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Beta Tester
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About ken13889

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  1. Hi, is it possible to add a counter to limit the number of attempt to cast auras? i don't know how but sometimes happends that the bot changes a skill (for example the q from discipline becomes molten strike (??)) and instead of an aura it tries to cast molten strike, which is obviously impossible, and tries to cast it forever wasting an incredible amount of maps doing nothing. Thanks!
  2. ken13889


    yea it helped. good idea! thanks
  3. ken13889


    Hi, is it possible to put a settable timer in the flasks override? like: timer set to 7sec for flask 1 effect: flask 1 is triggered, bot uses flask 1 and than it has to wait at least 7 sec to use it again maybe with a settable timer for each flask i need this because flasks will increase a lot the defences of my bot and if it keeps spamming flasks it will be out of charge after killing the first pack of mob. Thanks a lot
  4. ken13889

    Pickit Computed Armor/Evasion/ES issues

    hi, is it fixed? i'm still getting this problem with energy shield... for example: [Category] == "Boots" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [Computed Energy Shield] == "48" makes the bot sell this boots: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t1r293h3y073apo/boots.jpg?dl=0 which shouldn't happen bot version: Exiled Bot Beta v0.51e
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