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Beta Tester
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About SweetSakura

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  1. SweetSakura

    priorety on shrines

    was gone for some days i have this activated still didnt help ^^ noticed today again was nxt to shrine killing most of the mobs before he took the shrine
  2. SweetSakura

    priorety on shrines

    Hi, i saw many times already that the bot gets stuck on shrines. for example 2 days ago my HC char died cuz of the shrines. The bot was smashing mobs nxt to a U cant get Dmg shrine but didnt took it just continued smashing at the mobs. usually the bot should chicken out but than the bot went fully retard and didnt even chickened out, pressed ESC but not on logout while i was loseing slowly hp. I could see it cuz i happened to check my screen right at this moment. So a option to prioretice th shrines would be good cuz there is not only the u cant get dmg shrine also the u cannot die shrine and i saw many times that the bot just keeps hitting and hitting until u do something yourselfe against it.
  3. SweetSakura

    0.6 bot crashes

    Hey iam rly getting annoyed with this crashes. Iam running 2 clients and in the last 60 mins the bot crashed like 20 times (both clients together) i mean i cant be always here to restart the bot clients everytime they crash Edit: Since i cant upload files here and to copy paste it its to long i uploaded the files here http://www.filedropper.com/desktop_32 it doesnt matter if i inject into a process or just start it normaly this is always my problem. it was working now for some time but just crashed again. also when i had the bot running and stoped it to change the farm area and than i click on start again everytime i had this crash. bots running on vm
  4. about the auto questing it isnt rly working well when i lvled with bot i needed tio change alot of zones by myselfe and so. lits not like the other bot where u just tell him do main quests or sub quests and u can go afk
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