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Beta Tester
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About veejaysales

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    Bronze IV

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  1. veejaysales

    molten shell skill

  2. veejaysales

    molten shell skill

    It is not an aura, turn off the aura part. Priority 6 is fine, 10 seconds CD is fine.
  3. veejaysales

    Bot bug on trials of ascendancy in maps- Needs fix!

    I agree! bot needs to not enter trial!
  4. veejaysales

    v0.61c Vanilla Currency Stashing

    Under "Pickit Tab" - Stashing - Currencies "#" is where you would put the number of your currency tab position. Lets assume the position of your currency tab is 1, then the "#" would be "1".
  5. I would agree, bearer detection would be wonderful. Maybe a "Bearer Chicken" would be cool, or a "use skill incase of bearer" or "Run from bearer"
  6. veejaysales

    good day

    Sup bro. What questions do you have?
  7. veejaysales


    Hello and welcome! The bot is wonderful, and is very capable. Highly recommend getting it asap so you can view the guides available. Currently there is no free version available.
  8. veejaysales

    Programming for Exiled Bot

    Exact same thing on every bot I have done any work for. It works - just not as intended. But it is possible
  9. First off let me start with the bots I have worked on: KBot (Runescape) RSBot (Runescape) Both were in Java, and parsed the client. And I did extensive upgrades and scripting for. I have attended college for object oriented programming for C++, and would like to continue my education further. With that being said, how can I held Exiled Bot? First my priority would be bot progression, The main reason I looked for bots was the absolute terrible grind to maps. I am confident I will be able to contribute. If you would like to contact me personally I would be glad to skype/phone call. John
  10. veejaysales

    Hi Guys!

    Thank you for your response. It has trouble progressing A1 currently. Hope the DEV's work it out. Ended up not using a VPN since I will only be using one bot account.
  11. veejaysales

    Hi Guys!

    Hi all, I have botted in several games (mainly Runescape) but I havn't botted in years. I worked on alot of bots, and supported alot of scripts for bots. I see this forums aren't that active but it could be because I am not an Elite member yet. I just stumbled across this bot as I was trolling google for POE Bots and this seems to be the best, most inexpensive, most supported bot. Is this correct? I also see that the "free" bot is only up to level 45, which is great as I firmly believe developers should be compensated for their work! I will be setting up a VM and VPN tonight, then setting the bot up and testing it on a dummy account. I have gone through some guides and plan to test it out before paying for Elite. Is anyone using a Free VPN? I remember a few years ago that most free VPN's are pretty stingy on their bandwidth/speeds does this hinder botting on POE? I understand there is a risk that using a free VPN puts my account in a pool with potential other bots. I will probably be doing the Flame Totem build on my bot, one question I do have is... Does the bot progress for you through acts (I don't think it does)? Is it capable of selecting skill points if you load a skill tree? Edit: Despite the name, I will probably be refraining from RMT'ing the loot but I have made some purchases in the past and botting is probably a better investment. I will probably only be botting 8-14hrs/day on weekdays 8hrs/weekends with a daily break here and there. Question for those who respond: What is your botting schedule like and how many of your accounts have been banned? I understand the risk of a ban, and its a risk I am willing to take.
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