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Beta Tester
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  1. ballball

    8/3改版後英文化了 外掛就不跑了

    如果只更換Data/下,英文化會不全面。 stat_descriptions.txt 是將物品詞綴英文化。用於pickit monster_stat_descriptions.txt 是將怪物詞綴英文化。用於判斷先殺的怪物 可是今天更新後,這2個檔沒找到。Data\ 還是沒變的
  2. ballball

    8/3改版後英文化了 外掛就不跑了

    怎樣英文化? 我找不到stat_description.txt
  3. when the character entered dried lake, the mouse was on the "New instance" position and causing the bot failed to cast aura. (i.e. the mouse will on wall after entering dried lake). Then I need manually move the mouse so that the bot will be able to cast aura. So I request the bot add a feature that the mouse will move to the character before casting aura, so that the mouse will not on wall/ out of screen, etc.
  4. ballball


    可以的,在pickit目錄下的 <你的設定檔>.ipd 裹設定就好
  5. I would like to open breakables by a skill. As sometimes the bot will stuck when open breakable chests. If the bot can open breakable by skill then save a bit of time. Hope can add a skill setup in Combat.
  6. ballball

    Hi I am new

    Hi I am new here. Bought lifetime and try. Nice to meet u all~!
  7. ballball


    目前v0.60c可用。 避免被鎖可參考板上這項資訊。 (英文) https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1673-simple-tips-to-avoid-getting-your-anus-banned/
  8. ballball

    自動重登 崩潰問題

    修改你的pickit 設定。 打開Configuration/<<你的設定檔名稱>>/Pickit/<<Pickit設定檔名稱>>.ipd 將 //[Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true" // Keep all unique, comment this line if you want the bot to sell unique not defined in this file [Rarity] == "Unique" # [SellItem] == "true" // Sell all unique that aren't defined in the pickit (be careful with recently added uniques) 改成 [Rarity] == "Unique" # [StashItem] == "true" // Keep all unique, comment this line if you want the bot to sell unique not defined in this file //[Rarity] == "Unique" # [SellItem] == "true" // Sell all unique that aren't defined in the pickit (be careful with recently added uniques)
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