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About xx55665566

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  1. xx55665566

    I can't download EB :( HELP

    lol , can not agree with you more though that "chinese cracker" hehe I'm a chinese but not a cracker,ok I bought lifetime key with 1350NT dollars 1350NT dollars are equal to 41US dollars...:< to sad 'cause I used a causual email to register my account so I fucking stuck in this trouble
  2. xx55665566

    I can't download EB :( HELP

    I see... i have sent message to a lot of EB support group amd Alkpone... but no one responeses me so i'm very worry...
  3. xx55665566

    I can't download EB :( HELP

    because I forget my elite account... I forget my password and e-mail but i still remember my code and i can't get into → https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/forum/1-exiled-bot-teams-releases/ can someone help me i need the program of EB
  4. 如題,我是買二手的 只有帳號跟序號而已,他並沒有給我論壇帳號密碼... 我現在沒有已購買的論壇帳號密碼 我該怎麼辦QQ 難道每次都要拜託人家幫我下載嗎 還是有辦法幫開通一個新的帳號
  5. xx55665566


    我自己是選擇使用X7鍵盤滑鼠 也就是類似按鍵精靈的腳本程式 自己定時90分鐘後ALT+F4關閉poe 在設定好座標 滑鼠點擊poe開啟 這樣一整晚掛下來還蠻穩定的 ((除非才剛掛三分鐘就又卡XDD那就我也無法 我也會這樣)
  6. xx55665566

    想加入LINE群嗎? 來留一下ID吧!!

    id:nighty1225 ><已經十幾天都卡在同樣的問題了...不管是論壇還是去英文版都沒人要理我...
  7. 請問大大是用0.57d版嗎...我的存倉存到一半 就會開始在點開倉庫.然後來回走動 已經10幾天都沒辦法掛了 想哭 --------------------- 不管是0.57b 0.57c 0.57d 完全都一樣都是倉庫空點 就算重新安裝後在實施英文化也沒有用
  8. 我也是...不過有時候可以順利掛 有時候就會發生這種情況QQ也希望有人可以幫解
  9. xx55665566

    Failed to start game client

    (Sorry, im Taiwamese and my english is bad... ) I'm playing in GaneraTW mode , and sometime POE will appear this error ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Failed to start the game client,please specidy the Pathofexile.exe location in client tab. | | | | ok | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Is that "client" means "client" area in EB? But i didnt move(?)...type(?)..or use(?)...touch that part anymore! Can somebody help me Q.Q or give me some suggests(in child english XD im afraid of i can't read. ) BTY,GaneraTW isnt the same like steam..or the other mode . It needs to open a client(?) called GGC to start POE.
  10. 如題,小弟已經看了置頂的教學文 但是裡面都是關於把特殊詞綴存倉的部分、並沒有"不"拾取哪些特定的東西... 小弟超不想撿雙手斧、單手斧、盾牌跟單手錘啊 這些超級佔位還會影響跑圖流暢度 有誰可以告訴小弟"不拾取"的語法該怎麼寫嗎 不知道該從何下手
  11. xx55665566


    那個 這次改版2.1.2b 我下載0.58版的後 照著上面所講的英文化了 可是還是一直往下走ˊˋ怎麼辦
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