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About Previent

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    EB Support

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  1. Previent

    Bot in second Desktop

    You can use a VM but otherwise you can't.
  2. Previent


    It's working fine now
  3. Previent


    I did yes
  4. Previent


    Thats not entirely true, some hot fixes do nothing to the bot.
  5. Previent


    Todays quick hotfix seem to have broken the bot. Just a heads up.
  6. Previent

    Minimize Bans

    Hey All, So I've seen a lot of questions about bans, how to avoid them, and detection. Please read the following and maybe this can better help you understand the risks you will take when botting and the repercussions. Botting: Botting has been every game developers nightmare, as they can ruin a games fragile economy. They are however; our best friends! Its 2020 now though, Botting isn't like it was back in 2004. Game developers are constantly changing and evolving on how they handle botters, and means to attack it. Currently in Path of Exile, the bot remains undetected through normal 'hacking' detection. Does this mean you will not get banned? Of course not. Any program you download, not directly associated to Path of Exile, that alters the game play can get you banned. Now on a personal note, I have been using this for several years. I have not lost a single account. Thats with 2700+ hours in PoE and at least 1000 botting. With that being said, I also use my main account (which is a big no-no if you value your account). How did I figure it out and never get banned? The big key factors to watch for: Frequency, Timing, and Fail safes. As I've said. This bot is undetected. BUT, example: if the bot 'glitches' you out, and your stuck in town running against a wall, you'll probably be banned when you finally check on it. How to avoid the ban hammer: - Its 2020. A VPN is very necessary. Its not unheard of them to ban all accounts associated to the violating accounts IP. Run VPN, Then the Bot. When done botting, close PoE, close VPN. - Frequency. Change up how much you run the bot. Run it a couple days a week, spacing out a couple 'free' days in-between. - Never bot more than 8 hours. - Never have the bot on perfect timing. (example: logs out 4 minutes into a map, logs in 10 seconds later). This repeated loop is way to accurate for any player to do. - Never IMMIDIATLY transfer all the gear. Always let it sit in your inventory a day or two before moving inventory to main account. - Always watch the bot for 1 successful first run, and 1 re-clear. Chances are, if the bot is going to mess up, its going to happen within the first 2 runs. Make sure it doesn't before walking away. - AVOID TOWNS. /hideout option is best way to handle this. Direct player reports are a good way to get banned. - Avoid logging in / out to many times. If you have the logout option selected, make sure you spend at least 10 minutes in-game before it logs out / in. - Attach the bot to a program (I've found that Teamviewer does extremely well) - Have fail safes. Set it so the bot will log out / crash the game upon any lengthy inactivity. - Bot should always be kept on a removable disk. Keep it off your c:/. - Take frequent breaks from botting. - Check on the bot frequently. Check to make sure its running stable still, inventory has room, ect. You can even use Teamviewer from your phone to computer if your not home. Ive been banned! What do I do? - Change your IP - Change System name - Make a new account I Hope this helps some of you! Again i've avoided detection for many years.
  7. Previent


    I let it go all night, woke up with it. Character was level 7 1/2. He killed Uber hil but I did not see the fight :(. And i believe u can only have 1 per active league?
  8. Previent


    Assuming this is solved? /closed
  9. Do you have progression enabled? It looks as it keeps trying to log your character in. I would suggest closing, and relaunching and run before selecting character
  10. Previent

    Discord Support / Hangout

    Hey Guys, Ive made some YouTube videos in the past for the bot. I am currently making some new ones with lots of 'How-to's'. It will teach you bot setup jpick setup and random bot settings Anyway with that being said, I also have a Discord where we offer 'unofficial' support for Exiled Bot (Until Alky reads my message and we may become official =D). If you need help (as I don't always visit the forums), And cant get an answer on here or Slack, See us on Discord. https://discord.gg/yRp6JQ9 Make sure to go to #role-selection and choose Path of Exile. We also have huge weekly currency gifts given at random to active discord members!
  11. Previent

    Looking at buying.

    It is worked on and patched very frequently. Def worth the buy. I been using for years.
  12. Previent


    Can you explain whats going on with the bot and I may be able to assist. Ive been using latest bot version with no issues in new league
  13. Previent


    Remove the bot, reinstall. If that fixes it, cool. If not, make sure to allow it through windows exceptions firewall. Try enabling DMZ aswell.
  14. Previent

    cant buy

    Not sure if you figured this out yet? But you can also use paypal, and not have an account. Just pay with not logging in. It will just ask for your Visa number
  15. Previent

    Movement Issue as of 0.83d

    Check if 'Press Shift while moving' is selected under 'Main' Tab.
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