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  1. tradebot

    Is there a Trade version of this bot?

    I wouldn't mind donating a few ex onto a 2nd account to give it a shot. Would pay for itself inside of a week. I make about 3-6ex an hour flipping currency. I wouldn't expect a bot to do it that well though, there are times I have to juggle 6man parties and use my people skills to keep people waiting patiently in a queue and that kind of stuff would almost be impossible to code, but I'm sure a crude trading bot could easily make an exalt an hour. If I write my own with help from a jr. coder I would first have it simply flip ex:chaos and chaos:ex as a proof of concept. That alone is nearly an exalt an hour in itself during peak hours. Mainly I just would like to have this so that I can take a damned break, I've been flipping currency since damned near the beginning of Ascendancy and would like to get to playing the actual game. I think it would be pretty easy to fake non english speaker and just have it more or less ignore anything that isn't a direct copy paste from poe.trade or "i have X and I want Y"
  2. tradebot

    Is there a Trade version of this bot?

    Isn't automating actions exactly what the bot already does? I would think it would be easier to automate trading and hide it safely than actually playing the game. Just have a random amount of seconds for everything and randomize the pixels you click to move items around and you're golden. If you guys aren't interested in it I might try and find a jr. coder off reddit to write me one for a couple hundred or so.
  3. I do a lot of currency flipping and it seems like it would be pretty easy to automate. Can Exiled Bot do anything related to trading?
  4. tradebot

    How do I use the shoutbox?

    There is no form to input text for me.
  5. tradebot

    heart icon in shoutbox

    How do i even talk on shoutbox? I don't see a form to put text.
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