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Beta Tester
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About jaggedscars

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    Bronze IV

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  1. jaggedscars

    Does the bot work right now?

    I wouldn't use it until there is an update to the state of the bot thread. As of now there was a massive ban wave and there is no way to know how they are detecting the bot.
  2. jaggedscars

    Essences and currency stash tab!

    Any official word on this?
  3. jaggedscars

    Currency Stash Tab

    Did the "stash shards" fix it? I'm considering buying the stash tab myself.
  4. jaggedscars

    How to Purchase Elite Status + MORE INFO

    How about sending money?
  5. jaggedscars

    [Guide] Skill configuration

    Well thank you very much. The F11 tip just changed my life. Man I was pissed changing settings and seeing no results Oo
  6. jaggedscars

    What is a good build for botting on a new character?

    I spent 2 hours trying to get the damn thing to cast totems reasonably. No go. I too would love to see this in action.
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