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About ladulala

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  1. ladulala


    请问有没有朋友在用EB挂China(Tencent)版本? 因为tencent版本不能直接从pathofexile登陆游戏,非常想知道具体怎么设置. 另外就是EB说一定要是英文版才可以. 请问 如何把POE改成英文版[台服][國服]通用 By ciloonet, 这个帖子的内容是否还可以用? 希望大家可以帮帮我,非常感谢
  2. ladulala

    How to bot the tencent version?

    Hi all, I am wondering if anyone can bot the China(tencent) version. since the China version is not allowing player to login by using the pathofexile.exe but login the GameLauncher first. I searched the entire forum and can't find a guide for this, even in the Chinese forum. any hint would be helpful. Thank you in advance.
  3. I have checked my email and my message box for many many times. There is no key. So you guys just took my 30$ for lifetime? good job.
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