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Beta Tester
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About d2wep

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  1. d2wep

    slack/discord expired?

    Is there any discord/irc/slack server etc still around? It was a nice play to chill. I have been afk for a few months. The slack server link in general forum has expired. ty
  2. d2wep

    [Request] Tips how to transfer items?

    Haha you're quick on the help button RaZe. Thanks again appreciate it! I took it all into account, vmware, payed vpn and everything is setup to be as safe as possible. I have not started to look into diversity and time settings etc on the bot yet, it has just been doing a few dried lakes for now, and great at that! Its working smoothly and im very happy with the bot so far, its really great work tbh! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to actually transfering items, im quite not sure tho. In diablo 2, and also other games I have played / botted in the bast they did not actually ban accounts that didnt break the EULA agreement. Trading is not breaking it, regardless of who you trade with, regardless of how obvious it is! How do they operate in poe? I am actually rather new to the poe scene, but I guess thats obvious since im new here to Best regards.
  3. Hello exiled bot forum. I have just finished setting up and running my first instance of exiled-bot. Further so, I want to do everything I can to keep my main account safe. Do you guys have any tips, or experience with - how to keep your main account safe. Do you guys just join a public party and drop everything somewhere then loot it? I did read, and take eerything here into account: topic/guide: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1673-simple-tips-to-avoid-getting-your-anus-banned/ What is your tips for transfering currency and items, from your alternative accounts to your main? Thank you.
  4. Yeah, it all worked out now. Up and running was working well all night without complications. Thank you very much for your assistance. o/
  5. Hi new user here. I have just installed windows 7 exiled 0.61b, net framework 4.5.2 visual c++, when starting the exiled-bot.exe it replicates the exe file into a new one with a random name , but i dont get the program up, I dont see the gui. I have tried running it both in the open mode, and hidden mode. Any suggestions? Thank you.
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