't adjusting map exploration doesn't seem to fix anything and it usually happens when taking to the next floor kind of wondering if there was a fix posted or all I can do is just to deal with it it skips from 1 to 2 floors of monsters and it's kinda 20-40% of the map depending on rng
  2. DirtyChets

    Quick Question !

    it does, but there are far bigger problems. if steam compatibility is a big factor for you, then you shouldn't be running a bot, at least in the current situation.
  3. На овнедкоре продавал человек точно, а сейчас - не знаю.
  4. DirtyChets

    game wont support dx9 in 3.60 what happens then

    depends on how much work it'd requiere from Alk to actually update the bot for dx11 I think sooner or later we'll get an official response from Alk, until then there's nothing much we could do honestly, but to speculate shit like pon4ik does for his whole lifetime
  5. DirtyChets


    я бы конечно поюзал, пока бесплатно, т.к. мало окон бегаю
  6. DirtyChets

    Bot Still Active

    It is. But keep in mind that it's "detected" and people are reporting bans.
  7. DirtyChets

    Does it djent?

    Did a few more tests. It appears that steam version doesn't work with the latest releases of exiled bot. Standalone mode works just fine.
  8. DirtyChets

    Does it djent?

    Just tested the bot on both Steam and Standalone clients, though nothing has changed. It seems that the offsets are out of date or something like that.
  9. DirtyChets

    Does it djent?

    Hi again, d00ds. Just wanted to ask is there anyone who's still using the bot? Because it seems that last client update GGG pulled off has broken the bot, at least for me. Bot's just clicking in the upper right corner upon starting it. And here's the link to the latest client update: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2188796
  10. DirtyChets

    Any news??????

    Been botting for 100+ hours without any pauses and still no ban so far. Dunno where this "bans every few seconds"-thing came from. From what I experienced there was never a banwave more frequent than every 72 hours and this is too far from "everyday" in my opinion.
  11. DirtyChets

    A few questions before buying

    Thanks for your replies! Going to try the bot out as soon as I get home. But here's one question I almost forgot to ask: is the bot capable of doing chaos recipe?
  12. DirtyChets

    A few questions before buying

    Thanks for clearing things up, though, if you don't mind, could you please answer my specific questions stated in the first post?
  13. DirtyChets

    A few questions before buying

    I know about that massive ban wave (basically I've taken a participance in it if I could say so). And I noticed that activity has dropped to nearly zero - you can tell it by alk's latest activity.
  14. DirtyChets

    A few questions before buying

    What exactly do you mean by it? It doesn't even go through authentication or smth similar? Could please go in to details :^
  15. DirtyChets

    A few questions before buying

    Hi there, d00ds and other botting fellas. Just wanted to ask ya a few questions before I buy a license. First of all, I thought I would ask these questions on slack server, but it seems the sticked invite link is expired, so I couldn't get my access to it. Would appreciate if someone shared me the new working link if slack server still does exist. Secondly, I'm curious if the bot can handle questing through acts. From what I've seen, it currently allows only to progress through to act 2, but that info may be outdated, so correct me if I'm wrong (expect it possibly to not progress through acts at all). And last (but not least), is that widely reported slowmo thing fixed now? PS. I don't really care much about bans as long as banwaves are not scheduled to every 10 hours which seems not to be the case for now.
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