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Beta Tester
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About Revoken

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    Bronze V

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  1. When picking up items the bot always clicks slightly below the item; then the it clicks incrementally upwards until the item is picked up. Sometimes it misses the item and times out trying to pick it up.
  2. The bot tried to do this several time but got stuck on "gem is socketed" warning. I guess it finally succeeded. rip 30ex worth of 21/20 gems & 15ex weapon. fix this pls.
  3. The bot doesn't seem to support running 2 blasphemy auras with +1 curse.
  4. Revoken

    Bot stopped alching maps

    So I setup the new version with the correct tab, put alchs in the tabs, made sure that I have UpgradeToRare uncommented. No matter how many times I restart the bot it doesn't alch any of the maps?
  5. Revoken

    Bot loots horribly

    Bot is looting small amount of drops correctly. However whenever there is a breach or a red beast: * The bot misses most of the clicks. * picks up a bunch of white and blue items. * once the inventory is full the bot just exit the map and start a new one(I have observed it abandoning a couple of chaos drops now). I have "press Alt to loot" enabled. I have tried enabling & disabling loot filters, the problem persists.
  6. My bot can log in and select character properly, but once it is in the game it just kept clicking one spot every 5 second. I have the game at 800x600 resolution. I am using the latest verson 0.61d. Bot had been working properly until June 28th.
  7. the cursor get stuck on the center of a empty stash tab.
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