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About simontupper

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    Bronze V

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  1. My bot ignores many T8 to T14 maps I didn't touch the map config file beyond upgrade maps to magic and changing the range from max T10 to max T14
  2. simontupper

    Suggestion for the devs

    Many changes were made and I think making the bot work for progression and act 1 maps would take a while, focus primarily on making the bot work in the hideout. We're not going to die if we have to manually level up our characters for now.
  3. simontupper

    Bug after update 05/12/19

    I think the team working on this bot is very very small, they probably don't have time to fix this as fast as we'd like. We'll just have to wait and play manually for a little while.
  4. simontupper

    Bug after update 05/12/19

    Let's hope the bot will be undated soon, but with the new league in just a few days the devs might not be in too much of a rush to fix this.
  5. simontupper

    Bot suddenly stopped working

    Eveything was fine until yesterday when the bot simply stopped doing anything other than clicking in the right corner of the page. I started the bot while I was in the hideout, but the log says this :
  6. simontupper

    Random logout, causes?

    Bot occasionally logout, but there is nothing that seems to trigger it. The log say it chickened, but it generally happens even when there's nothing around it. Any idea why?
  7. simontupper

    3 bots banned simultaneously

    Also, bots can behave weirdly from time to time if you don't set them well, so always check the box that says "Enable hideout". It's not bulletproof, but it's another way to make it harder for ggg to get you, because people can't see your character moving around. You never know, someone might just be in town and looking at the screen while eating a sandwich and they could notice that you are doing the same exact things over and over. Plus, the bot can get stuck in a loop and behave even more strangely.
  8. simontupper

    3 bots banned simultaneously

    Maybe you didn't always run the bots in the same vm machine as you did the day before, therefore ggg thought it was odd that these accounts were accessed from different computers. I've botted since the early days of bots on D2 and I always got caught once I up'd my game and started running several bots at the same time with different IP and in vm I never got caught while running only one account at a time without using a vm or vpn It's simple really... you can go on a 12 hours streak of botting, but no one can play for more than 72 hours straight without taking breaks so turn off the bot for 7-8 hours every 12-16 hours top. Do you have friends in-game who don't play as much as you do and may find it odd that you are always online and on DND mode? I've been botting on PoE since 2016 and I never got caught. I even use it while lvling a char and I don't worry about getting caught. Just make it look like it could be you who's playing the game.
  9. simontupper

    bot working?

    would you mind explaining how you did that? I can't get it to work
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