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Beta Tester
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About Imnoob

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    Bronze I

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  1. Imnoob

    List of working maps?

    Hey all. Wondering if there's a list out there that shows the maps the bot excels at and maps that should be skipped. There used to be one... A google doc. I can't find it, anyone help me out?
  2. Hey just letting you guys know that the default pickit has it set to sell xoph's heart. Found out by seeing it in the NPC trade window. Glad i caught it. Saved me 10ex
  3. Imnoob

    Keep objects 3 linked in the stash

    Possibly, or it has something to do with the chrome recipe maybe?
  4. Imnoob

    How to set to retrieve only these items?

    Just delete stuff in the pickit you don't want
  5. Imnoob

    Leather belt (Normal)

    go to pickit chancing section uncomment leather belts
  6. Imnoob


    So bot doesn't ID jewels? Just remove the jewel section from Pickit
  7. Imnoob

    Bot Mapping Issues

    Sounds like the combat settings you have are incorrect. I would read up on some combat settings guide, that would be fastest. You can also send pics of your setup on here and ill try to help, might take longer tho cause i don't always check the forums.
  8. Imnoob

    Banned after 2 weeks use

    Hmm, what did you do with all the currencies? Did you trade it to your main? I've seen people get banned that way.
  9. Imnoob

    Banned after 2 weeks use

    Were you running maps or faming zones? Did you have any player interactions, poe.trade, global chat, group play? RMT? Did the bot every get stuck in a weird loop?
  10. Imnoob

    Trying to sell dressed equipment.

    Try moving your Hideout around. I had the same problem and that fixed it for me, more space from map portals to vendor to stash. Also, when the game lags/ FPS drops that can happen as well.
  11. Imnoob

    Ty very much

    Bot has been up and running for over 24 hours. Besides, you do realize these are individuals doing this, not some sort of company right? haha
  12. Right now Burial Chambers isn't in working order. Bot does about half the map then exits during the transition area. I would LOVE to have this fixed, as we all know HH div cards are juicy.Would be very profitable for everyone if bot would finish the whole map. If this is already possible, and i'm just a noob, please let me know so I can change some settings around and get the bot running the whole map. Thanks
  13. Imnoob

    Bot doesn't work...

    Bot needs to be updated after each patch. Give it some time
  14. Imnoob

    Bot loots horribly

    Do you have a loot filter and have it set so only items that fall in the guidelines of the loot filter are highlighted when the bot tries to pick up items?
  15. Deleted scrolls from pickit Set it to ignore wisdom/portal I have it set to keep 40 in my inventory ( in the hopes that it will keep it at 40 by pulling from my stash ) After doing that, bot still picks up wisdom/portal scrolls from the drops in the map to maintain 40 in my inventory, instead of pulling from stash.
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