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Beta Tester
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About gunattackuk

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  1. the Blade Vortex [scion] - Confirmed (Dynastyo) https://www.pathofex...-thread/1491163 is the build im already using and i want to know if someone can explain to me how to set it for steam. all i get to it do is click log in... and nothing else... at all... and if you start it from in game it just move the mouse to where the login button is and once every 10 or so seconds it click that spot. over and over and over
  2. gunattackuk

    How to setup the Exiled Bot - 2018 Edition

    i cant get the bot to work at all... like all it do is walk like 4 degress to the right from staight down... nothing else... wont do anything at all i even made a braindead life on hit blade vortex char for it all its got to do is walk to a mob and press right click and pick up loot. nothing else but it just doesnt want to work and iv spent like 2 hours messing with it
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