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About firefly2318

  • Rank
    Bronze V

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  1. firefly2318

    Poe Service & Currency

    Hi I would like to buy 10 Exalts in standard SC.
  2. firefly2318

    Poe Service & Currency

    Are you still trading?
  3. firefly2318

    Bot dead

    please enlighten me, I have set the bot up for my ranger using specific kiting settings from this forum and they have worked with every other version of this bot. I have attached images of the settings used for my ranger. To satisfy the typical IT comment of have you set it up properly or have you turned it off and on I have also downloaded the default bot 0.72H even with no combat settings or flask settings the bot should at least attempt to go to a portal and start mapping or farming it does nothing apart from what i mentioned in the last post. I have even attached a video to demonstrate. VID_20171029_163900.mp4
  4. firefly2318

    bot working?

    I meant an update on the previous posts
  5. firefly2318

    Bot dead

    Is this bot dead? I am running 0.72H and all the bot does is walk forward a few steps, opens chat, walks forward a few steps, opens chat. Seems pretty broke to me, and before you ask if I have it set up right I have been using this bot since early version 6 so I know how to run it. It seems like update 3.0 has killed exiled bot. Any update from the Devs?
  6. firefly2318

    bot working?

    any update???
  7. firefly2318

    Run only autoflask

    Is it just me or does this feature not work? currently using version 0.72H
  8. firefly2318

    Poe Service & Currency

    are you still selling exalts? if so how much?
  9. n.jen9000 was correct I have just had the exact same issue. Close EB, restart and choose a different process to hide the bot behind. try different ones until the issue is fixed. One tip might be to download the same program you hid it behind on the other computer and use that.
  10. firefly2318

    Bot help keeps teleporting

    same with me
  11. firefly2318

    Poe Service & Currency

    Bought exalts, no problems swift great service.
  12. firefly2318

    Unofficial Bug Thread for: Progression Feature

    Sorry guys, one last question if say I want the bot to proceed to the caverns how do you ask the bot to do that or is it just when the bot gets round to exploring that area.
  13. firefly2318

    Unofficial Bug Thread for: Progression Feature

    It would be more use for the bot to follow objectives rather than just explore. This way if the player really needs to go to the other unexplored places they can do so themselves.
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