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Beta Tester
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About botxd

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    Bronze III

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  1. botxd

    BOT on VMware

    yes the dll didnt worked for me either pls we need someone to find a fix
  2. botxd

    POE doenst start in new VM

    didnt funtion with windows 10 too .... can someone give me a working vm? would be awesome
  3. botxd

    POE doenst start in new VM

    yeah im using windows 7, onna try windows 10 today thanks man
  4. botxd

    POE doenst start in new VM

    useful comment thanks alot
  5. botxd

    POE doenst start in new VM

    doenst worked for me ... still get around 30 error messages
  6. botxd

    POE doenst start in new VM

    Hey guys, used the bot in earlier leagues everytime with a vm without any problems. I got a new pc and wanted to setup a new VM and now when i start POE there are comming around 30 error messages. one error: https://imgur.com/a/UF2RwPs I use VM Ware 15 Someone knows how to fix? Thanks in advance <3
  7. same problem for me i reserve 50% of my mana with generosity
  8. botxd

    Leaguestones arent working

    my bot does not use leaguestones everytime sometimes it works ... sometimes dont
  9. botxd

    Pick only chaos Recipe isnt working

    now its working thrad can be deleted
  10. picking only chaos recipe isnt working for me, does it work for you guys? or is it a known bug? im using the newest version of the bot best regards, botxd
  11. botxd

    Currency Stash Tab

    Hey there! I maybe want to buy a currency stash tab for my bot. Does the bot know how to use them or would it be a pointless investment?
  12. botxd

    I NEED HELP...

    CAPSLOCK NEVER HELPS btw: i have no idea how to fix the problem
  13. botxd

    Bot cloese the whole game

    Hey, when my bot using "Back to login screen", for example when he enters a corrupted area, he goes back to the login screen and close the whole game afterwards. Thats kind of annoying, because restarting the game needs some time @ my pc is that a known problem? and anyone may know how to fix it? Hace a nice day everybody!
  14. botxd

    Pick only Chaos Recipe

    ty worked ! have a nice day
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