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Beta Tester
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About Kanashimi

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  1. Kanashimi

    bot 75d slow attack

    And my bot account got banned lol. Lasted for a day while it was running fine, RIP Autopenomat
  2. Kanashimi

    bot 75d slow attack

    Alright, runs so much better now. Thank you for the Update mate!
  3. Kanashimi

    bot 75d slow attack

    Good shit Alk, just what I needed to know, thanks mate.
  4. Kanashimi

    bot 75d slow attack

    Same problem for me. It appears as if the bot does not have propper pathing in it's current state. It also works a lot slower when acting in town or hideout, like high stashing delay and high vendoring delay. I tried to fix that in the config file, but my changes seem not to have any impact at all. When it is fighting it is all good most of the time, but the looting is also slow. When doing an incursion it runs out of time after killing first few enemeys because the pathing is so screwed up. Please let me know when this is going to be fixed, thanks a lot !
  5. It would be nice if you could support the new Skill where you can have 2 Golems at a time. Should not be that hard to do, just let the bot know if you have a single or two golems.
  6. Kanashimi

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    can someone tell me how to make it use vaal haste?
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