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About konosek

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  1. konosek

    BOT on VMware

    Great to hear men, i had headache after fighting with vmware for few days XD Have fun with botting
  2. konosek

    BOT on VMware

    Well im using GTX 1080ti , but i also tested it on my old Radeon 7770HD with 2GB - I setup 1GB in VMware graphic memory. - I didn't do any windows 7 updates at all. - I set resolution to 1024x768 - you can join slack server with link on main website exiled bot or just use this link https://join.slack.com/t/exiled-bot-group/shared_invite/enQtNDE4NDQ5NDI2ODM1LWRjYWI2ZTI3NTgzMTYzODZlNTM0M2QyMjEyMDczMzgxMjY4NWU2YzkyMjk2ZWY3ODlmNTRlYTgyYWMxNTk0OGU - idk if the regular direct 9 file from windows will work ,just for you i will reinstall my direct 9 again and put original d3d9.dll from system32 to poe folder with 9ex enabled in settings That's the result: and now i put d3d9.dll from our slack group and try open POE again: you just need 1GB or 2GB graphic card, error with "rtt backing texture" is from wrong d3d9.dll file (blame GGG for that) If you have more question i will try to answer them
  3. konosek

    BOT on VMware

    i have solution for you guys. I was fighting with it for few days now. - Install VM v.15 with windows 7 (must be x64) (im using Windows 7 SP1 X-lite x64 [USB 3.0SATA] [UEFI] v1 (by yahooIII) [ENG] (June 2016) ) -Set windows to best performance and instal VMware tools. - i recommend to set 2 cores and 4GB-5GB ram for virtual machine (lower setup for ram sometimes crash poe for me idk why, you can try lower it to 3GB or 2GB for testing maybe it will work for you) - Install direct for POE folder "_CommonRedist" and after insert direct 9 version from exiled slack in POE folder >>> https://exiled-bot-group.slack.com/archives/CB033EKMF/p1545991202443700?thread_ts=1545411747.066400&cid=CB033EKMF -use the low settings as you can and set direct to 9ex: -and it should work
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